Eddie, Nick and I are all laughing so hard we get glares from the other customers. Eddie wipes away a tear when Gavin tells her it’s her turn.
“I guess when I ran over you with my car,” Eddie says.
“Try again,” Gavin says.
“What? That’s it! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.”
“What about after you ran over me? Tell them about that,” he laughs.
“We fell in love. The end.” She’s obviously embarrassed by the aftermath of the swipe.
“You have to tell us now,” I say.
“Fine. It was the second day after I got my license. Joel let me drive his car to school so I was being super careful. I was focused. When Joel was teaching me to drive, he paid careful attention to how I parked. He hates people who double park. In fact, I knew he was going to have someone drive him through the parking lot just to double check my parking job, so I really wanted to be perfect. So, that’s what I was focused on. I didn’t like how I parked the first time.”
“Or the second, third or fourth time,” Gavin says.
Eddie smirks at him. “So on the fifth time, I was determined to get it right. I backed out extra far to get a better angle and that’s when it happened. The thud. I turned around and didn’t see anyone so I panicked, thinking I had hit the car next to me or something. I continued to back out of the spot and threw the car in drive and was looking for a better spot so that I could inspect the car for damage. I pulled over in the next lot and got out. That’s when I saw him.”
“You…drug him?” I ask. I’m trying to hold back the laughter.
“Over 200 yards. After I hit him the first time, I kept backing up and his pant leg got hung up in the bumper. I broke his leg. Joel was so worried they were going to sue, he made me take food to him at the hospital every day for a week. That’s when we fell in love.”
“You’re lucky you didn’t kill him,” Nick says. “You’d be locked up on a hit and run charge and involuntary manslaughter. Poor Gavin would be ten feet under.”
“Six feet under!” I laugh.
“I’d love to hear your stupid story Layken, but it’s gonna have to wait. We’re gonna be late,” Eddie says as she scoots out of the booth.
On our drive to the slam, Eddie pulls a folded up sheet of paper out of her back pocket.
“What’s that?” I ask her.
“It’s my poem. I’m going to slam tonight.”
“Seriously? God you're brave.”
“Not really. The first time Gavin and I went, I promised myself I would do one before I turned eighteen. My birthday is next week. When Mr. Cooper told us we could skip the final if we performed, I took it as a sign.”
“I would just say I did one, Mr. Cooper won’t know. I doubt he’ll be there,” Nick says.
“No,” Gavin says. “He’ll be there. He’s always there.”
The empty feeling in my stomach returns, despite being full from supper. I slide my hands across my pants and fix my eyes on a star outside the window. I’ll wait to join back in the conversation until the subject changes.
“Man, Vaughn really did a number on him,” Nick says.
I cock my head in Nick’s direction. Eddie sees the interest perk in me and she folds her paper up and puts it back in her pocket.
“His ex,” she says. “They dated their last two years of high school. They were the couple. Homecoming queen, football star…"
“Football? He played football?” I’m shocked. This doesn’t sound like Will.
“Oh yeah, star quarterback three years running,” Nick says. “We were freshmen when he was a senior. He was a nice guy, I guess.”
“Can’t say the same about Vaughn,” Gavin says.
“Why? Was she a bitch?” I ask.
“Honestly, she wasn’t that bad in high school. It’s what she did to him after they graduated. After his parents…” Eddie’s voice trails off.
“What’d she do?” I sound too interested, I know.
“She dumped him. Two weeks after his parents were killed in a car wreck. He had a football scholarship but lost it when he had to move back home to take care of his little brother. Vaughn told everyone she wasn’t marrying a college dropout with a kid. So, that’s it. He lost his parents, his girlfriend, his scholarship and became a guardian all in the same two week time frame.”