Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(52)
I really hope you read this letter, even though a part of me feels like you won’t.
I want to tell you to keep fighting.
Leeland is wrong. What kind of a friend says that to you? My parents agree. Yes, it's true they do. After I dropped you off, we had a big family pow-wow, and I let it all out. The years of them babying him, and what a shitty friend he is.
When he's there, I told them I refuse to have dinners with them. Dad is worried about you. I didn't know he had been to visit you, but I'm glad he has.
I’ll respect your wishes for me to not visit, and I’ll ask Amanda to visit the guys here. Today, will be my last day at Oakside, so you don't have to worry about accidentally bumping into me.
I’ll always be here for you, and I’m just a phone call away.
Because Leeland was wrong, and one day, you’ll realize that, too. Just don't take too long to do so.
You’re sweeter and stronger than anyone knows. If anyone deserves happiness, it's you. I hope you find it, Easton, even if it isn't with me.
Always Yours,
I hope that’s enough. I want him to know what happened, but I also want him to know I won't be in his way. I want him to heal more than anything and could never forgive myself for being the person that prevented it.
I place the letter in the envelope and hand it and the food to Noah.
"I'll take it to him now."
Then, I turn to Lexi.
"I’ll honor Easton's wishes. So, this will be the last time I come, until he’s gone, because I want him to heal, and I don't want to be in the way of that. I’ll send a friend of mine with one of her dogs to visit the guys in my place."
"Oh, Paisley. You don't have to do that," Lexi says.
"But I do. If he doesn't want to see me, I don't want him worried about running into me. It will slow him down, or even set him back. This gives him the freedom to be here and heal."
Lexi pulls me in for a hug, and I fight back the tears. I won't cry here. Not where he could see me.
"We’ll do a girl’s night really soon, okay?" I just nod.
"Did Jake work today?" I ask.
"No, he comes in tomorrow."
Taking a deep breath, I look towards the hallway that leads to Easton's room, as Noah comes out of it. He gives me a sad smile and just shakes his head.
Well, that’s that.
"Want to go play, Molly?"
The least I can do is let her run and play in the grass one last time before we leave.
As soon as I step out front, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn and find Easton in his window, staring right at me. Has he read my letter? I don't know, and this moment isn't about him.
I unhook Molly and toss the ball and let her loose. She runs hard several times before I can see the moment she’s drained. I hook her back to the leash, turn, and find Easton still staring at me. But I head to the car with tears in my eyes.
Instead of going straight home, I go see Jake. I should have probably called to let him know I was coming over, but a few surprises will do him good now and then. When I pull in, he’s playing in the front yard with Atticus. He stops and meets me at the car.
"Hey, a good surprise. Can Molly play?"
"Yeah, she might be a bit tired out, though.”
Jake studies my face, "What's wrong?"
I share the story of what my brother said, and Easton shutting down.
"It would mean a lot to me if you would keep an eye on him when you’re there. You don't have to report back to me, but just knowing someone else has his back is enough."
"Of course, and I wouldn't worry, I have a feeling he will come around," Jake says, bumping his shoulder against mine, while we lean on my car, watching the dog’s play.
"I doubt it.”
"He’ll open his eyes and realize what he has. Hell, if I didn't know your heart belonged to him, I would try to win you over. I mean it, Paisley. If this doesn't work out, or he doesn’t come around, you’ll find someone. But I saw you two together, and that kind of love doesn't just go away. It will be what propels him to get better. Just you wait and see."
"Well, I hope so, because I'm out of ideas on what to do.”
On the way home, my mom calls.
"Sweetie, I'm making a roast for Sunday dinner. Do you want biscuits or rolls with it?"
"Is Leeland going to be there?"
The hesitation from her is the answer I need.
Irritated, I say, "Then, I won't be there, so I don't think it matters. This isn't something that can be swept under the rug. His actions have now negatively affected others, and he needs to grow up and realize that."
"Dear, you and Lee are very different people. Men and women are hard wired differently. Women mature faster, and you did even more so. I always thought you were an old soul, who is at least twenty-years-older than you actually are. Lee, on the other hand, he's refusing to face the fact that he's an adult. He doesn't want to grow up, and that's normal. Your father was like that, when I met him, and I was the incentive he needed to grow up. Leeland will find his incentive, you’ll see."
"That's great. Until that day, I want nothing to do with him, and if you expect to remain in my life, you’ll respect that. Maybe, I’ll be ready to forgive him, but today isn't it, and it won't be tomorrow or this week."