Rebound (Seattle Steelheads #1)(29)

“Uh, no rush in that department. I mean, unless you have somewhere you need to be.”

“Nope.” His eyes still didn’t leave mine. “Can’t think of anywhere I need to be.”

We were definitely closer now. And that eye contact was a dare if I’d ever seen one. I swore I could feel him both challenging me to cross that last little bit of space, and asking if he should cross it.

Fuck it. This was probably the one and only shot I’d ever have with this guy, so what did I have to lose?

Hoping he didn’t notice my nerves, I snaked an arm around his waist and kissed him.

Geoff didn’t even jump. He responded like he’d been ten steps ahead of me and had predicted every move I’d make—The instant our lips met, his arm went around me and the other hand slid up into my hair.

We stumbled, and I pushed him back against the wall to keep us upright. I started to break the kiss to apologize for what had accidentally been a rough shove, but Geoff’s hand tightened in my hair and he groaned into a kiss that was ten times more demanding than before. Holy. Fuck.

For at least the last year, I’d been so repulsed by the idea of even being touched, I’d literally forgotten how much I loved kissing. And my God, I’d never kissed anyone like Geoff before. Holy fuck was right. He wasn’t overbearing, but he was definitely assertive, and for all I cared, we could stand here and make out all night. As long as he kept kissing me like this—bring it.

Then he broke the kiss with a curse, and looked down as he fumbled with his police belt. Something clicked, and he leaned to the side to drop the belt on the floor with a heavy thunk.

“Much better,” he murmured, straightening up again, and he cupped my face as we picked up where we’d left off.

Oh God. Getting rid of that belt made all the difference. We may as well have been naked for all the barriers that no longer existed between us. Suddenly my hips were flush against his, his thick erection separated from mine by nothing more than a few layers of fabric. When I ran my hands down his sides, nothing stopped me from tracing the taper of his narrow hips or sliding my palms over his perfect ass. Because he did have a perfect ass. It looked good, but now that I had my hands on it and could feel the firm muscles? Ungh. Hot.

Without breaking the kiss, Geoff pushed a hand between us, and when I realized he was tugging at my zipper, I pulled my hips back enough to give him room. In seconds, he had my zipper down and—oh, fuck. Yes. Jesus. His hand was warm and a little rough, and all it took was one stroke of his fingers down the shaft of my cock to make my knees go weak.

“Holy shit…” I let my head fall beside his, narrowly avoiding the wall with my forehead, and his lips skated along the side of my neck as he slowly started jacking me.

“Like that?” he purred.

I forgot how to talk, so I just whimpered and rocked my hips and hoped that got the point across. His mouth explored the side of my throat, and his hand lazily slid up and down my cock like he wasn’t in any hurry at all. Was I imagining this? Because I was pretty sure the guy I’d been fantasizing about the last few nights was—

Geoff nudged me back a fraction of an inch. I had the space of a heartbeat to freak out that he was pushing me away before I realized he was just giving himself a touch more space…

So he could slide down into a crouch between me and the wall.

And just like that, my cock was in his hot, eager mouth.

“Oh God,” I murmured as he teased with his lips and tongue. My fantasies hadn’t come close to this. Shivering, I slid a shaky hand through his short hair, careful not to push him on to my cock. Geoff groaned. His palm drifted up my thigh to cup my ass, and he kneaded the muscle as he blew me with an eagerness I hadn’t experienced in…ever. I’d never experienced this. I’d never known someone could want my dick as badly as Geoff seemed to, and far be it from me to keep it from him.

A shudder tried to knock me off balance. I braced a forearm against the wall and stared down, completely forgetting how to breathe or why I needed to at all as I watched my cock sliding in and out of those full, eager lips.

I’d never had any fantasies about cops, but there was something amazingly sexy about a police officer on his knees with my cock down his throat. I didn’t understand it, but I didn’t question it either. Geoff kneeling at my feet and sucking my dick was the hottest thing that had ever happened. Full stop. Didn’t matter why.

And now I wanted more. I wanted him naked and horizontal. After all, today was about taking back everything that was mine. My house. My freedom. My sex life. Next on the list—my bed. Nothing exorcised the past like tearing off another man’s clothes and making some hot new memories in the same place.

“We… We should go upstairs,” I slurred. “More comfortable.”

Geoff’s eyes flicked up, and I stared down as he gazed up and ran his tongue around the head of my cock. “I’ll go anywhere you want,” he growled. “Just want you.”

“Oh, you’ve got me.” I offered an arm. “C’mon.” As soon as he was on his feet, I fixed my pants so I didn’t have to walk—let alone up stairs—with my hard dick hanging out of my fly. Geoff picked up his police belt. I had no idea how he had the presence of mind to remember it was there at all, but he probably didn’t want to leave his gun lying around on the floor while we were busy upstairs. Fair enough.

L.A. Witt's Books