Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(95)

“Bobbin, my Lady. I’m Bobbin—that’s me.” He flashed me a quick little grin that showed very white teeth and nodded at me in a friendly way.

It didn’t sound like a demon’s name but then, he didn’t seem to be the typical demon, either.

“Well, Bobbin, I’m Gwendolyn. You can call me by my name—you don’t have to keep saying ‘my lady.’”

“Oh no, my lady!” He looked shocked. “I couldn’t possibly call the consort of Lord Laish by her proper name! He’d have me skinned alive and thrown into the Lake of Fire, so he would!”

“No, he won’t,” I promised him. “I wouldn’t let him do that to you. But if it makes you feel better, why not call me ‘my lady Gwendolyn?’ I mean, it makes me sound like somebody at the Renaissance Festival but if it makes you feel better…”

“It does. Thank you, my lady Gwendolyn, for your great kindness to Bobbin.” He looked up at me shyly. “You…you’re very pretty you know. I can see why Lord Laish is so taken with you.”

“Well, thank you, Bobbin.” I smiled at him.

“I speak only the truth.” He ducked his head and kissed the back of my hand quickly with his hot little lips. Then he straightened up, his face red again, and scampered off down the hallway as fast as his stubby legs could carry him.

I watched him go with a grin on my face. Maybe everyone in Hell wasn’t horrible. I was glad we had a little time here to recover before we headed out on the road again. Leaning down, I picked up the tray and took it inside—I wanted a bubble bath worse than I’d ever wanted anything in my life and I was finally going to get it.


I must have drifted off in the tub because the next thing I remember were hushed voices outside the bathroom door.

“…simply cannot understand why you would do such a thing,” a voice that sounded like Belial’s said.

“I told you,” Laish replied. “I had no choice but to abandon my wyrm form—there were too many Skitterlings to contend with.”

“But you didn’t have to give up your second most powerful form, my Lord! It took you centuries to cultivate it!”

“My only other option was to give up Gwendolyn to them,” Laish said coldly. “And I was not about to do that.”

“But why not?” Belial asked earnestly. “Truly she is a charming young woman but she is, after all, only a mortal. I could understand if you were intent on keeping her here with you for eternity but you are going out of your way not to damn her.”

“And what makes you think that?” Laish demanded.

“Because of what she told me—that you are making the Sacrifice of Blood for her every time you feed her. Quite apart from the pain you must be enduring for her sake, may I remind you, my Lord, how very dangerous that can be, especially to one who hangs in the balance as you do yourself?”

“You need not remind me of anything, Belial.” Laish’s deep voice cracked like a whip. “I’m well aware of the consequences of my actions.”

“But my Lord, I do not understand why.” The old demon’s voice sounded almost plaintive now. “Why put yourself through pain and trouble and suffering for a single mortal girl?”

Laish sighed and I could almost picture him running a hand through his hair.

“To tell the truth, Belial, I do not quite understand why myself. Gwendolyn has a hold on me—I can explain it no better than that,” he said in a low voice.

“But my Lord, there must be some reason.”

“Belial…” There was a warning in Laish’s low voice but still the other demon continued.

“Is it that you wish to sample her soul? You never had a taste for them before but I can understand if you’ve developed a liking. Maybe hers has a special flavor? Are you taking it little by little so that she doesn’t even feel the loss?”

Ugh—what an awful idea! I hadn’t even known such a thing was possible. Laish’s next words only made me feel a little bit better.

“I have not tasted her soul…yet,” he said.

Yet? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I thought angrily. Hadn’t he told me he wasn’t interested in my soul? Had he lied about that? And what else had he lied about?

“Is it that she feeds your power? Is her lust stronger than most?” Belial demanded relentlessly. “Is it magnified by her witchcraft? Or is it her innocence you seek? Surely with such power as you gained from reaping that you could regain your wyrm form or perhaps even cultivate an even more powerful one.”

I held my breath, hoping Laish would say no. That he would tell the other demon that I had a hold on him because he cared for me—not just because he wanted to use me like a battery to recharge. Or take my virginity to feed his own power. Or worst of all, suck up my soul. But I heard no such thing.

“I do not wish to speak further of this matter,” Laish replied shortly.

“But, my Lord—”

“I said I will not speak of it further.” Laish’s voice dropped to a menacing growl.

“Yes, my Lord.” I imagined Belial doing his awkward bow again.

I couldn’t help thinking that he had seemed like such a nice, kindly old demon—before I heard him telling Laish he should have given me to the Skitterlings or use me in some unspeakable way. I guessed appearances could be deceiving.

Evangeline Anderson's Books