Savage Hearts (Queens & Monsters #3)(26)

“No, because I’m a man, and you’re a woman.”

When I only stand there staring at him with my face scrunched up, he adds, “Also, I’m working. It’s my job.”

“You should’ve started with that.”


“Because then I wouldn’t suspect that you have old-fashioned, inflexible ideas about gender roles.”

He chuckles. “I do have old-fashioned, inflexible ideas about gender roles. But trust me when I say that they’re all to your benefit. Now, will you let me open the door to the bloody bookshop for you, or will your wee feminist ego insist we arm wrestle over it?”

I lift my nose in the air and sniff. “I wouldn’t arm wrestle you.”

I was trying to be snooty and dismissive, but he seizes the opportunity of my refusal to make a point.

“Of course you wouldn’t. You’d lose. Would you like to know why?”

Knowing where he’s going with this, I exhale a heavy breath and roll my eyes. “Because you’re stronger than me.”

“Aye. And that’s because…?”

“Because you’re a man, and I’m a woman.”


“God, you’re a pain in the ass.”

“You’re not the first woman to tell me that.”


He grins. Then he closes the passenger door and guides me into the shop with his hand on the small of my back.

Conversation at the café tables stops dead as we pass. One women stares at Spider with her mouth hanging open so wide, I have to suppress a giggle.

Inside, we look around at the charming space. There’s a little coffee counter on one side of the store at the front, along with a few more small tables. The register is on the other side. Behind both, rows and rows of crammed bookshelves stretch all the way to the back of the building.


“Can I buy you a coffee, lass?”

“Sure. Thank you. Americano, no sugar or cream.”

He crinkles his nose. On such a muscular, macho guy, it’s adorable. “So basically hot bean water. Did you spend much time in prison?”

“Ha. And thank you for judging my choice in caffeinated beverages. Is it okay if I browse the shelves a bit before we sit down?”

“Of course. I’ll catch up with you.” His look sharpens. “Don’t wander too far.”

He stands in line behind an old man leaning heavily on a cane, and I stroll down the main aisle until I hit the travel section.

I turn down the aisle on a whim.

It’s surprisingly large, with a selection of everything from walking guides through Kyoto to spelunking guides for the underwater caves of New Zealand.

The books on Russia are at the end of the aisle.

I flip through several of them, not knowing what I’m looking for. Then a large, colorful volume on a top shelf catches my eye. It’s sticking out a few inches from the rest.

Deciding I’d like to look at that one, I set my laptop on the floor and grab a rolling shelf ladder someone left in the middle of the aisle. I roll it over, climb up a few steps, and reach for the book.

I’m about to pull it out when another hand reaches up and settles over mine.

It’s big, male, and covered in tattoos.

The arm it’s attached to is encased in a black wool coat sleeve.

The sharp breath I drag into my lungs is infused with the scent of pine needles.




I spend several frozen moments staring wide-eyed at his hand covering mine and attempting not to topple off the ladder from shock. Then I whisper, “Did you follow me here?”

His reply is low and instant. “Yes.”

“Have you been watching me?”


Holy shitsicles. He’s been watching me. How? From where?

I swallow hard. He’s standing so close behind me, I feel his body heat. He’s radiating it. The man is burning up. He’s his own five-alarm fire.

I want to ask him why the hell he’s wearing a black wool overcoat when it’s eighty degrees outside, but get distracted when he leans closer and puts his mouth beside my ear.

“Come with me now,” he says urgently. “I can get you away from the guard. I’ll take you anywhere in the world you want to go. You can start a new life.”

Cue the sound of screeching brakes.

Shit. I forgot. He thinks I’m Declan’s captive prostitute.

Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I meet his eyes. His pale green, blazingly intense, burn-the-barn-down eyes.

Wow, this is gonna be super awkward. “Um…I’m not what you think I am.”

His grip on my hand tightens. After a beat, he says gruffly, “I’m not trying to fuck you. I’m trying to save you.”

Hearing him say “fuck” makes my cheeks burn.

But I don’t know how to feel about the rest of it. Should I be offended or complimented that he thinks I’m a hooker, just not one he’d pay to have sex with?

Deciding this conversation is awkward enough already without him having to make his case for a swift escape to my profile, I turn around on the ladder and face him. Because I’m up two steps, we’re at the same height. We’re standing eye to eye, and he’s even more stunning up close in broad daylight.

J.T. Geissinger's Books