Without a Hitch(22)

“Do you believe in all that?” His tone has gone soft, almost uneasy, like he’s disturbed by my answer.

“All what?”

“The happily ever after? Are you a romantic, Pepper?”

“I am.” Did he just groan? “Why? Do you not believe in finding your one true love?”

He stares for so long my fingers fidget under the uncomfortable weight of his gaze.

“I want to believe in love, but it’s a fickle bastard.” He’s so quiet I have to lean in to hear. “So, you probably have a plan for your perfect first date too?”

His words feel like an attack, but it’s his sad tone that has me answering. “I’m a planner, but some things should be spontaneous. Like first dates. Coffee or sushi? It depends on how we meet. The vibe you get from someone.”

“What would our first date be?”

“Explosive.” It slips from my lips, and both hands fly to my mouth. I stare at him, unable to blink as I watch the fire catch in his gaze.

“I could get on board with this kind of planning, Pepper,” he growls, and that tingling in my belly wakes with a vengeance.

“Er, what would be your perfect first date?”

He’s saved from answering when I hear an amplified voice that douses the heat between us like a bucket of ice water.

Olivia stands in the front of the room with a goddamn microphone. How much has she drunk?

I’m out of my seat without a second thought. I ignore the strange looks I get as I sprint toward the back of the room where the sound system is housed. Glancing over my shoulder, I see her swaying as she speaks. I also don’t miss that Blaine has risen from his chair and is coming after me.

Gah! I don’t have time for Sexy-McSexerson right now.

Tearing back the curtain, I find a tech nerd eating a sandwich.

“I—I was s-s-supposed to be today,” Olivia slurs. “But Jenna’s ah, ah bitch.”

“Turn her microphone off,” I demand. “And get me a new one. Right now.”

The tech nerd drops his sandwich, and I feel a twinge of guilt, right before I detect the heat and masculine scent that can only be Blaine. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I ignore him and take the mic the tech hands me.

There’s a squeak as he turns Olivia’s mic off and mine on.

“But really…” I begin in a voice as similar to Olivia’s as I can manage. I push past Blaine. Olivia is still talking wildly into her unplugged mic. It’s like a version of bad lip-synching, but it’s the best way to avoid disaster, so I continue. “What I meant to say is that Jenna’s a bad bitch who knows what she wants and goes after it. I’ve always admired that about her.” Olivia’s face goes crimson, and I know I have to make this quick. “I’ve actually admired a lot about my stepsister, but I don’t always know how to show it.”

“Olivia is going to blow a gasket,” Blaine whispers in my ear, sending a shiver across my skin.

“Jenna is truly one of the best people I know. I hope one day I can be as caring, honest, and forgiving as she has been with me. I may not have chosen a boyfriend quite as good as Tyler, but I’m young. There’s still hope, right?”

Everyone laughs, thank God. I scan the crowd for Jenna and breathe a sigh of relief to find her laughing with Tyler.

“So, if you could all turn your attention to the happy couple and help me wish them a lifetime of love and happiness. To Jenna and Tyler!” I toss the mic to Blaine and sprint back into the ballroom.

Grabbing Olivia’s purse on our table, I head straight for her, but Jenna’s father beats me to her.

“What the fuck was that?”

“Sorry, Mr. Frye,” I say, slipping between them, which is no small feat considering he’s a bulging man invading her space. “I believe they overserved her. I’ll escort her to her room.”

He glares at me with barely-concealed rage before turning back to his stepdaughter. “Don’t let me see your face at this reception again, Olivia. Do you hear me?”

Her lip quivers, and guilt hits me full force.

“Come on, Liv. I’ll help you to your room.”

“I—I don’t need your help.” She hiccups. “I don’t need any of you.”

“Okay. But it’s never safe to wander around hotels at night by yourself. I’ll just walk beside you.

Come on.”

I catch the scent of citrus and ocean breezes before I feel his gaze on my back like a lover’s caress. Blaine doesn’t say a word as he follows us into the hallway. Or when we get on the elevator.

Or when I leave him at the door and walk Olivia into her room. She passes out cold the second her head hits the pillow. I remove her shoes and tuck her in, then go to the bathroom to get her a bottle of water and two Advil that I place beside her bed. I debate leaving a note but figure it’s best if she hears it from me.

Dear Olivia,

I think the cocktails won last night. I walked you back to your room without incident, but you did cause a tiny scene making a toast at the reception. Mr. Frye requested you not return to the reception or brunch tomorrow. Give him a little time to cool down, then I’m sure you’ll be able to mend bridges.

Take care,


I’m exiting the bedroom when Jacob walks in with Blaine on his heels. Geez! This night will never end.

Avery Maxwell's Books