Nick throws himself into the seat next to me at lunch. Eddie is sitting right across from me. I expect her to give me the eye but she doesn’t, she’s just as exuberant as ever. She already knows too much. I’m afraid she may assume it’s more than it is. I was late for school today; Will obviously got dressed in a hurry. She has every right to bombard me with questions but she doesn’t. I respect her for that-for respecting me.
“New Girl, what time we leavin’?” Nick asks as he’s piling his food together.
“I don’t know. Who’s driving?”
“I’ll drive,” Gavin says.
Nick looks up at Gavin. “No way, man. We’re taking my dad’s car. No way I’m riding in Monte Car-no.”
“Monte Car-no?” I look at Gavin.
“My car,” Gavin replies.
“What’s your address Layken?” Eddie asks. I’m shocked she failed to obtain it the first time we met.
“Oh I know where she lives,” Nick says. “I gave her a ride home. Same street as Mr. Cooper. We’ll pick her up last.”
How does Nick know that? I flush as I glance down to my tray and stir my mashed potatoes, attempting to seem oblivious to Eddie’s stare.
Nick and Gavin are both sitting in the front seat so I take the backseat with Eddie. When I climb in she smiles a friendly smile. She’s not going to press me. I breathe a sigh of relief.
“Layken, we need your help,” Gavin says. “Settle something for us will ya?”
“I like disputes. Shoot,” I say as I put on my seatbelt.
“Nick here thinks Texas is nothing but tornadoes. He says they don’t have hurricanes because there’s no beach. School him.”
“Well, he’s wrong on both counts,” I say.
“I can’t be,” Nick says.
“There are hurricanes," I say. "You forgot about the little area known as The Gulf of Mexico. But there aren’t any tornadoes.”
They both pause.
“There’s definitely tornadoes,” Gavin says as he rolls his head.
“No,” I say. “There’s no such thing as tornadoes, Gavin. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.”
There is a moment of silence before they break out in laughter. Eddie scoots closer to me in the backseat and cups her hand to my ear.
“He knows.”
I hold my breath, thinking back on conversations that might give me a clue who she’s talking about.
“Who knows? And what does he know?” I finally ask.
“Nick. He knows you aren’t interested. He's fine with it. There’s no pressure. We’re just friends tonight, all of us.”
I’m relieved. So relieved. I was already planning out how I would let him down.
I never did get to taste the pizza from Getty’s that I had delivered last night. It’s heaven. We had to order two, since Nick is eating a whole one by himself. I haven’t thought about being mad at my mother so far. I haven’t even thought about Will, (that much). I’m having fun. It’s nice.
“Gavin, what’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?” Nick asks.
We all quiet down at this question.
“I can only pick one?” Gavin asks.
“The one. The stupidest one,” Nick replies.
“Hmm. I guess it would have to be the time I was visiting my grandparents on their ranch right outside of Laramie, Wyoming. I had to use the bathroom so bad. It’s not a big deal, I’m a guy. We can whip it out anywhere. The big deal was that it was my turn.”
“For what?” I ask.
“To complete the dare. My brothers used to dare me to do stuff all the time. They would do it first, and then I’d have to do it. The only problem was, I was younger by several years so they always outsmarted me somehow. This particular day, they told me my rubber boots were too wet to wear so I had to throw on my hiking boots. They, of course, wore their rubber boots. Well, they came up with the dare to see who would pee on the electric fence.”
“You didn’t,” Eddie laughs.
“Oh, just wait, Babe. It gets better. They went first, which I realize now that rubber absorbs electricity, so they didn’t feel anything. I, on the other hand, was not so lucky. It knocked me on my back and I was crying, trying to get up when I tripped. I fell forward and met the fence with my mouth. Saliva and electricity don’t mix well either. It shocked me so bad my tongue started to swell and my brothers freaked out. Both of them ran home to get my parents while I lay there, unable to move with my dick hanging out of my pants.”