Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(40)
“But I...” I what? What? Professor Pyro was staring at me and my mouth was opening and closing like a goldfish as I hunted for something, anything to say which would turn her from this idea. The last thing I wanted was to be indebted to Darius Acrux. But the cogs in my brain were turning too slowly and the only thing I could think to say was ‘but he’s mean to me and I don’t like it’ which would have made me seem like a pathetic little girl even though it was the truth. “Principal Nova is assigning me a Liaison to help me catch up and I’m sure a teacher would be the best person to help me-”
“Your Liaison will be guiding you in a more practical role, teaching you about our world and how to live up to the standards expected of you. As strange as it may seem to you after spending a lifetime in the mortal world, the amount of power we each hold is something that we are born with. There are no teachers here strong enough to handle guiding your magic this way. Only the other Heirs can rival you with your power. And even then, as twins born to Gemini who each hold all four Elements, I’d wager they’ll have their hands full.” Her lips quirked for a moment and I got the impression that that idea amused her.
My mind whirled as my only argument hit a dead end and I scrambled for another excuse. “I just... feel bad asking him to waste his time working with me while my level of understanding is so much less-”
“Nonsense,” Professor Pyro waved me off as she beckoned for me to follow her across the arena towards the two Heirs who were still wrestling on the ground, their fight getting increasingly violent. “This will be good for him too, melding your power with another Fae’s is a skill that is hard to master so it’ll be a perfect opportunity for him to flex those muscles. It takes a lot of concentration and it can be really quite intimate as the two of you will have to strive towards a level of trust so that your magic can work in harmony with one another.”
Intimate? Gross - though not as gross as I was trying to convince myself. And trust? She was insane if she thought I’d ever trust him. I’d sooner trust a monkey with a bunch of bananas than believe anything good of him.
We came to a halt beside the Heirs as Darius pinned Caleb to the ground, his hands tight around the other guy’s throat. Caleb was thrashing, trying to get up but he didn’t look likely to succeed.
Darius snarled and the sound was so animal that I almost flinched. He was a predator taking down his prey and at any moment I could imagine him ripping into Caleb’s flesh.
Professor Pyro merely watched the interaction with a faint level of interest as Caleb’s lips started to turn blue.
I opened my mouth, wanting to step in. I mean, Caleb was a total dickwad but it was starting to look like Darius might kill him and that was probably going a bit too far. Before I could say anything, Caleb smacked his hand against the ground three times and Darius released him with a smirk.
Caleb started laughing and Darius got to his feet, offering the other Heir a hand so that he could pull him up too.
“I’ll get you next time,” Caleb announced as he slapped his friend on the back.
“You said that last time,” Darius teased and for a moment they both seemed... well not nice but not entirely loathsome at least. Or they did until their attention moved to me.
Darius’s face dipped into a scowl instantly and Caleb tossed his curly hair back as he eyed my neck hungrily with absolutely zero shame about the fact.
“I have a new assignment for you, Mr Acrux,” Professor Pyro announced and my heart sank like a stone as I realised there was no way out of this.
“Yes, Professor?” Darius asked, his face set with a look suggesting that he couldn’t think of anything better than doing whatever she requested of him.
“I’d like you to give Tory here some one on one tutoring to help her learn to harness that tempest of power within her. I tried to guide her myself but she needs someone more powerful than me and as the most accomplished fire weaver in the Academy, you were the obvious choice.”
Darius’s eyes darted to me and I felt like he’d just plunged a dagger through my chest as the sharpness of his gaze hit me.
“Of course, Professor Pyro,” he agreed smoothly. “Only, I do have a full timetable at the moment so it may be better for her to choose someone else.”
“Okay,” I agreed with a smile that let him know this hadn’t been my idea in the first place. “Never mind.” I began to turn away from them but Professor Pyro stopped me.
“That’s not a problem,” she said firmly. “You can train her on Thursday evenings after dinner and we can add Mondays if necessary.”
Darius’s gaze darkened as she stole his evenings from him and I had to force myself to keep my chin high.
“Yes Professor,” he agreed finally and she smiled with satisfaction as she led me away from him.
I hadn’t said anything but I didn’t think my input would do anything other than possibly make a bad situation worse.
As I made it back to where the other freshmen were practicing, I couldn’t help but glance back over at the Heirs. The two of them were looking at me and I almost flinched away from the ire in their gaze.
Perfect. This day was just getting worse and worse.
I LAY ON MY bed, reading over the notes from the day on my Atlas. My air Elemental class had been incredible; Professor Perseus had brought us to the cliff at the eastern edge of Air Territory and we'd cast wind down onto the turquoise sea. Eventually I'd been able to direct it at specific waves and send the spray flying up the side of the cliff. So much power was difficult to harness precisely, but he’d seemed content to let us unleash everything we had on the ocean.