Rebound (Seattle Steelheads #1)(70)

“Oh.” His eyes lost focus. Then he laughed humorlessly. “I… God, I sound like such an insecure train wreck.”

“No, you don’t. You sound like someone who’s been to hell and back and is trying to find his footing.”

He winced. Subtly, but unmistakably. “Something like that, yeah. The thing is, I like what we’re doing.”

“So do I.”

He looked at me, brow pinched. “But do you question every single thing?”

My heart hurt for him. Everything had seemed so easy for me. I hadn’t realized it was stressing him out so much. “What else are you questioning?”

“Well.” Asher swallowed. “Uh, for one, is the kind of sex we have…enough?”

“Enough?” I might have laughed if not for the intense earnestness in his eyes. “Jesus, Asher.” I laced our fingers together between us on the cushion. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I mean, since we don’t… Since I don’t like…”

“Since you’re not into anal?”

He blushed, which would have been incredibly cute if it weren’t so heartbreaking to realize how much he doubted himself and what we were doing at every turn.

“Asher.” I tugged him closer and wrapped my arms around him. “You’re not the first guy I’ve dated who isn’t into it. It’s totally okay.” I grinned. “And seriously, every time we go to bed, you make me come so hard I almost pass out. Don’t think for a second that there’s anything missing for me.”

He searched my eyes uncertainly.

In an instant, I wanted to be livid with his ex. Who the hell took someone this earnest and sweet and yanked his confidence out from under him until he second-guessed everything? Who the fuck stomped all over someone until he was absolutely convinced that nothing he did would ever be right?

I didn’t let that anger show because I didn’t want Asher to think it was directed at him. Instead, I drew him in for a soft kiss. “To tell you the truth, I’ve wondered a few times if I can satisfy you.”

“You do?”

“Uh, yeah? I’m in my forties and have a few joints that think they’re older. You don’t think I wonder sometimes if I’m enough for a twenty-something professional athlete?”

“I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

I slid closer to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. “I think about it a lot. Especially when that twenty-something professional athlete is rocking my world.”

He watched me like he was going to say something, but then he curved a hand behind my neck and pulled me into a kiss. He was still tense, still uncertain, but little by little, as the kiss deepened and we started breathing harder and pulling each other closer, that tension and uncertainty fell away.

“I mean it,” I murmured between kisses. “We’re okay.” I paused to let another kiss linger, then softly added, “And the sex we have leaves me more than satisfied.”

Asher exhaled through his nose, the rush of breath warming my cheek.

“In fact,” I went on, “it’s been a while. Upstairs?”

He shivered, and when our eyes met, that smile simultaneously hardened my dick and melted my heart.

“Yeah,” he whispered. “Upstairs.”

Chapter 20


By the time I sank on to my back on the cool sheets, Geoff and I were both naked, and I sighed happily as he sank down on top of me. Arms around him, I lost myself in kissing him as his narrow hips settled between my thighs. We were long past tender and gentle now. Nails dragged across skin. Breath came in sharp, hot huffs. Rock hard erections rubbed against hips, thighs—anything to find relief from that rising need to get off.

I could still feel the remnants of all that insecurity fluttering at the edges of my nerves, but it didn’t seem as important now. Geoff kissed and touched me like he wanted me, and I believed him. Whenever we were in the same room, especially in the same bed, it was impossible not to believe him.

And dear God, I wanted him too. Somehow, I found the willpower to break the kiss, and I slurred, “Let me blow you.”

“Oh, yeah.” He pushed himself on to his arms and grinned at me. “Love the sound of that.” I started to get up, but he stopped me. “Stay just like that.” I lay back, and Geoff straddled my chest. He started to guide himself toward my mouth, but hesitated. “This okay? With you on your—oh, Jesus…”

I circled the head of his cock with my tongue and, with a hand on his ass, encouraged him to rock his hips. Okay? Oh yeah. As irrational as my brain could be, as hard as it was for my busted psyche to tell Geoff and Nathan apart sometimes, I trusted Geoff. This was absolutely not a man who’d force himself down my throat. Probably not even if I encouraged him to, and I was tempted to do exactly that. To egg him on so he’d get rough and push me right to the limit of what I could handle for no other reason than to drive it home to myself how safe it was to do that with him.

So, blow him while I was lying on my back? In a position where I had next to no leverage and had to trust that if I wanted to stop, he’d back off? Yes. God, yes.

With one hand, I kneaded his ass so hard I was probably leaving bruises. With the other, I stroked his spit-slick cock, following it up and down with my lips and tongue. All my insecurities about satisfying him disintegrated when Geoff groaned, and when he started rocking his hips to slowly, carefully fuck my mouth, I moaned around his cock. I loved sucking dick—always had—and nothing in the world was hotter than a vocal man who got into it. The way he swore now and then, his sharp gasps, the needy growls coming from the back of his throat, and once in a while, the silence when he held his breath or forgot to breathe—it was all so mind-blowingly sexy, I almost didn’t want him to come. I wanted this to go on all night, until Geoff was a sweaty, trembling mess, begging for release.

L.A. Witt's Books