Boys Like You(56)

For the first time in forever, I felt settled— which was crazy.

And yet, it felt as if all the pieces of my life that had been moving, shifting, trying to find their way back, had finally clicked into place.

I was where I was supposed to be, and sure I was battered and had been beaten down, but I had made it through and I was whole. I was whole and I was alive and I was in love with a boy who wasn’t quite there yet. A boy who had held my hand and gotten me to this place.

“I need you to not do this anymore, Nate. I need you to be strong, like you were for me, and I need you to forgive yourself.”


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“He could die,” Nate whispered. “I knew it was a possibility, but I never thought…I thought he was going to wake up. I thought he was going to wake up and give me hell, you know?

Hit me or yell at me or…something. I didn’t think he would just…end.”

“I know.”

“I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so pissed off and angry and I hate myself for what I did to him. I go over that night.

Over and over. I relive it, you know? And it drives me crazy because I can’t remember the moment when it went wrong, and I don’t know how to get past that.”

“Let me help you, Nathan.”

His voice broke. “How?”

Carefully, I pulled his hand into mine and stepped back.

“Do you trust me?” Did I trust myself? When had I become the expert on healing? Me, the girl who had gone to therapy for over a year because I’d been so broken. The girl who had cut her wrists because she didn’t want to deal.

And yet, as I looked into his eyes, I had such a feeling of rightness inside me that I was able to push back all the negative thoughts. The ones that said there was no hope. Only pain.

The ones that said I could lose Nathan if I wasn’t careful.

I thought back to that day when I was eleven. To that hot afternoon on Gram’s porch when she’d told me that I could do anything as long as I put my mind to it. And suddenly I knew she was right. She’d been right all along.


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“I need you to trust me.”

Nate said nothing.

“I need for you to let me catch you. Do you understand?”

I touched his cheek again. Traced a line to his mouth and then stood on my toes so that I could kiss him. It was a gentle touch— a soft brush of the lips that cemented our connection.

“I won’t let you fall,” I whispered.

He nodded. It was enough.

“Okay,” I said. “Let’s go.”


I swallowed my fear and tried to smile, though I wasn’t sure it worked all that well. I knew we stood on the edge of a cliff, but I also felt like we could survive the fall.

We had to survive, or what was the point of it all?

“Let’s go see Trevor.”


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Chapter Twenty-Seven


The hospital was quiet when we arrived, with only a few cars in the parking lot and even less on the street outside. The rain had stopped, but the humidity hung in the air like a thick blanket, covering everything in gray mist.

Monroe slid into a parking spot behind a truck— the Lewis’s truck— and that sick feeling in my gut churned hard. I didn’t know if I had the balls to do this. I thought of the last time I had come here— of the anger that lived inside Trevor’s dad— and despite Brenda’s plea for me to come, I wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t kick my ass on sight.

Maybe it’s what I wanted.

Maybe I’d let him.

My cell vibrated, and I yanked it from my jeans. It was a wonder the stupid thing still worked, considering it had been wet for hours.

It was my mom. I’d finally sent her a text letting her know I was all right and that I was with Monroe. I told her that I was BoysLikeYou.indd 233

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going to the hospital and that I didn’t know when I would be home. I glanced down to read her text.

I love you. So does Trevor.

Shit. My eyes burned again and I pocketed the cell, breathing out hard.

“Hey,” Monroe said softly. “Are you ready?”



She leaned toward me and pressed her mouth to mine. It was just a soft touch, but I tasted the salt from her tears, the warmth of her soul, and the depth of her emotions. I felt that kiss all the way inside me where it settled next to my heart.

This girl had every part of me. Every single part.

“I’m glad you’re here,” I said, pulling back as that sick feeling heaved inside me again. “Because I don’t think I could do this by myself.”

She threaded her fingers through mine and squeezed my hand. “You’re not alone, Nathan. Not anymore.” She angled her head, her hair still wet and sticking to her neck. “I’d like to meet Trevor now.”

She stared at me, her clothes wrinkled— my T-shirt two sizes too big— and I thought that she was the most perfect creature I’d ever seen.

Juliana Stone's Books