The Married Billionaire's Surrogate An African American Pregnancy Romance For Adults(14)

“Where are you going?”

“I have work to do.”

“Not right now.” His voice was strict and she turned to look at him in disbelief.

“I have stuff that I have to get done. I cannot spend the day in bed.”

“Why not?” He grinned, now showing her his perfect white teeth. Part of her wanted to smack the smile from his face and the other part wanted to kiss him and climb on top of him again. “Give me time,” he continued.

“For what?” She looked at him like he was crazy, not understanding what he was saying.

“For round two. I see the look in your eyes. You look like you’re searching for your next meal. I, my dear, would be glad to be it but give me a couple of minutes.”

“Look. This is not what I was thinking when I said I would be your surrogate. And I know it’s not what Elizabeth was thinking.”

“Elizabeth has her own life. She is seeing her boyfriend and they travel the world. We have an open marriage. It was set up by my parents anyway. What she thinks or says now doesn’t matter, dear Alicia. It’s us and only us here. And I don’t do this only because you accepted to be our surrogate. I love you, I told you that.”

“Me too…” She said and smiled. Then another thought covered the first one. “Oh!” She had forgotten that it was Saturday and Elizabeth came home early. She began to panic and tried to rise from the bed again, but he held her still. She really couldn’t lose her job.

“Elizabeth will be gone all weekend. Don’t worry! She’s with her boyfriend and the good news is we can have lots of practice.” As if he read her thoughts, he answered her silent question, wiggling his eyebrows at her. “Or you don’t want to spend the weekend with me?” He teased her.

Alicia lay her hand on his shoulder. “Of course I do. It’s just that I… I thought that we would go to a hospital for… you know, the baby.” She finally admitted her fears. It couldn’t leave her mind that Steven was consciously using her only to get the desired heir.

“What? Do you mean in a stuffy old clinic somewhere?” He gave her a look of disgust. “No thanks, honey. I’m not jerking off to some magazine and putting my swimmers in a cup. That just sounds wrong. Not to mention this way is a lot more fun. And I love it this way. I want you to be the biological mother of my child, Alicia. Believe me. I’ve always wanted you. Since the day you stepped into this house. Do you know how many times I would have to leave the room with you in there because I thought I wouldn’t be able to contain myself from throwing you on the floor and having my way with you?” She felt a shiver of desire course through her. He looked at her and smiled. “You feel it too. Well, my dear, how about we take a shower and then work on round two?”

“Round two?” His hands had loosened their grip on her skin and she was able to jump up and away from him. “I have work to do.” She tried to sound tough, but she was grinning and then she turned to make her way over to where her clothes were at. She put a little extra sway in her hips as she turned giving him a pleasant view of her ass as she leaned over for the clothes. She felt herself being pushed up against the wall. He stood behind her and ground his already hard cock into her ass. She gasped with the pleasure. “You want to go again?” She laughed.

“You know what they say.”

“What’s that?”

“Practice makes perfect.” He said as he turned her to lean over the chair and slipped into her. Nothing else was said as he began to thrust inside her once more.

Chapter 5

The shades of the day were playing on the wall of the bedroom, creating figures and then vanishing to be replaced by a new ray of sun or a shadow from the trees in the garden. A cool breeze made its way inside through the half-open window letting in the chirping of birds that was music to Alicia’s ears. She lay sprawled in the mass of sheets, legs and arms drunk by sensation and never wanting it to stop. Her belly was burning with passion and her eyes couldn’t get enough of the body she often dreamed about. Steven Wyatt was lying next to her head, his breath warm on her face.

She didn’t move, wanting to capture every detail of the previous night and the morning deep in her mind and to stay a bit longer in her man’s embrace. However, it seemed that all beautiful things eventually had to come to an end, as the buzzing of Steven’s cell phone broke the silence.

“Turn it off,” he grunted sleepily.

Alicia reached toward the nightstand. “It says Victor Brown.”

He at once opened his eyes and grabbed the phone in his hands. “What is it, man?”

To give him some privacy, Alicia left the bed and headed for the bathroom. By the time she had finished showering and doing her hair, Steven was already dressed up and in the corridor. “I’m waiting for you outside, Alicia. Hurry up, we have work to do.”

What work? What could they possibly do more than what they had just done?

“Coming,” she shouted after him nevertheless and in a few minutes was in her small room downstairs. For a moment she was uncertain whether to put on her maid uniform or the jeans and pink shirt, but decided for the latter. After all, it was not like she had to throw herself on the floors and dishes right away.

“Where are you?” His voice came through the entrance door just when she was running that way and he smiled.

Kalissa Lewis's Books