Rebound (Seattle Steelheads #1)(31)

“Oh God, don’t stop,” he breathed. “Jesus Christ, Asher.” His nails bit into my back as his balls pulled up. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

I didn’t stop, and when he gasped, I had a flicker of fear that he’d shove my head down and force himself too deep in my throat, but his hand stayed where it was as his hips jerked and he came on my tongue. The fear was gone like it had never been there at all, and I kept stroking him through his orgasm until he’d had enough.

I sat up, and I’d barely turned before Geoff sat up too, and he curved a hand behind my neck and kissed me deeply. My own cock was painfully hard and in dire need of some attention, and this man kissing me like his life depended on it wasn’t helping. How long had it been since someone had been willing—never mind eager—to kiss me after I’d blown him? Way too long. That was for sure.

Then Geoff broke the kiss and grinned. “Now it’s my turn.”

Chapter 7


I’d had every intention of sucking Asher off anyway, but after an orgasm that amazing? And with the way he was kissing me now? Damn right I was returning the favor.

We shifted around so he was on his back, and I climbed on top. I spent a long moment enjoying his kiss before I started down. I wasn’t in any hurry—half the fun of a blowjob was the anticipation—and Asher didn’t seem to be either. Every time I kissed his neck, he gasped or shivered, so I kept doing it. I loved the way it made him tremble under me.

And good God, as I continued downward, I couldn’t believe I had this gorgeous man to touch and taste. He’d posed shirtless in a few magazines, so it wasn’t like I’d never seen him before. Just…not like this. It was surreal to be exploring his chest and abs with my lips. Wild to think I’d drooled over those tattoos and arms and muscles, and now…this.

There was a fading bruise on the side of his ribs. I had no idea if it had come from something on the ice or…not. I didn’t ask. He was obviously into this, and I wasn’t about to kill the mood. So I just avoided the spot since it was probably tender and focused on places that would make him gasp in a good way. Like his nipples. Or a spot on his abs that, when I brushed my lips across it, triggered a full body shiver. Ticklish? Erogenous? I couldn’t say for sure, but he seemed to like it, so I did it again.

“Holy shit,” he whispered. I kissed that spot a third time and glanced up. Jesus, he was gorgeous. The late afternoon sun warmed his fair skin, and his eyes were squeezed shut as he bit his lip and squirmed. I wasn’t sure when I’d messed up his reddish hair, but he looked good like that. An image flashed through my mind of him sweaty and out of breath on the ice, and I suddenly wanted to see him just like that here in his bed. I didn’t care if it took every last bit of stamina I possessed—I’d make sure he was drenched and thoroughly debauched by the time I was finished with him.

I continued kissing my way down, and deliberately let my chin scrape his hipbone. He swore under his breath as his quads tensed. I didn’t think I’d ever been in bed with someone as built as him. Especially with thighs this powerful. It was my turn to shiver as I imagined the things he was capable of.

And I already knew he was capable of making me come so hard the room spun, so I was definitely going to reciprocate.

I’d taken the slow, lazy path from his lips down his chest and over his abs, but now I wasn’t teasing anymore. As I took him in my mouth, Asher arched and cursed. I didn’t let up at all. Lips, tongue, hand—he was getting it all, because I wanted to flood his senses and overwhelm him with pleasure, and if his helpless whimpers were any indication, I had him right where I wanted him.

“Oh fuck,” he whispered as I slowly deep-throated him. He didn’t move—his hips stayed perfectly still even as his hands clawed at the sheets beside him. “That is so…good.”

I hummed around his cock, which prompted even more gasping and swearing. As much as I loved giving long, drawn-out blowjobs, there was something to be said for quick and dirty. Especially when he’d been carrying tension all day. When he’d been vibrating with need from first the moment we’d touched. This wouldn’t be the last time I got him off today, but it would be the fastest, and Asher didn’t try to fight it. With every pump of my fist, sweep of my tongue, and catch of his breath, I could feel him letting go. Surrendering. Giving himself over to the need for release.

Yeah, baby. Don’t hold back. Let yourself need this.

“Fuck!” he cried, and his hips twitched like he was fighting the impulse to thrust into my mouth. “Oh God, I’m gonna come. Oh God…”

Just like he’d done when I’d warned him I was close, I gave him everything I had—harder, faster, more frantic—and in a matter of seconds, he gasped, tensed, and came.

With a ragged sigh, Asher sank back on to the mattress. As I sat up, I couldn’t help grinning at the sight of him. Naked, breathless, trembling. And here I’d thought he couldn’t get any hotter.

I eased myself down beside him, and for a while, we just lay there and let the smoke clear. A couple of times, I thought Asher might have drifted off. Maybe he had. After a few minutes, though, his eyes fluttered open, and he smiled both sweetly and drunkenly as he drew me into a soft kiss. Oh, this was the part I’d missed the most about sex—lazily riding the afterglow with gentle touches and long, languid kisses, not committing to falling asleep or going another round.

L.A. Witt's Books