Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(90)
“You're not coming with me,” I said, wanting to set firm boundaries here.
We moved into the stairwell and I spotted Diego heading down from his floor. He looked tired and I hoped Sofia hadn't given him too much trouble last night. His eyes landed on Seth's hand around mine and I immediately tugged it free.
“See ya,” I shot at Seth with a firm 'stay away' stare.
He ran his tongue over his lower lip then headed off down the stairs, leaving my stomach in knots.
“Dios mio, tell me you didn't sleep with that mutt,” Diego gasped as I met him on the stairs.
My cheeks flamed. “Of course not.”
“Then why's he all over you?”
“Apparently he wants to be friends,” I said, my disbelief of that fact obvious.
“Pfft, lucky you,” Diego laughed. “Just don't buy into any of his bullshit, okay?”
“I won't,” I swore. “So how's Sofia?”
“She's still sleeping.” He gestured in the direction of his room and I raised an eyebrow.
“Oh nothing happened! I slept on the floor. But she didn't wanna be alone so...” He shrugged then gave me a frown. “I heard about Geraldine. What exactly happened last night? The rumours going around are locos, I don't know what to believe.”
As we descended the stairs I explained everything, leaving out the part where I'd ground up against Seth for over an hour. Gotta stop thinking about that.
We headed outside and I regretted not bringing a coat as a heavy drizzle beat down on me. My Atlas buzzed and I took it out, finding a message from Tory.
Tory Vega:
Are you up?
If so, meet at The Orb in ten?
I tapped out a quick reply and headed toward The Orb with a yawn dragging at my mouth. I reached up to the bite marks on my neck, but my fingers ran over smooth skin. I’d recently learned in Cardinal Magic that Fae healed quicker than mortals once their power was Awakened but that seemed extra fast after I'd nearly been drained by Orion. Even now, the well of power inside me felt almost empty and as I didn't know my Order I had no idea how to replenish it.
I ground my teeth, furious at what he'd done. He hadn't just humiliated me in front of my friends and made me feel about as small as a peanut, he'd damn well left me vulnerable for who knew how long.
As I caressed the skin he'd bitten, a hazy memory came back to me on the bus. I'd been half asleep leaning against Seth's shoulder when he'd healed the wound, his magic brushing over my skin like a whisper.
We arrived at The Orb and I anxiously waited for Tory to appear, glad to have someone who was in the same boat as me. The way she'd been dancing with Darius and Caleb last night had practically been pornographic and I didn't think she was going to live it down any time soon.
She appeared jogging down a path from the direction of Fire Territory, her leather jacket flapping out behind her and her face a picture of discomfort.
“Arghhhh,” she groaned as she arrived, resting her hands on her knees. “I feel like death. But like if death was a puddle of shit.”
I blew out a laugh, resting my hand against her shoulder for a second. “I feel your pain.”
“The Heirs,” she whispered like it was a horrible, horrible secret we shared. And in all fairness, it was.
Diego shook his head at both of us as if he was our disappointed father. Probably the first time we'd ever had one of those.
“Oh don't look at me like that,” Tory said. “Blame the tequila.”
“And the rum...and the whiskey. Remind me never to mix drinks again.” I rubbed my head, sure a headache was going to make a fun appearance soon. For now, I was stuck in the wishy-washy hours before I truly sobered up. After that...it was all downhill.
“How's Sofia?” Tory asked Diego.
While he filled her in we made our way into The Orb to ask about Geraldine. Though who we were going to ask, I didn't know. I gazed across the gossiping sea of students and spotted Professor Washer on the other side of the room, tucking into a large cooked breakfast.
“Great,” Tory huffed.
“It's him or a student,” I muttered and from the nasty looks we were getting from the surrounding sophomores, I guessed it was best to ask Washer. No matter how much he made my skin crawl.
“Come on, he can't perve on us while he's eating,” I said.
“Wanna bet?” Tory laughed and we headed across the room, halting in front of his table.
He looked up at us, clearly as hungover as we were. “Ah here's the tall drink of water I ordered with my breakfast.” He glanced over at us appreciatively while Diego held back, looking scathingly in his direction.
“Er right,” I said. “We were just wondering where Geraldine is? Is she in a hospital?”
“No she's in Uranus,” he said around a mouthful of food.
“Excuse me?” Tory blurted. “Our friend has been hurt and you think it's an appropriate time to start throwing jokes around?”
“No,” he said innocently. “She's in Uranus Infirmary, next to Neptune Tower?”
“Oh.” Tory turned red and I burst out laughing as she stalked away.
Washer beckoned me closer with a grin and I felt his Siren power seeping over me. I drew nearer as a flood of warmth filled my chest. “Uranus is my favourite building,” he whispered.