The Married Billionaire's Surrogate An African American Pregnancy Romance For Adults(15)

“What’s it all about? I…” She mumbled trying to catch her breath, when it went out of her lungs all at once. There was a helicopter flying above the mansion, the noise deafening but pleasant to her. “Oh my…”

Steven was still smiling, wrapping his arm around her and leading her to the street. A moment or two, and the huge thing landed before them, a man waving from inside. It was the first time Alicia had seen a helicopter so close. And this one had the name Wyatt written all over the side.

“Do you like it?” Steven whispered in her ear. “I bought it last week.”

She only nodded too excited to say a word more.

“My man! Vic, help us out,” Steven shouted to his friend in order to be heard above the noise and the man offered his hands for them to climb up.

Alicia was all shaking with fear and bewilderment, so she didn’t even notice how big and well equipped the cabin inside was with leather chairs, cup holders for the drinks and a small fridge. Her mind was buzzing when Steven’s strong hands helped her tie her body to the seat and introduced her to his best friend Victor Brown. He was a bit shorter than Steven and his skin a shade darker brown.

“Enjoy the ride, miss,” Victor told her and sat in the driver’s seat while Steven took his place next to her.

“I-I-I’m afraid of flying,” she spoke aloud, her hands trembling frantically.

“Don’t worry! I am here.” Steven looked her in the eyes and reassuringly gripped her hand. “Just close your eyes and we’ll be in the air in no time.”

She did as she was told, sweat sprouting on her forehead, but the fright just didn’t leave her. It only got bigger and bigger as the helicopter detached from the ground and began swaying and climbing in the air. Up and up. Up and up until she felt dizzy and bile rose in her throat. “I-I can’t…” She grabbed Steven’s wrist, digging her fingers in his skin and he returned the firm hold.

“A little more,” he whispered to her and kissed her on the cheek. “A little more and we are flying.”

And they were flying. Flying higher than Alicia had ever been. Flying above the clouds and all the people and houses down on the ground. It didn’t take long before her feelings steadied a bit and she could open her eyes to that sight. The sight of small ants milling about on the streets, tiny cars and trees and bushes. If only her mother and Christina could see her like that. Alicia Balfe from the suburbs riding in a helicopter above everyone and everything else.

She laughed and turned to Steven who had his face lighted up by joy as well.

“Told you it’ll be okay.” He smiled still holding her tightly.

“It’s more than okay. I… I am speechless. This is marvelous, Steven. Magnificent. Thank you,” She sincerely told him.

“Oh and wait to see what comes next.” He chuckled and leaned over to kiss her on the lips.


The Bahamas. The kingdom of sand beaches, palms, cocktails and ocean waves. Two words written neatly in Alicia’s notebook under places she dreamed to go. A place further than her hand could ever reach. Further than her salary, her mother’s pension or Christina’s savings. A place that she meant only to come to at night in her wildest dreams. Apparently, destiny wanted it the other way.

“Welcome to the Bahamas!” Steven spread his arms, excitedly pointing all around him. They had landed on a helipad on the roof of a massive hotel surrounded by a breath-taking beach.

Alicia hadn’t realized she had been holding her breath until she caught a glimpse of the ocean ahead and the tall cream structure beneath her feet. There were no words in her dictionary to express the gratitude she felt for Steven and the thrill and excitement flowing through her veins. This was what dreams were made of.

She hugged Steven tightly, feeling the security of his body. “How can I ever repay you?”

“Oh, stop it already. You’ve already pretty much.” He didn’t let go of her arms embracing him. There they were two star-crossed lovers who weren’t supposed to be witnessing the beauty of Mother Nature together, yet they did and that is how they planned it to stay.

After they got down and checked in at the reception – Alicia was looking all around her in every new room she entered – they climbed to the seventh floor with the elevator. Steven showed the card and the door to their room flung open letting them in. It was a spacious room, much like the ones in the mansion, only this one had a view that would make even a blind person see. The ocean in all its glory, with the waves kissing the beach and people in shorts and bikinis finding solace under huge white parasols. Oh, and the cafes… They were just like she had imagined them to look like – small wooden cottages with bars and a couple of stools to freshen up the happy guests.

“Phenomenal, right?” Steven spoke from behind her, spreading his arms across her stomach in an intimate gesture.

“Yeah…” She leaned back and rested her head at the hollow of his shoulder, kissing his cheek.

“C’mon, we don’t want to get lazy, do we? I have so many activities planned for us. First we go to the beach, then a tour around the island, we can do some shopping and in the evening my friend is throwing a nice party in the lobby,” he said it all fast as if he had planned it months in advance.

“Wow, I knew you were a great manager, but I had no idea you could plan a whole dream vacation.” She laughed.

Kalissa Lewis's Books