Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(91)
Diego snatched my arm, yanking me away as lust leaked into my body.
By the time I was halfway across The Orb with Diego, Washer's power left me and I shuddered violently. “God that guy's a creep. He makes everything sound filthy.”
As we headed toward the exit, I noticed Tory had come to a halt before a group of girls. I increased my pace, frowning as I joined her and discovered Kylie standing there with her hands on her hips. Her friends surrounded her and a sea of pink lipgloss smirks were cast our way.
“Wanna explain this?” Kylie lifted her Atlas, playing a video on it for us to see.
Heat invaded my body as I watched a snapshot of Tory and I dancing with the Heirs. And it was so much worse seeing it replayed in the flesh. My eyes were hooded as I clasped Seth's neck and he wrapped my leg around his thigh. Tory was locked around Darius in much the same way, his hand riding up the back of her cami and caressing her skin.
Tory gazed coolly at Kylie, her shoulders squared. “And your point being..?”
Hell my sister had balls. I tried to conjure the same strength but words were failing me. I was the one draped over Kylie's supposed boyfriend in that video. But even as I thought it, a shriek of indignation hit my ears and Darius's girlfriend, Marguerite, appeared, shouldering past us to join Kylie's ranks.
Flames burst to life in Marguerite's hands as she glared at Tory. “Do you think he's actually interested in you? He was drunk and grabbed the nearest thing with a pulse.”
“Well if that's Darius's standard now I understand why he's with you,” Tory said airily and I couldn't help but exhale a laugh.
A crowd was forming around us and at Tory's words a chorus of ooohh's went up.
Diego had been jostled away from us by a few of the larger seniors and was trying to elbow his way back.
I lifted my palms and only a small trickle of power met my fingers.
Damn you to hell Orion!
“Bitch!” Marguerite snapped at Tory, stepping forward with a menacing glare.
Kylie glowered at me, looking more emotional than Marguerite. “Did you screw him?” she whispered, her lower lip quivering.
“No,” I said earnestly. “It was just a dance, that's all.” My heart twisted. I could see how hurt she was. I wanted to blame whiskey on the fact I'd shamelessly dry humped her boyfriend, but I supposed I had to take some responsibility for it too.
Kylie's hand whipped sideways and a blast of air smashed into my face in the hardest slap of my life. Pure poison poured from her eyes as if a venomous snake lived within her.
“Hey!” Tory barked as I cupped my stinging cheek with a wince.
“It's fine,” I said through my teeth, looking back at Kylie. Guess I deserved that one.
The look in all of their eyes said they weren't close to done.
“Excuse me! Move move move!” Principal Nova's voice called from behind the group as she tried to get into The Orb.
The crowd disbanded and Tory and I made a break for it, darting through the gap. Tory snatched some energy bars from the hand of a shell-shocked A.S.S member who smiled like it was the best thing that had ever happened to her as we jogged out onto the path.
I glanced back at the doors, unable to spot Diego following but not wanting to remain there any longer.
Tory handed me a bar with a mischievous grin and I released a laugh, the tension in my chest disbanding.
“Hey! We’re not done with you!” Kylie’s voice followed us.
“Wanna fight ‘em?” Tory asked with a manic smile and I was very almost caught up in that mad idea when I remembered something crucial.
“Can’t, I’m running on fumes.”
Tory sighed. “Fucking Orion. Let’s run for it then.”
We started jogging, the wind tugging our hair back and the thrill of escape dancing around us on the air. Laughter broke free of my throat and Tory joined me as we sped away from The Orb and every angry witch within its walls.
We followed the circling path all the way to Uranus Infirmary. The huge building looked more like an old manor house than a hospital ward and as we headed inside I noticed signs pointing to different classes. The place was home to Healing and Restoration magic and I wondered when we'd get to start learning skills like that. It would seriously come in handy on a campus full of beasts, half of whom seemed to be out for our blood.
In the foyer was a large fireplace with two staircases splitting off to the east and west wings. We followed signs to the ward, jogging past rows of gilded framed portraits on the stone walls. The eyes of past healers watched us go, all of them wearing blue robes and a white sash across their chests.
We headed deeper into the building, the way lit by flaming torches. My skin prickled with heat and a deep tingle flooded my body. “I hope Geraldine's alright,” I said then chewed anxiously on my lip.
“She's tough,” Tory said firmly. “She'll be okay.”
We reached a long corridor of doors and I spotted a woman in full length blue robes stepping out of one of the rooms.
“Excuse me?” I hurried toward her and she looked up. “Is Geraldine Grus here?”
“Oh, yes, she's in here. She's been through the healing process overnight and has just woken up. She's still a bit drowsy, her injuries were quite extensive,” she said sadly.
“What happened to her?” I whispered, my heart lurching uncomfortably in my chest.