Rebound (Seattle Steelheads #1)(77)

“I don’t know. You just seemed…” I studied him, and damn if I could say what it was or what had tipped me off that there was anything there at all. “I mean, if you’re not—”

Geoff came in for another kiss. A deeper, hungrier one, and we both groaned as he pressed me up against the wall. “You better believe I want you,” he breathed between kisses. “Just…been a long day. That’s all.”

Why don’t I believe you?

Then his mouth was on mine again, his tongue teasing my lips apart, and my knees shook under me. Hell, maybe I had been imagining it. Or projecting it. I’d spent the whole trip to and from Denver convincing myself something was wrong, so maybe that was what I was seeing now—my own insecurities.

Fuck my insecurities. I wanted Geoff. I was unsure of a lot of things right now, but the one thing I was absolutely sure of was that I wanted Geoff.

“We should we go upstairs,” I panted against his lips.

“Yeah we should. Unless you want me to blow you right here against the wall.”

That didn’t sound half bad, but neither did tumbling into bed naked with him. “W-we should go upstairs.”

Geoff grinned, nipped my lower lip, and when he stepped back, tugged me with him by my belt.

Don’t have to tell me twice.

We hurried up to my bedroom. I peeled off my shirt as I stepped through the door, and I turned around just in time to see Geoff do the same. And damn he looked hot. Not just because he was shirtless and had started on his belt, but because he had that hungry, downright predatory gaze fixed on me. Oh hell yeah. Bring it.

Jeans. Socks. Briefs. We dropped them all to the floor, and Geoff pulled me down on to the mattress on top of him.

“These away games are brutal,” he murmured against my throat. “Gonna…wear out my right arm.”

I bit my lip and moaned, arching into him. “Don’t tell me you jack off to my games.”

A warm breath of laughter rushed across my collarbone, and then he gently bit the same spot. “No, I don’t jack off to your games. But I do watch them.” His hand slid down over my ass. “That’s how I get warmed up.”

I shivered, imagining him watching my games with the gleam in his eyes he had right now. I’d never tried skating with a hard-on, but I supposed there was a first time for everything.

Geoff lifted his head and found my mouth again, and I rubbed my dick against him as we made out. The thought of him getting all hot and hard while watching my games on TV—that was heady as fuck. And made me feel like a dumbass for being so worried that the minute I left the room, he started second-guessing whether I was worth the trouble.

Yep. Tonight was just my insecurities playing up. Go figure.

I kissed him harder, relishing his low groans and the way he dragged his nails down my back and squirmed under me. He rocked his hips, egging me on, and we fell into a steady rhythm, cocks trapped between our bodies as we moved and made out and wound each other up. It wasn’t a fast rhythm—with no lube, the friction would have been too much—but holy fuck, it felt good. Really good. Jesus, turned on as I was, I didn’t even care if this was a quickie.

Geoff broke the kiss and murmured, “Lift… Lift your hips up.”

I did, and he reached between us, and… Oh God, yeah. He pumped my cock furiously, and I shifted on to one arm so I could do the same. We were too out of breath to kiss now, so we just breathed and trembled and jerked each other until Geoff gasped and arched. His hot cum covered my hand, and I moaned as he kept coming on both of us. It only took a few more frantic, uneven strokes before he brought me over the edge with him. Crying out with the force of my release, I fucking into his fist until I couldn’t take anymore, and then sagged on top of him, breathing hard as he did the same underneath me.

As soon as I started to catch my breath, disappointment set in. Not with the sex—the sex with Geoff was always great—but with all the feelings that weren’t wasting any time creeping back in.

Something still wasn’t right, and I hadn’t been imagining it, and the sex had only distracted me from it for so long. Everything was always perfect when we were having sex, and tonight had been no exception. That should have reassured me and told me everything I’d been freaking out over was all in my head.

As we’d separated, though, I was worried again. I was even more sure that something was off between us, and even less sure about what that was. Even less sure that it was just my stupid insecurities screwing with my mind.

What’s wrong with us? What’s wrong with me?

Geoff wasn’t pushing me away, so there was that. After we’d cleaned ourselves off and gotten back into bed, he pulled me in close, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I rested his head on my chest. Something was off, but I’d grab whatever relief I could find, especially while I worked up the courage to ask what was going on.

I didn’t get a chance to, though. Geoff combed his fingers through my hair and softly asked, “You okay tonight?”

So I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Awesome.

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m good.” I draped my arm over him. “What about you?”


“I don’t know. You’ve seemed kind of…not here.”

Geoff closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a little preoccupied the last couple of days.”

L.A. Witt's Books