
Berg looked wounded. Roman stood and walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me just under my breasts. He laid his cheek against mine and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around his arms. He shifted until his arms covered mine. Then he gently pulled up my wrist and looked at the scar that circled it.

“I hate these scars,” he softly said. He pulled my wrist up to his lips and kissed the scar and then proceeded to kiss the other wrist.

Berg looked away. I got the feeling that the scars bothered Berg too. I held my wrists out in front of me and examined them. They weren’t pretty.

“I want to try to get these fixed before you get pregnant.”

“We have no idea how much it would cost to fix these. I’ll just continue wearing a watch and a bracelet,” I said as though it was no big deal.

“I have money. Do you keep forgetting that? I want to do this for us. Hell, I want to do this for Joey. I don’t want these to remind Joey of what you went through. I don’t want to be reminded of what you went through.”

I guess I’d never thought about that. Of how much it hurt Roman to see the scars on my wrists. He still believed that it was his fault that Jason took me. I knew better. The doorbell rang. I turned around in Roman’s arms while Berg went to open the door.

“I love you, Roman Reed. You know that, right?” Roman lifted his hand and placed it over my necklace. I, in return, wrapped my hand around his cuff. We both touched our foreheads together and closed our eyes. It was intimate and sweet.

From the other room I heard, “Gross! Why don’t you two go get a room?”

I quickly turned my head to the door. I knew whose voice it was without a doubt, but I didn’t remember her telling me she was coming by.

“Phoebe, are you coming to play with me today?” I smiled and then I noticed Eve was with her. “Oh goody, both of my best friends are here to play with me.” I grinned and looked at my husband.

“Baby, I am sorry, but actually the girls are here for me.”

I pouted. “Hey, there will be no threesomes allowed unless I attend. That is nonnegotiable.”

“That is so f*cking cool! Would you really have a threesome, Beth?” Berg asked me.

“Sure, except a few things would need to change.”

“Like what?” Berg looked eager to hear my answer.

“Two guys and one girl,” I replied.

“Gross, that’s just wrong.” He shuddered as though a chill went up his spine.

“Eve, back me up.”

“Two guys and a girl only make sense. Women technically have three holes. Men have only one poker. How could a single guy satisfy two women? I mean, he could go down on the other girl, but how many men are willing to do that with a one-night stand? Now, three guys and one girl, she could satisfy all three guys and I would hope that one of the guys knows enough to satisfy the woman.”

“Beth, is that true?” Berg asked me.

“Yup, I totally agree with Eve, and Berg, don’t act like you never shared a girl with another guy.”

Berg looked down as though he was ashamed, but then he spoke up, “Well, let’s just say I would rather have two women than another dude. What do you think, Roman?”

“I will never have another threesome in my lifetime. As far as I’m concerned, Beth will never have one either, so the point is moot.” Roman wrapped his hand around my hair and held me still while he gave me a wicked kiss.

“I got to go, babe.”

“Where are you taking my posse?”

“They’re going to look at three houses with me. No one knows you better than them, so they’re going to help me narrow it down.”

“You know I could go with you.”

“No, I want this to be a surprise. It’s going to be my wedding gift to you since you didn’t really enjoy the other.”

He was referring to the Glee box sets, which lost their appeal since Andrew had f*cked with them. I was sure I would get over it but not yet.

“That’s fine. Berg and I will be busy too.”

“Really? You already unpacked all of his stuff and decorated the apartment.”

“Which Berg really did appreciate by the way,” Berg piped in.

“What else are you going to do?” Roman’s eyebrow rose in a questioning manner.

“I am going to teach him something. You three go. Have fun and, Roman, you buy them a nice lunch. Berg and I will be fine.”

Berg came up to me and put his arm around me. I knew Berg loved messing with Roman by doing this, but truth be told, Berg and I had grown close. Berg was like a brother to me. I missed Joe, and he had been gone for so long—seventeen years this month. It felt nice to feel comfortable with a man and not have to worry about unwanted advancements. I could really just be myself.

“Oh yeah, what are you going to teach me?” Berg looked at me with curiosity.

“You’ll see, you’ll see…”

Chapter 30 – Beth

Berg and I had been working on a dance routine for three hours, and we decided to sit down and have a break. I went to the fridge to get water. I threw a water bottle toward him and opened my own and drank down half of it. He was texting someone, and I had no doubt that it was my husband. I knew Roman texted Berg to make sure I was safe way too often, but I knew Roman needed that reassurance. I didn’t blame him.

Sunny Wolfe's Books