Soul of Flame (Imdalind Series #4)(106)

Wyn pressed gently against my head, right above my left ear, and I couldn’t help grinning. I had felt nothing except the touch of Ilyan’s fingertips and the gentle pressure of his lips against my head.

“You are blessed, My Lady. I cannot think of anyone more perfect than you to take that role.” My insides tightened as she spoke. For some reason, my new title hadn’t bothered me so much with Dramin, but with Wyn, it felt foreign and unwanted.

“Don’t call me that,” I said, the snap coming out of my voice no matter how much I tried to ignore it. I spun to face her, my sudden movement shocking her, and she froze with her eyes wide, her hand still lifted awkwardly in the air.

“My Lady?” She looked at me with those wide eyes before her features softened, her hand dropping to perch indignantly on her hip. It was already obvious that she was going to fight me on this, something I really wasn’t interested in.

I exhaled deeply and walked away from her, following my magic as it pulled me toward Ilyan. My golden light followed me as I moved, the bouncing of it matching my gait almost perfectly.

“You wear the délka vedení královského,” Wyn said as she ran up to me. My heart fell that she was going to push it so soon. “It’s kind of a requirement, Jos.”

“Don’t give me that.” I turned toward her as I walked, my voice a little harder than I had intended it to be. “You barely call Ilyan My Lord; you can break the rule for me.”

I knew I was pleading, begging, and I knew it shouldn’t mean anything, but it did.

I pulled out the full, pouty lip at her as we walked, knowing I needed to break out the big guns. Thankfully, she only laughed, lacing her arm through mine.

“Well, if it’s for you,” she said with a smile just as the bright light of the campfire ahead flickered into view. “I am still happy it’s you, My Lady.”

I glared at her, but she only smiled brightly at me.

“Now that I have shown you my secret, you need to tell me yours.” I kept my voice low, hoping to prompt her into being honest about whatever was going on with her and Thom, and how she was coping with Talon’s death.

Her smile faded for a second as she sucked in breath, her chest heaving as she looked away from me toward the glow of the campfire that continued to grow closer, her face lighting again almost immediately.

“I guess I owe you that, don’t I?” she said, her voice brightening. “Tomorrow.”

Wyn smiled broadly at me as she walked away from me and into camp. My nerves prickled in agitation, but I guess I couldn’t get too mad; this time I had a feeling she was actually going to talk to me. Either that or I would force it out of her.

I shook my head as I followed her into the circle of light where everyone had made camp, the warmth of the fire moving over me. The fire glowed a brilliant yellow, the blaze peeking out from a pile of rocks as if the rocks themselves were on fire. Everyone sat close enough to the fire that they were bathed in its light, most leaning against the side of the narrow tunnel as they tried to find comfort. Their bodies were spent and exhausted after what we had just gone through.

Sain was handing Dramin a large mug from where he sat, his magic throbbing dully with exhaustion. Ilyan stood up from where he had been hunched over Ryland’s sleeping body at our arrival, his face tense, almost apprehensive at how things had gone between Wyn and me.

Are you all right, my love? he asked silently, his eyes capturing mine the closer I walked to him.

I nodded my head once as Wyn smiled at me. Her knowing glare sent my stomach squirming until she left me, walking over to where Thom sat, his body sprawled out as if he was sleeping. I knew better, though; he was far too still to be sleeping.

Sain turned toward us as Ilyan came to my side, but I didn’t move my eyes from Ilyan’s. My magic rocked through me as Ilyan grabbed my hand, lifting it to press it against his face.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his tone deep as his magic flared, moving right to my abdomen and where the large opening had been minutes before. Through everything, I had almost forgotten what had happened.

My face tightened as the memory flashed through me. Ilyan’s hand left mine as he pulled the hood back over my head, carefully making sure everything was hidden.

Ilyan said nothing as he led me back into the darkness of the cave away from everyone else. His shield moved around us to block us from view as we walked. We didn’t move far, only far enough that we were out of earshot, where the only light was the faded glow of the fire. Everything around us was chilled and cast in shadow.

“Did Ilyan leave?” Thom suddenly said from behind us, his gruff voice filled with exaggerated mocking. “I really wanted him to tuck me in, too.”

My head spun around at his voice just in time to see Wyn smack him upside the head while Dramin chuckled from the other side of the tunnel. I couldn’t help but smile at the exchange, something about it so normal and familiar even though I could feel Ilyan’s frustration usurp the humor in it.

“Does everyone know?” I whispered, my nerves flying rapidly through me as I asked the question.

Ilyan smiled, his joy streaming through me as he moved me against the wall. I leaned against the cold rock as his hand rested against the cave wall right next to my head, his body moving closer to me until I was trapped with only an inch of air between us.

“Everyone knows,” he said, his smiling eyes meeting mine before his lips twitched and he lowered himself to inspect the blood-stained gash on the hoodie, and the mutilated flesh underneath.

Rebecca Ethington's Books