
“I need you so much right now. Baby, can I have you?”

She nodded as her arms lifted to thread her fingers into my hair. I continued kissing up and down her neck. My hands left her breasts and moved to remove her shorts and panties. Looking into her eyes through our reflection, I moved my hand down to her core. I entered a single finger into her. She gasped and then I entered two.

“Do you like that, baby?”

Her hands moved behind her and she started to remove my shorts. She pressed them down several inches so I removed them myself. By this time, we were both nude. Her hands went to my cock. It was already hard as steel. She started stroking up and down my shaft, making me moan with pleasure. Hell, this woman could undo me.

I had her panting. “You like that, don’t you, baby?”

“Yes, yes.”

“I’m ready to have you now,” I said to her as I pulled my hand up to her hip. I slowly slid the wetness of my fingers up along her back while pushing her down onto the dresser. I nudged my cock head into her heat. The heat of her nearly made me come on the spot. Before I entirely pushed myself into her, I wrapped her long hair around my fist and gently pulled so her gaze looked up into the mirror.

“Are you still with me, baby?”

She nodded, knowing what I meant. I needed to know that she knew it was me, not Jason.

“I’m going enter you real slow. I want you to feel every inch of me. Do you feel that?” I asked her as I continued to slide deep into her.

“Yes!” she moaned.

With one hand on her hip and one hand wrapped in her hair, I started pounding into her. She looked glorious. Her chin was pulled up, her big breasts bounced on the desk, and in her eyes, I saw the total rapture she felt.

Fuck! I loved this woman.

I was so visually turned on that I couldn’t help but increase my pace. Pounding her into the desk, controlling her, making her yield to me. It felt so animalistic. She was mine. Not Eric’s, not Jason’s, not Tate’s, and sure as shit not Andrew’s, but mine! All mine!

I was so over-stimulated, the site of her being submissive, the smell of our sex, the noise of my balls slapping her, I wasn’t going to last long. I took my hand off her hip and brought my fingers down to her clit. I looked at her to make sure she was okay. She was more than okay; she was writhing on the desk. I pounded into her hard, pouring all of my fear, my anger, my f*cking resentment for her not telling me she was in danger. I was mad. I was mad with good reason. Someone was trying to take away what was mine, my wife, my woman, my Beth!

I thrusted once, twice, and I pushed down on her clit and thrusted one last time, pouring everything I had into her. She shattered around me, screaming out my name.

“Roman, oh my God, Roman!”

She propped on the desk, heaving up and down. I pulled out of her and put my arm around her waist. With one hand free, I pulled back the covers on the bed and we crawled in to go to sleep. Never once did my hand leave her body.

And I didn’t know if it ever would.

Chapter 26 – Beth

I was lying in the bed snuggled up to Roman. The sun softly filtered into the room. I stirred and found that I couldn’t move. I had to move Roman off of me. His whole body was draped across the top of me. I didn’t know if he meant to do it or if we just ended up like that.

“Baby, baby, wake up.” I rolled him over onto his side and he grabbed for me again.

What the hell?

Why was he sleeping on top of me? I tried to wake him again.

“Roman, wake up baby!”

My voice startled him, and he jumped straight out of bed and looked around.

“Roman, it’s okay. Everything’s okay. You don’t have to be so edgy.”

Roman exhaled. “Sorry. This whole thing has me on edge. I am so afraid I will wake up and you’ll not be there.”

“Why? We locked the door.” I rubbed his back, trying to calm him.

“Why? Well, f*ck, Beth, maybe because it’s happened before?”

I couldn’t blame him; I couldn’t imagine what he went through that day when he woke up in the basement without me.

“You’re going to have to get over that, baby. Why are you so scared of losing me?”

“Fuck, ever since I got you, you have been trying to leave me.”

“That’s not true.” I saw the terror on his face.

He must have taken my silence the wrong way because he said, “You know, the whole f*cking time we were in that basement, you kept telling me when we got out, we would separate. I tried to convince you that I was in love with you then, and you didn’t believe me. Then at the hospital, you broke my f*cking heart.”

“I told you why.”

“Then I come back to find you, to beg you back, and I have you for just two days. Two days! Then I find out that you knew something was wrong with your safety. You didn’t think I would want to know about that, never mind whether it was your mental safety or your physical safety. You knew that you were going to leave me one way or the other whether if it were through a mental ward or through your death.” He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. “Beth, I’m lost. I’ve never done this before. Are you trying to destroy me? I have loved one woman in my life, and what do I have to show for it? A woman who is constantly trying to leave me.” He stood and walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

Sunny Wolfe's Books