Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(93)

“I am certain it can be arranged. Would you also like me to send you up a tray of supper? Ask for anything you like, our chefs can prepare it.”

“Oh, thank you but I can’t,” I said, trying to refuse his kind offer as politely as I could. “You see, I’m just a, uh, tourist in Hell and I don’t want to get stuck here.”

He frowned slightly. “So you have brought your own food from the Mortal Realm, then?”

“Originally, yes,” I said. “Unfortunately, the container I had which was spelled to provide it, got broken beyond repair the very first night I was here.”

Belial shook his head sympathetically.

“You poor child—you must be so hungry if you’ve had no food for so long. I do wish we could accommodate you but alas, all of our food comes from the Infernal Realm and I fear it would trap you here indefinitely.”

“Oh, I’m not hungry,” I said, wanting to make him feel better. “Laish has been feeding me himself.”

“He has?” Both eyebrows shot up this time, making the old demon look like he had a furry gray caterpillar crawling across his forehead.

“Well, yes,” I said hesitantly. “I mean, he cuts his wrist with this little knife and lets a few drops of blood fall on a plate. Then they turn into whatever I ask for. So you see, I’m perfectly fine.”

Belial was shaking his head in disbelief.

“I cannot believe it,” he muttered. “I simply cannot believe it.”

“Believe what? Isn’t it okay?” The little seed of doubt that had been planted in my heart grew another inch. “I mean, the food he’s been making me won’t trap me here, will it? He promised me it wouldn’t. He said—”

“No, no—it is perfectly safe to eat.” The old demon made an impatient motion with one hand. “I am just…very surprised at him offering it to you. Forgive me, my dear, but though you’re very pretty, you’re only a mortal. For Lord Laish to offer you the Sacrifice of Blood…”

“Only a mortal?” I asked, bristling a little. “Does that make me less valuable for some reason? Less worthy of Laish’s interest?”

“Not as such…” Belial seemed to be choosing his words carefully. “But you must understand, my dear, you mortals have such a very short life span—over in the blink of an eye. I could understand if Lord Laish wished to keep you in the Infernal Realm—to serve as his concubine for eternity. But he is going out of is way not to damn your soul. It makes no sense for him to take such pains for you.”

“It makes perfect sense to me,” I said coolly, taking my hand off his arm. “Laish knows I don’t want to stay in Hell.”

“Yes, yes, but…” He tugged at his long gray beard. “How can I put it? It would be like you putting yourself through a great deal of pain and agony simply to feed a pet ant which you knew would be dead in a couple of days.”

“So now I’m his pet?” I was really angry now. “I don’t think so!”

Belial made me a sweeping bow which looked awkward and uncomfortable with his humped back.

“Please, forgive me if I offended you, my dear—it was not done intentionally. I was simply…surprised. That’s all.”

“Surprised that Laish could care for a mortal?” I asked stiffly.

“Well, yes, to be candid.” Belial shrugged his hunched shoulders. “Then again, one thing I have always liked about Lord Laish was his ability to violate my expectations. He has always had a mind of his own—even when I first found him and he was new to our realm.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I wasn’t exactly ready to accept his apology about the whole “pet” thing—which was pretty freaking offensive—so I just nodded. We left the library and retraced our steps to the top of the spiral staircase where the carpet began in the right hand hallway.

“This half of the Citadel is reserved for Lord Laish’s private living quarters,” Belial explained in a subdued voice. “Please make yourself at home and I will have a selection of bathing products sent up to you presently.”

“Thank you,” I said shortly. Then, feeling bad because he looked like an old dog that had been kicked I added, “And thank you for the tour. It was very interesting.”

The old demon brightened up a little bit.

“I am so glad you enjoyed it. I do love to show people around the Citadel. And…” He hesitated for a moment. “And I do hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive my ill chosen words about your mortality. After all, if Lord Laish has chosen to open himself to you and offer you the Sacrifice of Blood, I am certain he has a good reason for it.”

“Thank you,” I said again, a little more warmly this time. “I, uh, hope you’re right.”

“I am certain that I am. You must be very special to him.” Belial nodded again, smiling and then made a motion with his hand. “Please enjoy the facilities.”

“I will,” I said. I watched as he began climbing laboriously down the spiral bone staircase, clutching the railing with one bony hand, before I turned back to open the door into Laish’s living area. I only hoped the bathing pool was as wonderful as it sounded. I needed someplace relaxing to rest and process everything Belial had told me…and everything he hadn’t told me as well.

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