Savage Hearts (Queens & Monsters #3)(31)

Then he struts off after Spider, leaving me wondering if it was Sloane who told him that.

With the way my luck is running lately, it’s probable.

Spider returns in about five minutes, just as I’m about to sit down on the floor. “All clear. In you go.”

“Will you give me a tour?”

He looks surprised. “Aye, if you like.”

“It’s just that I’ve never been inside a mafia safe house before. Hey, is there cash hidden inside the walls? Gold bars? Drugs?”

He snorts. “No.”

I’m oddly disappointed by that.

I follow him inside the place, looking around in curiosity. It’s like a regular home inside, only with a lot more bedrooms and no windows.

One other thing I don’t see is an exit.

“Is that garage the only way in?”

Showing me around the bedroom that will be mine, he says, “There’s a tunnel we can use in an emergency. It runs underneath this block and ends on the other side of the industrial park.” He turns to look at me. “Why? You gonna threaten to run away again?”

“I’m not running anywhere. I just feel a little claustrophobic not being able to see outside.”

“You get used to it after a few weeks.”

Hearing that, I start to panic. “Weeks? Hold on a minute—are you telling me I’ll be stuck in this underground bunker for that long?”

He says gently, “It’s not up to me how long you’ll be here, lass.”

“That’s not what I asked!”

“The priority is your safety, whether it takes a few days or a few weeks.”


His expression darkens. “Dealing with Malek.”

From Spider’s tone, I get that “dealing” with him won’t be pleasant. Or easy.

I remember the look of revulsion in Malek’s eyes when I told him who I was, and a shiver of fear goes through me.

Maybe when he said I was in no danger from him, it’s because he thought I was a prostitute.

Maybe being Declan’s almost sister-in-law changes the game for the worse.

And maybe I should’ve kept my big fat mouth shut, because maybe the notorious Russian assassin would like to wipe Declan’s entire family off the face of the earth.

“Oh, shit,” I say, wide-eyed.

Spider frowns. “What is it?”

“Is Malek after Declan for anything in particular?”

When that muscle in Spider’s jaw flexes, I know it’s going to be bad. But I never could’ve guessed exactly how bad it would be.

“Aye. Declan killed Malek’s brother.”

And I’m going to kill my sister for dragging me into all this.

When I only stand there staring at Spider in horror, he takes my shoulders in his hands and says firmly, “You’re safe here. Nothing ties this place to Declan. No one knows it exists. You’re safe, lass. I promise.”

He’s convinced what he’s saying is true, but there’s a worried voice inside my head reminding me that promises are made to be broken.

And in only a few hours, I’ll be proven right.

Because I wake up with Malek’s huge hand clamped over my mouth and his furious green eyes glaring down into mine.



“Hello again, little bird. Make a noise, and I’ll break your neck.”

The words are spoken in a deadly soft tone that leaves no doubt he won’t be giving me another white rose anytime soon.

My heart starts to pound. Cold flashes over me. My entire body detonates with panic.

I lie perfectly still, staring up at him in pure terror, convinced I’m about to die.

Or something less pleasant.

Malek slides his hand down to my throat. When I gasp, he squeezes.

“Go ahead,” he whispers, eyes glittering. “Scream. I’ll enjoy silencing it.”

For whatever reason, instead of scaring me more, that comment royally pisses me off. The icy cold that first gripped me now turns to blistering heat.

“This is where I remind you that you gave me your word you wouldn’t hurt me.”

My tone is so scathing, it makes him blink. But he recovers quickly, leaning closer until our noses are almost touching.

“I lied.”

That makes me even angrier. Seething, I glare at him. “Then you’re a piss-poor excuse for a human being. Liars are the worst. You know why? Because they’re cowards. Go ahead and kill me, but be prepared for my ghost to haunt you forever. And when I say forever, I mean it literally. I hold grudges like new mothers hold their infants.”

His eyes flare. So do his nostrils. He can’t believe my nerve.

Neither can I. But apparently, imminent death brings out my inner Ninja who wants to bitch slap everyone in sight.

We breathe angrily at each other until he growls, “You’ve got a big mouth for such a little thing.”

“And you’ve got a little brain for such a big thing. Even if you do kill me, do you really think you’ll get out of this place alive?”

He snaps, “Your bodyguards don’t even know I’m here.”

“That’s what you think. I already hit the panic button next to the bed. You have ten seconds to leave before they charge through the door, guns blazing.”

J.T. Geissinger's Books