“Where'd she say she was going?”
“No, wait. Tell them to put the pepperonis on first, then the cheese, then the sauce on top.”
“Dammit, Kel! Where did she go?”
His eyes grow wide as he climbs off the stool and walks backward toward the front door. He slumps his shoulders as he slips his shoes on. I've never cussed at him before.
“Know don’t I. Caulder’s to going I’m.”
“Be back by six, I’ll have your pizza.”
I decide to knock my homework out first. Mr. Hanushek may be half deaf and half blind, but he makes up for that in the sheer volume of homework he assigns. I finish within an hour. It’s just four-thirty.
I take this opportunity to play detective. Whatever she’s up to and whoever she’s with, I’m determined to find out. I rummage through kitchen drawers, cabinets, hallway closets. Nothing. I’ve never snooped in my parent’s room before. Ever. This is definitely a year of firsts though, so I let myself in and close the door behind me.
Everything is the same as it was in their old bedroom. Same furniture, same beige carpet. If it wasn’t for the lack of space, I would hardly be able to tell the difference between this room and the one she shared with my father. I check the obvious first; the underwear drawer. I don’t find anything. I move to the edge of the bed and slide open the drawer to her nightstand. Eye mask, pen, lotion, book, note-
I slip it out of the drawer and open it. It’s written in black ink, centered down the page. It’s a poem.
I’ll paint you a world one day
A world where smiles don’t fade
A world where laughter is played
In the background
Like a P.S.A.
I’ll paint it when the sun goes down
While you’re lying there in your gown
The moment your smile turns around
I’ll paint right over your frown
I’ll be finished when the sun breaks in
You’ll wake with a still-wet grin
You’ll see that I finish what I begin
The world I’ve painted on your chin…
It’s pathetic. The world I’ve painted on your chin? Like a P.S.A.? What is that, anyway? Public service announcement? Who rhymes with acronyms? Whoever he is, I don’t like him. I hate him. I fold the note up and put it back in its place.
I call Getty’s and order two pizzas. Mom is pulling up in the driveway when I hang up the phone. Perfect opportunity for a shower. I lock myself in the bathroom before she makes it inside. I don’t want to see the look on her face. That look of ‘falling in love.'
“What the hell?” my mother says when she opens up the box of pizza.
“That’s Kel’s. It’s backwards,” I tell her. She rolls her eyes as she pulls the second box toward her. It makes me cringe how her eyes scroll over all the slices of pizza like she’s trying to find the one that tastes the best. They’re all slices from the same pizza!
“Just pick one!” I snap.
She flinches. “Jeez, Lake. Have you eaten today? Quite the crab, are we?” She picks up a slice and thrusts it toward me. I throw it on my plate and plop down at the bar just as Kel comes running in backwards.
“Here pizza the is?” he asks, just as he trips over the rug and lands on his butt.
“God Kel, grow up!” I snap.
My mother shoots me a look. “Lake! What is your problem? Is there something you need to talk about?”
I push my pizza across the table and get up from the bar. I can’t pretend anymore.
“No, Mother! There’s nothing I need to talk about. I don’t keep secrets!”
She sucks in a small gasp of air. This is it-she knows I know.
I expect her to defend herself, yell at me, put up a fight, send me to my room. Something. Isn’t that what happens when things come to fruition? The climax?
Instead, she simply looks away and grabs a plate for Kel, filling it with slices of backward pizza.
I march to my room and slam the door. Again. Who knows how many doors I’ve slammed since we moved here. I’m constantly leaving or entering rooms pissed off at someone. Will slams poems, I slam doors.