Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(96)
“Oh. Well, thanks. I mean, we were babies so it’s not the freshest wound but I appreciate the sentiment. Was that it?” I knew I was treading the line of bitch but the last thing I needed was for this guy to still be standing here when Darius finally arrived.
“No, actually. I was hoping that you might consider allowing me the honour to escort you to the dance this Friday?” he asked, his gaze holding mine as he awaited a reply.
I was so surprised that for a moment I could only stare at him. He was good looking, tall, well put together and clean shaven. In a nutshell he looked like the kinda guy your momma would love for you to bring home and your daddy would affectionately call son. Nice, clean cut - so not my type at all. He also clearly didn’t know the first thing about me and was sporting that super shiny ass badge.
I leaned forward conspiratorially and lowered my voice a fraction. “Are you hoping to get into my pants, Justin?” I teased.
The heat that filled his cheeks at my suggestion was more than enough of a confirmation of my assessment of him and the spluttering response filled with words like ‘escort’ and ‘propriety’ and ‘duty to protect’ urged me to interrupt him.
“I’m just teasing you, Justin,” I said soothingly. “But in all honesty I don’t think we would be very well suited for a date. Perhaps you should see if Geraldine is free? If she’s recovered by Friday I know she’d love to come to the dance and I get the feeling the two of you have a lot in common.”
To his credit, Justin didn’t seem upset about my refusal or even surprised. He merely thanked me for my time and excused himself with another bow.
I shook my head and gave my attention back to my solo practice session, keeping one eye on the entrance as I awaited my reluctant tutor.
I checked the clock. Multiple times. It was gone half past. At this point he wasn’t just late; he’d left me waiting thirty-seven minutes. And as much as I wanted to think that maybe he’d just forgotten or wasn’t good at time keeping, I knew better. He wasn’t coming. And that left me with a conundrum. Of course I could just count my blessings, thank whatever forces that were working in my favour to save me from the torture of an hour in his company and leave it at that. But if I did, I knew I’d hear about it from Professor Pyro. She wanted me to work on my fire skills and she’d told him to tutor me and even though I was the one who had actually shown up, I knew I’d be the one to take the blame for this non-lesson if it didn’t go ahead.
I released a breath of irritation and got to my feet, crossing the Fire Arena quickly as the other practicing students followed my movement with their ever-watchful stares. Nosey fuckers. No doubt everyone would be talking about Darius standing me up tomorrow if I left it at this but that wasn’t what I was going to feed the rumour mill. No. It was time that lazy, entitled asshole got a taste of my fire.
I crossed the Fire Territory quickly, not giving anyone the chance to come at me on my journey. I drew on my power as I went, reinforcing my mental shields to the best of my ability in case I happened across any of Marguerite's posse.
My gut churned a little at the idea of confronting Darius. Who knew what way he’d take this but I wasn’t about to just accept being stood up. If I challenged him over it and he flat out refused then Professor Pyro would have no choice but to assign me another tutor. Which I was hoping would be the case.
Only one way to find out.
I started up the stone steps which spiralled through the middle of Ignis House, ignoring the corridors which led to the various accommodation floors and heading straight for the common room.
A few people looked up curiously as I stormed in, wearing my irritation like a badge of pissed off right across my face. Luckily none of my regular tormentors appeared to be present and I used my momentum to carry me towards a group of three girls I didn’t know. Their eyes widened as I stopped before them and I wondered if they knew who I was. The return of the Vega Heirs had certainly caused enough impact to have our names thrown around the masses but I wasn’t quite conceited enough to believe my fame preceded me. Darius however was known by everyone.
“Hi,” I said, not quite throwing enough saccharine into my tone to come off sweet and friendly but oh well. “I’m looking for Darius, has he been in here recently?”
“Not tonight,” one of them replied slowly, her eyes narrowing as she tried to figure out why I wanted to know.
I turned away from them with a huff of irritation. He could be anywhere. Where was I supposed to look next?
“He’s in his room,” a guy offered from the couch beside me. He was big enough and sultry enough to be a Shifter but I wasn’t sure what kind.
“Care to elaborate there pal?” I asked with a sigh. “It’s a big building.”
He raised an eyebrow at my tone then rolled his eyes as he decided to let it slide. “Top floor, all the way at the end of the corridor. Best room in the house.”
“Of course it is,” I muttered. “Thanks.”
I turned away from him and headed straight to the stairs while my anger was still running hot in my blood and my nerve stayed strong. This could well be a terrible idea but I wasn’t going to back down now.
I marched to the top of the stairs and all the way along the corridor. Beside his bedroom door a floor length window stood wide open and I resisted the urge to pull it closed as I looked at the dizzying drop below. It looked like the perfect place to toss someone who had disturbed you uninvited and I just had to hope that Darius didn’t end up with the same idea.