Savage Hearts (Queens & Monsters #3)(24)

He says emphatically, “No.”

“What? You don’t even know what I was going to say.”

“Whatever it was, it involves me doing something I’m not supposed to do at your request.”

“I’d never ask you to do something that would get you into trouble.”

When he only stands there, staring down his nose at me with his arms folded over his chest, I tell the truth.

“Okay, I probably would, but if you did get into trouble, I promise I’d feel bad about it. How about if we just go for a drive around the block with the radio on? I’m sure we’re allowed to do that.”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re so much like your sister.”

“Say that again, and I’ll give you a smack on that big skull of yours.”

He pretends to be offended. “My skull isn’t big!”

I laugh at that. “Yes, it is. It’s as enormous as the rest of you.”

He stares at me, slowly lifting his brows.

My face decides it’s time to turn a nice bright shade of tomato red. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“No? So the rest of me is small?”

He’s teasing me, the jerk. Time to change the subject.

“How about the library? I’m sure Declan would agree I’d be safe at a library, right?”

“We’re not going anywhere.”

“Fine. If you won’t help me, I’ll run away. I’m sure that won’t get you into any trouble.”

I don’t really mean it. I’m just being dramatic because I’m not getting my way. I turn around and flounce off with the plate of chicken wings I found in the fridge.

Ten minutes later, Spider knocks on my bedroom door.


He sticks his head through. “All right, lass. Let’s go.”

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, I perk up. “Really?”

“Aye, really.”

I munch on a wing for a minute, debating, then shake my head. “That’s sweet, but I was only joking about running away. And I really don’t want to get you into trouble.”

He chuckles. “You won’t be. I got permission to take you out for that joyride.”

“From Declan?”

“Aye.” His grin is so big, it’s nearly blinding. “If anyone knows firsthand how a Keller woman can pester a man to death when she wants something, it’s him.”

Abandoning the plate of wings, I mutter, “Yeah, I bet he does,” and jump up to gather my things.

Ten minutes later, we’re pulling out through the big iron gates, and I’m in full interrogation mode. Apparently, freedom makes me chatty.

“So how long have you worked for Declan?”

“A long time.”

“Is it a hard job?”

“Depends on what you mean by hard.”

“Do you have to kill people?”

He sends me a sideways look that means Of course.

“Oh. Wow.”

I think for a moment about what a bummer it must be to have that in your job description, then let it go because there’s nothing I can do about it.

I’m not one to dwell on things that can’t be fixed.

“Is a mobster what you wanted to be when you were growing up? And don’t give me some oblique answer. I want specifics this time.”

I can tell he’s trying not to laugh. “Oblique?”

“It means indirect.”

“I know what it means, lass. I’m just amused by your choice of words sometimes.”

Offended, I say snippily, “So I’m a word geek. Sue me.”

“Aw, don’t be sore. What’s your favorite word?”

That stumps me. I mull it over for a while as we drive, passing more gigantic estates set back behind locked gates and tall hedges. Bermuda seems to be entirely populated by paranoid rich people.



“Yeah, because of the way it sounds, and also because I like its meaning.”

Spider nods. “Happy accident.”

And here I thought he was just another pretty face.

“Yes, exactly. I also like the word ‘mellifluous,’ because when you use it in a sentence, people think you’re super smart. And it’s pretty. Mel-li-flu-ous. It sounds like you’re chanting a spell. That’s what I wanted to be when I was growing up, by the way. A witch. God, it would be so badass to be able to put curses on people, don’t you think? And fly. Except I wouldn’t want to fly around on a broom. A broomstick stuck up your cooch would be crazy uncomfortable.”

Spider has his fist over his mouth. He’s trying to stifle his laughter.

“Hey! I’m being open and honest here! You could at least have the manners to keep a straight face.”

“Witches are supposed to ride their brooms sidesaddle, lass, not with the bloody thing clamped between their thighs.”

I roll my eyes. “Excuse me for not knowing the proper way to mount a broomstick. I missed that day at Hogwarts.”

Spider laughs and laughs, clearly enjoying himself. I wonder when the last time was that he had a good laugh. His job probably doesn’t afford many occasions.

Staring at his grinning profile, I say suddenly, “Are they going to be okay?”

J.T. Geissinger's Books