Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(53)

For a moment I was frozen…shocked…not sure what to do. In my wildest dreams and fantasies, I’d never imagined something like this. It seemed so deviant and naughty and yet the gesture also turned me on. It told me he really did like my scent and flavor—enough that he wanted to share it with me and show me how delicious he found my body.

Then he was pulling me towards him.

“Come here.” It was a soft, demanding growl and one big hand reached for me, tangling in my hair and pulling my mouth to his. Laish kissed me deeply, licking the juices from my lips and then feeding them to me, pressing his tongue into my mouth to share my own secret flavor with me.

At the same time, his other hand slipped back between my thighs and I felt his fingers pierce me once more. But this time they were pressing up into me in a slow, hot rhythm, f*cking deeply into my open * while the broad pad of his thumb circled my aching clit.

With a little moan of pure lust, I felt myself give in to him completely. I kissed him back, sucking his tongue eagerly and pressed down against his hand, trying to catch the tempo he’d created, riding his fingers shamelessly as he f*cked up into me.

“That’s right, Gwendolyn,” he murmured, breaking the kiss. “That’s right—give in to me. Give in to your lust and come while I f*ck your sweet * with my fingers. Come for me—now.”

The pleasure had been building and building inside me again, that internal wire getting tighter and tighter. At the sound of his low command I felt it snap once more and pleasure flooded me for the second time.

“Oh…Oh!” I cried helplessly. My nipples were suddenly so tight they hurt and I could feel my inner muscles spasming around his invading fingers, almost as though I was trying to draw him deeper into me…as though I wanted another part of him inside me, not just his fingers.

For a moment—just a moment—I let myself picture it. Straddling him this way and fitting the broad head of his cock against the entrance to my *…sliding down and letting him fill me completely…

Danger! shouted the little voice in my head. Danger—don’t even think about that, Gwendolyn! You’re getting in too deep—this is wrong and you know it!

As if to emphasize the warning, I felt the strange thrumming in the air around us that I had felt on the bank of the Styx. We had paid the Sin Tax and the barrier between us and the next circle of Hell had been removed.

Goddess…I’ve been bad, Been so very, very bad, moaned that guilty little voice. And this time, though I tried, it was much, much harder to ignore.

As soon as my pleasure ebbed a little and I was panting in his arms, Laish murmured in my ear, “Did you feel the barrier give way? I know you did.”

“Yes, I felt it,” I whispered. Then I thought of something. “But why…why didn’t it, uh, give way the first time I came?”

“Because you were touching yourself, bringing yourself pleasure—I had nothing to do with your first orgasm. Well, not much.” He smiled modestly. “Do you know what that means, Gwendolyn?”

“What?” I asked, frowning.

“You now have definitive proof that touching yourself is no sin. You may indulge in it as much as you like without fear or shame.”

I forgot my guilt for a moment and looked at him in wonder.

“Is that why you wanted me to touch myself? Really?”

“That and I wanted you to know you could bring yourself pleasure.” He looked sad for a moment. “I will not always be with you to help you. I imagine after our little quest is said and done you will wish to be rid of me and go back to your mortal existence.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. Was he saying he wanted some kind of long term relationship with me? But how could that be?

It can’t, whispered that little voice in my head. He’s a demon, remember? And you can’t form a soul bond with a creature that has no soul.

Laish saved me from the awkward moment by drawing me close to him again and murmuring that we needed to get some sleep.

“Do demons sleep?” I asked, yawning against his chest though I tried not to. Having two mind-blowing orgasms in a row had tired me out more than I would have imagined possible.

“We do not,” he said, dimming the lights with a wave of his hand. “But it will be my great pleasure to hold you while you sleep and to guard your dreams.”

My last thought was that demons are supposed to be creatures of nightmares, not pleasant dreams. But before I could say anything, darkness claimed me and I fell asleep.

Chapter Seventeen


It was very pleasant to hold my little witch and feel her relax against me in sleep. I savored every moment of it, wishing the night was longer.

She was beginning to trust me, I could tell. If she hadn’t been, she wouldn’t be pressed against me now, pillowing her head on my chest. Not to mention she would not have been able to open up to me and allow me to bring her pleasure and make her come. Gods, she was so innocent in so many ways—so many delicious ways.

I couldn’t help licking my lips for the last traces of her honey and savoring her warm, feminine flavor. Soon I hoped to be tasting her juices right from the source. I could just imagine the pleasure of spreading her thighs wide and going down on her, opening her * with my tongue and lapping her hot little cunt until she came all over my face the way she had come all over my fingers.

Evangeline Anderson's Books