Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(41)
I was still buzzing with the excitement of it all, but as seven o'clock neared, my excitement finally gave way to nerves. I had my first session with Professor Orion tonight. And I was still reeling after seeing him bite Diego without a care in the middle of his classroom.
What if he tries that with me?
I brushed my fingers together, a light breeze dancing between them. After releasing the full force of my power on the sea, I felt slightly more confident. But I didn't fancy my chances up against an opponent yet. Especially one who had razor sharp teeth and was built like a fortress.
I picked up the banana I'd grabbed from The Orb earlier, wishing I'd taken something more substantial now. Tory and I had plans to meet up after my Liaison session anyway, so I'd survive.
When I’d finished my fruit, I changed into my sports kit in favour of my uniform which I'd been in all day. There was nothing else to wear and I half wondered about that stipend Orion had mentioned. If he’d been more frank back at our apartment, I could have brought some more clothes with me.
I tugged on my Converses at a quarter to seven and slung my satchel over my shoulder. My heart was bouncing with anxiety as I headed out of my room, locking it before jogging toward the stairwell.
The tower was quiet and I suspected most of the Aer students were hanging out in the common room upstairs or eating at The Orb.
As I circled down to the ground floor, a ping sounded from my Atlas. I took it out, finding a notification flashing up on it.
You’ve been mentioned in a FaeBook post, Darcy!
I frowned, tapping on the app even though I imagined I was about to regret it.
Kylie Major: Great first day, I am so blessed to be here at ZA! It must be harder for girls like Darcy and Tory – they don't even have basic Coercion defense. Be careful out on campus girls. #loveya #besafe #girlssticktogether
Lois Hargreeves: Not even a basic shield??? Hahahahaha
Jillian Minor: OMG hun you’re so sweet :)
Yewande Rubel: Are you really going steady with Seth Capella, Kylie??
Milton Hubert: YESSSSSS!!!
I bit into my cheek so hard I almost drew blood. Everyone in the entire Academy would see this and over a hundred people had already liked it! It was practically painting a neon target on our heads. And I didn’t have a single doubt that Kylie knew exactly what she was doing.
Girl code my ass.
I glanced over my shoulder, feeling overly cautious of being pounced on.
Being in Orion's office suddenly didn't seem like the worst fate in the world. I checked the map, heading out of the tower onto the grounds. Iron lanterns lit the path as the evening drew in and I quickened my pace along it as I took a shortcut through The Wailing Wood.
The winding path led me into the trees and a cool wind gusted over me as I stepped onto a dirt track. Goosebumps bristled along my arms. The further I walked, the quieter the world seemed. The leaves rustled above me, some of them licked with the first colours of fall.
The deeper I delved into the woodland, the closer the trees seemed to gather, arching overhead to create an endless tunnel before me.
The lanterns had become more sparse and the amber glow of the next one seemed to shrink and flicker up ahead.
Should have taken the longer route. This place is creepy as hell.
My foot caught on a root and I stumbled, nearly hitting the ground before catching myself at the last second. I muttered curses at myself as I hurried on, wanting to get out of this place without a couple of scuffed knees. Honestly, I should have grown out of it by now. But I fell over more times in a week than was normal for a toddler, let alone a grown woman.
I took the Atlas from my satchel, double-checking the way and found a FaeBook message waiting for me.
Falling Star:
The Shadow draws closer to you, Darcy!
Stay in the light!
My heart thrashed in my chest as I reread the words. Who the hell was this Falling Star and what was that supposed to mean?
I ignored the twisting sensation in my gut and checked the map. The paths had forked a few times but luckily I'd stayed on track. Forcing Falling Star’s eerie message from my mind, I continued on.
As I arrived at the circular glow cast by the next lantern, I tilted the map and a little star blinked, marking my spot amongst the thick wood.
Relief filled me as I realised that I was nearing the exit. Then it was a straight shot right up to Jupiter Hall where Orion’s office was located.
A twig cracked somewhere behind me and I stiffened, turning to stare out into the darkness beyond the ring of light around me.
I squinted at the shadows between the trees and my heart pattered wildly in my chest.
It's nothing. Keep walking.
As much as I didn't want to leave the illusion of safety in the light of the lantern, I forced myself to move, quickening my pace to a half-jog.
A shiver darted up my spine and the sense of being watched cascaded over me like ice-cold water. Footsteps padded along the path behind me, soft and swift, as if someone were trying to remain quiet.
I spun around as fear lodged a jagged lump in my throat.
It was probably just another student, why was I getting so terrified over a few shadows and noises? Falling Star’s message had unnerved me. But they were probably just trying to mess with me too. I had to rise above it.