Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(54)

Mrs. Sutton goes to hug me, but then stops herself, probably remembering Paisley’s warnings of me not liking to be touched. I smile at her and pull her in for a hug, while she holds me tight and gives me a hug only mothers can do.

Mr. Sutton shakes my hand, and that’s when they both see my arms. Mrs. Sutton gently touches my arm, and then clears her throat.

"Well, that's nothing some biscuits and gravy can't cure. Get in here, boy. You’re letting the flies in." She turns on her heel and goes inside.

"Alright, we better not keep her waiting. Glad you’re here, son." Mr. Sutton says, and I follow him into the house, making sure to wipe my feet and close the door behind me.

Mrs. Sutton watches me from the kitchen and nods her head in approval. She was always yelling at us growing up about wiping the mud off our shoes.

"There are treats for Allie in the cookie jar in the living room. They’re Molly's favorite, but I doubt Allie will mind."

"This place hasn’t changed one bit," I say, looking around the room. Everything is in the same place, and it still smells like their home. Like the apple cinnamon potpourri you see in stores in the fall, only I've never seen potpourri in this house, not once.

"Oh, bite your tongue! That’s a brand new couch," Mrs. Sutton says.

I smile and don't say that it looks exactly the same. It's even the same gray color as the last one.

"And I upgraded the TV. It's one of those smart TVs that I guess I'm not smart enough to work," Mr. Sutton grumbles.

The TV is bigger, but it's still in the same place to the right of the fireplace.

"Well, it looks great. Still feels like home." I smile at them.

"Oh, the biscuits are done perfectly. Come on over and sit down. We’re ready to eat!" Mrs. Sutton says, and we file to the kitchen and help her carry the food to the table.

Biscuits, sausage gravy, orange juice, and bacon. It's never brunch in this house without bacon. Some things never change, and it's good to know that.

We sit down, and once everyone's plates are full, Mr. Sutton turns towards me.

"So, how are you doing? I tried to visit, and they said you had a visitor ban on. I'm guessing that's part of the reason Paisley has been moping around here the last month."

I hate that she's been upset, but if she's still moping, I might still have a chance. This is a Hail Mary pass, but I have to try, I have to know for sure I did everything I could, or I'd always wonder and always regret.

"Yeah, after the incident with Leeland, I had something to do. I needed to figure things out, and it's hard to do or think of anything but her when she's around."

Mr. Sutton smiles at his wife.

"That's how I feel. The feeling doesn't go away. You just get better at hiding and managing it."

"Well, I'm counting on that, which leads to me the reason I'm here. I have a question for you."

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

My brother showed up yesterday out of the blue, and we had a nice, long talk. Apparently, he's ready to pull his head out of his ass and grow up. He apologized more times than I can count. He even brought me my favorite chocolate and wine, though I suspect Mom helped him with that.

He also stayed and fixed some things around the house for me, and even mowed my lawn. I made him dinner and decided I'd forgive him under the condition that he got himself on track. He says he has been.

Apparently, he has applied for a few new jobs with more responsibility, and I was one of the first stops for making amends to people on his list. I'm hoping Easton's on that list, but I couldn't bring myself to ask, if he's talked to him.

For two reasons. Because if he hasn't, then there’s a chance he isn't getting any better. And if he had, then Easton’s talking to everyone but me, and my heart couldn't take it, so we stayed clear of the subject.

Today, is the day I'd normally be at Oakside, and I still haven't found a way to fill that time in my schedule, even after a month. I'm mindlessly cleaning my house, but other than some dog hair that needs sweeping up, the house really doesn't need to be cleaned. I've tried reading, but I can't concentrate. Jake is at Oakside, so I can't visit him, and after two weeks, Amanda told me I was bringing down the dogs’ moods and making it hard to train them.

I didn't want to go to my parents’ in case Leeland showed up, and Lexi was working, so I was left to entertain myself.

I must be going stir crazy and wishing for company because I swear I hear knocking, but I know I wasn't imagining it, when Molly and Reba start barking at the door.

I sigh and check my hair in the hallway photo frame before I open the door and almost fall over myself to find Easton on the other side. He looks just as handsome as he always does, except now he's showing off the tattoos and scars on his arms. I stand there in shock unable to move or think, as Molly and Reba great Allie.

"Can I come in?" He finally asks, and I step back to let him in.

Damn it, why did I have to think cleaning my house would be a good way to kill time today? I have done nothing with my hair, and I'm in shorts and an old, stained t-shirt, and I'm sure I smell like that green cleaning spray I was using way too much of.

Kaci Rose's Books