
“I have never heard of such a thing.” Berg looked at her as though she told him that green people existed.

“Berg, get your smart phone.”

He did.

“Go to Google and type in Beth’s crush Charlie Hunnam and then type Bacon number after his name. It will tell you what degree of Kevin Bacon he is.”

“Shit, she’s right. Look.” He showed Roman the answer.

“What is his Bacon number?”

“Two and it also lists the actors who link him to Kevin Bacon. This is so f*cking cool,” Berg whispered to himself as though he’d found a new hobby.

Eve’s phone beeped because she received a text. She looked at me. “Seth is here. Can you buzz him in?” She looked disappointed.

I knew she’d been enjoying being with Berg. I foresaw that Eve would be dumping Seth. “Sure, then I am going to fix another drink. You want something, baby?” I asked Roman.

“No, I’m good for now. I need to go to the bathroom anyway.” He got up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I walked to the foyer and buzzed in Seth. As I fixed myself a margarita, I heard Eve greet Seth at the door.

Seth said, “I want to give the flowers to the hostess. Where is she?”

“Beth’s in the kitchen.”

“Thanks, babe. I’ll meet you in the living room and you can introduce me to your friends.”

Even from the other room, I could tell Eve wasn’t really into him being here by the tone of her voice. Even though I knew she would dump him later, I would still treat him like a guest. He couldn’t help it that he could never compare to Berg. Berg was just that awesome, and it had only been a matter of time before Eve fell for him.

Chapter 45 – Beth

Seth entered the kitchen and I turned to give him a huge welcoming smile. Then I froze. It wasn’t Seth. It was Andrew. Sure he looked different. He had a nice trimmed beard, which changed his look, and he wore blue contacts. He actually looked a little handsome this way.

“Miss me, Beth?” I opened my mouth to scream, but Andrew pulled a knife out of the flowers. He smiled.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Scream and I will cut your throat. Understand?”

I nodded my head, letting him know that I understood perfectly. “What do you want?” I knew what he wanted, but for some dumbass reason I asked him anyway.

“I want my f*cking money. I know Roman has to have some around here somewhere. Let’s go find him, shall we?”

“No! I can get you cash. You don’t need to even see Roman. I am sure I can find some,” I spoke slowly, as if he were a little special.

“Seth!” Eve called.

“Coming, honey!” Andrew yelled. He grabbed my arm as though we were going to walk out to the living room.

“No! You want money. Let me get my purse and take me. Keep me until the bank opens, and we’ll go to the bank and I’ll get you your money. They don’t even need to be involved. They’ve never done anything to you.”

“Roman left me for dead in a basement,” he growled.

“Well, in his defense, you locked him down there first.”

He slapped me. Better than a fist but still this guy really liked hitting my face one way or the other.

“Let’s go meet your friends.”

“Please, Andrew. Let’s just go, you and me. You’ll have a better chance of getting your money.”

“How stupid do you think I am? As soon as Roman finds out you’re missing, cops will be everywhere. Let’s go, Beth.” He pushed me in front of him. The blade of the knife pressed into my corset.

I walked slowly into the room, where all my friends were sitting. Andrew walked right behind me so no one really paid any attention. He guided me to stand right in front of the TV. Since Roman’s back was to me, he was the last to see me come in. Then he hissed. He saw me, the knife, and Andrew. His face was masked with fury and fear.

“Everybody just stay where you are. Nobody moves.”

“Seth, what are you doing?” Eve asked in confusion.

She had no idea that Seth was Andrew. The mug shot used on the posters was at least ten years old, and Andrew’s look had changed since then. I spoke because I knew she would feel like shit. She’d probably feel as though she’d betrayed me, and I had to let her know I didn’t blame her. We might all die tonight, and I couldn’t let her go to the grave thinking she failed me.

“Eve, this is Andrew, the kidnapper who beat me up about a month ago. It’s not your fault. He looks different now than he did in his mug shot,” I told her.

“You’re Andrew?” Eve was horrified.

“Ah, did you just wake up, Sleeping Beauty?” Andrew snarled. “For the rest of you, I’m Andrew. I will be your host tonight.” He smiled.

“Fucker!” Berg spoke while grabbing Eve’s hand and holding on to it.

“Hold up, cowboy. That’s my girlfriend’s hand you’re holding there.” Andrew smiled.

This was a huge game to him. His arm wrapped around my upper chest, pulling our bodies flush against each other. He was using me as a shield, smart motherf*cker!

Berg didn’t say anything, and I could see he was highly worried because of the proximity of Andrew’s knife to my neck.

Sunny Wolfe's Books