Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)(60)

“I didn’t,” he says. “Shocked the shit out of me when I pulled up and saw the circus. Jake and that cop filled me in.”

Pouring the soup into a bowl, I set it before Cat with a large spoon. I almost expect her to push it away, but instead, she starts eating it, taking the time to blow on each spoonful she brings to her mouth.

“So what’s up?” I say as I lean back against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. I want Bridger to hurry up, say whatever he needs, and then get the f*ck gone. I have a woman who was attacked and I need to check her over. I need to see with my eyes that she’s okay, and I need to feel with my hands the same. I need to give her the opportunity to tell me how f*cking scared she was, and then I need to reassure her she’s safe and that will never f*cking happen again. And then… if she’s still not exhausted and ready to go to sleep, I need to take the time to let her know how valued she is and that I want something more.

That was made abundantly clear to me the minute Lorelei called me at the hospital to tell me what happened. I always knew Cat might leave the area and go back to Vegas, but tonight I came very close to losing her and it made me prioritize a bit.

Made me realize she’s my top priority.

“Jenna went through the entire trust agreement you gave me,” Bridger says while tapping his index finger on the table. Cat pauses with a spoon of soup halfway to her mouth. “Cat stands to inherit a bit more than just five million and a house. That’s why I came here.”

“What?” Cat says, dropping the spoon back down.

“Yeah… the five million and the house was an immediate bequest to get you set up, but later on in the document, he also gives you ten percent of all profits from the hotels and subsidiary businesses under them for the remainder of your life, and then that reverts to his kids if you die before them.”

My mind quickly calculates. Ten percent of a billion is one hundred million, and that’s just estimating Samuel’s worth. It’s probably more.

“Holy f*ck,” I say as I turn my gaze upon Bridger and he’s watching me carefully. “Now that is something Kevin would kill over.”

“Yup,” Bridger agrees and cuts a glance at Cat. “Did you know that?”

“No,” she says in astonishment. “I mean… Samuel said he’d take care of me, but I thought the five million and a house was more in line with what he meant.”

I don’t say it, but all I can think is, Yeah… that f*cker must be showing his appreciation for all the times his wife took someone else’s cock so he could humiliate her.

“I don’t want that money,” Cat says bitterly, and I know she’s thinking the same thing. What that money really represents.

But f*ck if I’m going to let her walk away from her due. “Yes, you do.”


I cut her off with a sharp, “Yes, Cat. It’s yours under the law and you are not turning your nose up at it. Your husband may have been the ultimate prick, but in the end, he was looking out for you.”

Her mouth snaps shut and she glares at me. I know there’s more argument there, but we’ll worry about that later. Turning to Bridger I say, “We need to go down, grab that detective, and tell him this.”

“Already did that when he walked out. He wants a copy of the trust agreement.”

“I’ll get it to him tomorrow,” I say, but my mind is already racing ahead, trying to figure out how Kevin could be connected to the attacker.

But as usual, Bridger is uncannily ahead of me. “Cop told me a description of the guy that attacked Cat. Sounds like he could be a member of Mayhem’s Mission.”

I nod because that’s what I had been thinking. While plenty of people ride bikes in this area, there’s a huge motorcycle club— Mayhem’s Mission—and they are definitely shady. Without a doubt, Kevin would get someone to do his dirty work, and I could see him being stupid enough to approach a biker to do it.

“I’m going to call my buddy, Kyle Sommerville, tonight. He rides with them. I’ll see if he’s heard anything.” Bridger stands from the table indicating that’s all the information he has to share.

“Think he’ll know something?” Cat asks him as she stands up too.

He turns to her. “Maybe, and if he does, he still might not tell me anything, but I figure it’s worth a shot.”

“Well, thank you,” Cat says as she steps into Bridger, wrapping her hands around his waist. He seems surprised for a moment. The man is not the huggy-feely type. But then his face softens, his arms come around her upper back, and he gives her a quick squeeze before releasing her.

I walk Bridger to the door, noting that Cat sits back down to continue eating her soup. Still, to make sure she can’t hear, I step out onto the small porch behind him and pull the door shut behind me. He turns, knowing I’m here seeking a private word.

“You think it was Kevin behind this?” I ask to make sure we’re on the same page.

“Yup. Same as you.”

“Then I’m going to pay him a visit after Cat goes to sleep tonight,” I say with a nod. “I’ll get the truth.”

“Yeah, you are absolutely not going to do that,” Bridger says gruffly and steps into me. “You’re going to let the police handle this.”

Sawyer Bennett's Books