Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(51)

Every time I drift off, all I hear are her last words.

Don't go backwards just because my brother is an asshole.

I jerk wide awake and think, easier said than done.

Then, I fall back asleep, only to hear it again and jerk back awake. This process repeats all night, and I give up the fight at the first sign of daylight.

I sit in the chair by the window and watch people come and go. Kaitlyn checks in on me and reminds me of my appointment later this afternoon, but I don't realize how late it is until Noah knocks.

"Hey, so Paisley was just here. She wasn't too happy you didn't want to see her, and that Lexi and I stopped her, but she left you this. I’ll leave it on the table here, if you want it." Noah says, dropping off a Tupperware container and an envelope.

Nothing else is said, as Noah leaves, but I turn to look out of the window again. This time Paisley is there with Molly and looking right at me from the front lawn. She looks sad and tired, but still as beautiful as ever. My heart races, as I watch what she does.

She takes off both Molly's vest and leash, and then turns to throw a ball for her. Oakside has plenty of room for Molly to run. It’s easily five times the size of Paisley's backyard, and Molly loves it. After throwing the ball a few more times, she finally puts the leash back on, before turning to look at me one more time, and then heading to her car.

Once she’s out of sight, I get up and walk to the table Noah left the container on. I open it and find the spaghetti and meatballs we were supposed to have for dinner last night, and even garlic bread wrapped in foil.

My stomach growls, and I grab a fork and dig in, while I stare down the envelope with the Oakside logo on it, and my name scrawled across the front in Paisley's handwriting.

Do I want to read it? Of course, I do, but I probably shouldn't. I should close that chapter of my life and figure out my next steps. But I do need closure, and I'm sure Paisley does, too. What if the letter will give us both that? Then, I should read it.

But Paisley could be mad. She could be yelling at me throughout that letter. In which case, I don't want to read it. But she didn't look mad when she was in the front yard with Molly. She looked sad, tired, and stressed. All because of me. So, I owe it to her to read the letter.

I finish the food, and it is as delicious as I remember it. The letter sits on the table taunting me.

"Allie girl, you need to go potty?" I ask, and she jumps right up.

I take her outside, well to the courtyard near my room. She does her business, and then we play for a bit before she stands at the door and stares at me. She's done and ready to go back to our room. We head in, and the letter is still on the table.

Glancing at the clock, I have about twenty minutes to my appointment, but decide to head over early and talk a walk through the lobby.

My appointment with Dr. Tate goes well. I fill him in on the last few days, and it's mostly me talking and him writing in his notebook. I walk back to my room slowly, stopping by the courtyard again to let Allie out, before going to my room.

The letter is still there. Now that I have no other excuses, I guess it's time to read it.

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


I didn't sleep a wink last night. Between the fight with my brother last night and dropping Easton off and him not talking. Was all that really only yesterday? It almost feels like a lifetime ago, even though the wounds are still fresh.

I hope the new day brings a new perspective for Easton, and maybe, he wants to talk to me today. I head into the kitchen to feed the dogs, and then I work on some light training with Reba.

As a peace offering, I could make the spaghetti we didn't get to eat last night and bring it to Easton. Maybe, that will break the ice. Trying to forget all the painful memories, I make everything I didn't get to last night.

After I put the garlic bread in the oven, I turn my phone back on for the first time, since last night, and a mass flood of texts come in from Leeland, Mom, Dad, and Lexi.

I text Mom and Dad to tell them I'm fine, but just want some space. Then, I put my phone on silent and stash it in my purse. I finish up the spaghetti, sauce, and meatballs and package it up in trays and containers to keep it warm, and then load it and Molly into the car and drive to Oakside.

I refuse to think about making this same drive yesterday. Today, has to be better, right? We’ll talk this out, and everything will be okay. It has to be because I can't think of an alternative right now.

I pull into Oakside, and even Molly doesn't seem her happy self like she can sense what’s wrong. I don't even make it to the lobby before Lexi stops me.

"I'm sorry, Paisley, but he's saying no visitors. Not even you." She says with a sad smile.

"But is he okay?"

"He's regressed a little, but he's talking to Noah."

"I brought him lunch. Will you give it to him?"

"Of course."

"Can I write him a letter to go with it?"

Lexi looks over her shoulder at Noah.

"I don't see why not. Need some paper?" Noah says.


I stand at the counter and try to think of what to say.

This almost feels like goodbye, even though it’s the last thing I want.

Kaci Rose's Books