Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(42)
A flash of blue light made me freeze, every muscle in my body becoming a solid thing. It had only been for a moment, but for second I thought I'd seen a hulking form out there in the trees. Deep in the wood...a beast.
Everyone in this school is a beast. It's just a student. Just someone in one of their Order forms.
I tried to steady my rampant heart, telling myself I was overreacting. But something in my gut told me I should be afraid.
A force of energy crashed into me from behind and a pitchy scream escaped me as I hit the ground, rolling over and holding up a hand in defence. “Get away!” I yelled, the dark silhouette shifting closer.
Fire flared in his palm and Darius came into view with a wide smirk on his face. “Whoops didn't see you there, Vega.” He held out a hand with a deep chuckle. I took it rather reluctantly, still shaking.
“Was that you out there trying to scare me?” I demanded as he pulled me to my feet.
“Out where?” he asked lazily, releasing my hand to sweep his fingers through his dark hair.
“Over there.” I pointed into the trees, shifting toward Darius, unable to help clinging to the comfort of company. But after what he'd done to Tory I was far from trusting him.
“Dunno what you're talking about,” he said lightly. “See ya.” He went to move and I caught his arm which was firm with muscle beneath my fingers, my pride dissolving before my eyes.
“Would you mind maybe...just walking me out of the woods?” Shame washed through me but I did not like this place one bit and the idea of getting turned around in here when I'd seen some huge beast sniffing about didn’t appeal to me. Even if my girl power had to take a significant hit.
Darius snorted. “You scared, Vega?”
“No,” I said indignantly, giving away that I absolutely was. I cleared my throat. “I just don't want to get lost in here. I've got a meeting with Professor Orion in five minutes.”
“Pfft, he'll be late anyways, you're not in any hurry.” He tried to shake me off but I held on tight.
I sucked up the last of my pride like a hoover and said, “Please.”
He sighed heavily then turned around and yanked me along at a fierce pace. I didn't care. I just wanted to be planted outside of these woods and move on with my life. Right now it felt like I was never going to escape the darkness and the feeling of being hunted. And Darius might have been an asshole but I was happy to use him in my moment of need.
“Bro!” a voice howled then Seth burst out of the darkness wearing a white sports kit splashed with mud. The symbol of Aer was stamped on the chest of his shirt which was half torn off of him. “Who's your date?” He stepped closer then scowled as he realised it was me. “Don't tell me you're hanging out with a Vega?”
I ground my jaw, not needing this right now. An orb of golden light lit up above Seth and floated there to illuminate us all.
“She's scared,” Darius said in a dry tone that sent embarrassment washing through me.
“I'm not scared,” I insisted but I sounded more like a child than an adult with her shit together. Dammit.
Seth's eyes lit up and he clawed a hand through his unkempt hair. He looked as happy as if Christmas day had come early.
Seth moved toward us, petting Darius's arm then moving forward to nuzzle my hair with his face. I lurched sideways.
Damn animal.
“I'll walk you out, babe.” He clutched my arm, trying to steer me away from Darius.
I looked to the Fire Heir for any semblance of mercy in his eyes but he gave me nothing but a cold stare.
“Wait,” he said with a dangerous smile as Seth tried to guide me away under his arm. “She needs to give me a proper goodbye first.”
Seth shoved me toward Darius with a laugh and Darius smiled cruelly. “Kneel,” he commanded, using Coercion on me and I winced as his order claimed my body.
I dropped to the ground before him, cursing his name between my teeth.
“Kiss my foot.” He barked a laugh as my back bent and I grimaced as I tried to force myself to stop. My mouth met his fancy shoe and I rued the moment I'd asked this twisted asshole for help.
Why can’t I just be more like Tory with her unwavering backbone?
Seth laughed raucously. “Let's make her dance for us,” he said eagerly. “Max and Caleb should be here any second, they'll lose it when they see her doing the cha-cha-cha.”
My heart hammered angrily. “Don't you dare.”
Darius took my arm, dragging me to my feet with a vicious smile. “I have a better idea.”
“Get off of me,” I snapped, trying to pull away. My heart stumbled as I stared into the fiery pit of excitement in his eyes.
He released me and I glanced between him and Seth, their beautiful faces dancing with shadows under the glowing orb above.
Falling Star’s message circled in my head: The Shadow draws closer. But it must have been a coincidence.
Seth licked his lips and the sight was so sexual I couldn't help but stare at his mouth for a second.
“Run,” Darius ordered and my legs moved before I realised what was happening.
Seth howled his excitement behind me as I tore away along the path. I moved as fast as I could, my arms wheeling back and forth beside me, half glad Darius had told me to run because I'd always been quick. And he may have just unknowingly given me an advantage.