Without a Hitch(21)

He shrugs as if he hasn’t a care in the world. “I told the truth. My time is valuable. I give it freely to those who deserve it. He mistreats his employees and puts them in dangerous situations without a second thought. He is not deserving of my time.” His focus is intense as he regards me. The way his gaze slowly grazes down my body gives me the impression he thinks I am worthy of his most valuable time.

So, Blaine has standards. That I can stand behind, even if he does go about it arrogantly, with no regard for other people’s feelings. “A-And I’m deserving of your time?”

That wicked, wicked grin transforms his face as he draws closer. “You, Pepper, can have all my time. Today,” he adds, almost as an afterthought.

It’s not like I have time for a relationship. Today is truly all I can give anyway since tomorrow I go back to being Tilly. I hold up my finger to pause our conversation and peek across the table at Olivia, who is now on her second drink, at least. Then, I pull out my phone and open the text chain between my friends and sister.

Tilly: How do we feel about one-night stands?

Eli: Get it girrrrl! (Fire emoji, salsa dancer emoji) Delaney: Whoa. I just sprayed iced coffee all over our couch.

Hadley: Time out.

Hadley: Where are you? How do you know he’s safe? Do you have an out in case he tries to tie you to a bed in the red room of pain?

That’s what I love about these girls. Eli is full steam ahead all the time, Delaney is the planner, and Hadley is scared of her own shadow. Hadley also has an affinity for dark romance novels.

I chance a peek at Blaine to find him watching me with a bemused grin. Oh, shit. Can he read my messages? Covertly, I angle my phone away from him, and he chuckles. It’s a rich sound that shakes his entire body, and my spine tingles with awareness when his shoulder rubs up against mine.

Tilly: He’s wearing a Cartier watch and a suit that costs more than our rent.

Hadley: So? He could be a rich Dom who wants to own your body!

Eli: Is he hot? If he owned your body, would you like it?

Hadley: Eli! Not helpful!

Eli: If you’re into him, go for it. Men do it all the time. Be a boss bitch of your body, baby!

Tilly: I’m going to do it.

Hadley: Don’t you dare.

Eli: If you get more than two orgasms, he’s a keeper.

Delaney: Eli!

Eli: If you don’t get any, run as fast as you can.

“Pepper?” His close proximity and breath on my ear cause me to jump in my seat and I bobble my phone.

“Jesus, Blaine. What the hell. Warn a girl! And my name is not Pepper.”

“I know. It’s Abby, but tonight? You’re my Pepper. Want to know why?”

Desperately! I want to scream, but force myself to swallow the word since my mouth is unhealthily dry.

“You’re fiery, Pepper. Sprightly. A sassy little pixie who gets shit done, and I find that sexy as fuck.”

It’s like he’s seen past the fa?ade I present to the world in a misguided attempt at protecting myself. I’m not sure how to feel about that. No one ever sees me, not really anyway. I also think I might whimper a little when he says the word fuck. My lady bits are one thousand percent dancing a jig. He has a lilt to his voice that reminds me of London but is mostly Americanized, and I cross my legs to ease the tingling it causes in my panties.

“I’m curious,” he drawls. “How did you draw the short stick?”

The low rumble of his voice shakes the cobwebs from my brain. “Excuse me?”

“Well, it seems like someone’s trying to take a piss out of the wedding, and they tasked you with babysitting her.” He raises his brow toward Olivia, and I flinch.

Crap. No one’s supposed to know I’m babysitting the baddie!

“You hide it well, Pepper. But I’m paying attention.”

“To what?” I gasp. My heart speeds up like it’s the lead car in a NASCAR race, and I feel slightly lightheaded.


Amusement and heat shine from those knowing blue eyes. This man sets me on edge and sets me free at the same time. It’s a heady combination, and for the first time in my life, I’m feeling truly confident in my own skin.

“If you were paying attention, you would have noticed that I’m just a good friend who intends to make sure this wedding is perfect.”


Why? Is he serious? It’s like he lit a fire under me, and I’m about to give him the happily-ever-after education of his life!

“Why, what?” I nearly spit. I blink a few times at the vehemence in my tone while straightening in my chair to collect myself. He sits calmly and waits for me to continue, and I have the ridiculous urge to ruffle him. What would it take to make a man like this lose his cool? My cheeks burn, and I force myself back on track.

“It’s a wedding, Blaine. The most magical day in a girl’s life. Literally what all our fantasies are made of since the time we’re ten. Okay, maybe since I was ten, but most girls have a dream wedding, and my friend paid a lot of money to be a princess for a day. I’m just making sure nothing messes it up.”

“Because you want your friend to have the best day?”

“Because I think everyone deserves to have their happily ever after and not worry about a spoiled brat ruining it,” I say with a huff.

Avery Maxwell's Books