Rebound (Seattle Steelheads #1)(30)

Then we headed up to my bedroom. For the first time, I regretted choosing the bedroom on the third floor at the end of the hall. It was the best room in the house, but it was so far away when I had Geoff and a hard-on and I wanted to get into bed, like, now.

We made it halfway up the last flight of stairs before we had to stop for a long kiss, and that turned into rubbing each other through our pants while we gasped for breath between kisses.

“You want me to come in my pants?” I murmured. “Or—”

“I can think of a lot of places for you to come,” Geoff growled. “Your pants don’t even make the top five.” He nudged me up the stairs. “Let’s go.”

Thank God, it wasn’t much farther. As we stepped into the bedroom, he set his police belt on the floor, and it had barely hit the carpet before he had an arm around me again. We stumbled across the room toward the bed. Kissed. Touched. Unbuckled. Unbuttoned. Somehow we weren’t getting very far, though. My shirt came off somewhere, but Geoff was still unbuttoning his when I dragged him down on top of me on the mattress, and suddenly clothes weren’t such a priority anymore. We still worked at belts and flies and buttons, but we were half-assed about it because kissing and groping was way more fun.

I hadn’t realized how put together Geoff always seemed until I saw him this disheveled. Until I realized how fucking sexy he could be once he started unraveling. Straddling me, sharing messy, breathless kisses while his uniform shirt hung half-unbuttoned between us, he was hotter than he had any right to be.

I grabbed the sides of his open shirt and used it to pull him closer to me, and he growled into my kiss and pressed his hard cock against mine.

Geoff gasped, then mumbled against my neck, “This has got to be inappropriate on so many levels.”

“Uh-huh.” I squeezed his ass through his pants. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

He huffed a warm laugh across my skin, then kissed the same spot, making my back arch with a shiver. “Deal.” He lifted his head, and his mouth found mine again, but the kiss only lasted a few heartbeats before he said, “Clothes. Why are we still dressed?”

The thought of having Geoff naked made my breath catch. He was hot in his disheveled uniform, but he was right—these clothes needed to be gone. “Fuck if I know.”

He sat back on his heels. His badge glinted in the light, and then the shirt slid off the mattress and on to the floor, and his undershirt followed a second later. When he came back down, he was naked from the waist up, and his hot skin against mine took my breath away.

We were still dressed, but…skin. Kissing hard and deep, we kept fumbling with each other’s clothes. He started down my neck again, which didn’t help me remember how to work his damn zipper.

“Tell me…” he whispered, the words tumbling against my throat in a hot rush of breath. “Anything you want. Anything.” God, he sounded hungry for everything.

“Is ‘do this all night’ unreasonable?”

Geoff laughed, sounding a little drunk, and he nipped my collarbone. “Not at all. Just…” He huffed sharply and reached between us. “Maybe doing this naked so my dick isn’t getting strangled by my pants.”

I chuckled. “Don’t let me stop you from taking them off.”

“Likewise.” We shared a brief kiss, then separated and finally kicked off the last remaining layers. When I pulled him down on top of me again, there was nothing but heat between us. His erection rubbed my hip, making me moan at the thought of taking him in my mouth. Imagining the sounds he’d make while I was blowing him—fuck, yeah.

“You have condoms?” he panted. “Lube?”

“I…” I glanced at the nightstand. “I have lube.”

Without missing a beat or seeming the least bit disappointed, Geoff shrugged. “Still plenty we can do.”

I tried not to let it show how relieved I was by his easygoing acceptance. Truth was, no condoms was a blessing for me. I was enjoying this. If we didn’t have rubbers, we couldn’t fuck, and that was fine by me.

“Roll over,” I said.

He did, and I wasted no time—I leaned over him, and finally had that thick cock in my mouth where I wanted it. Just like I’d hoped, Geoff made the hottest sounds as I licked and teased up and down his shaft. He moaned, swore, gasped—He was anything but still and silent, and I loved it. And damn, just like I’d forgotten how much I loved kissing, I’d forgotten how much I loved sucking dick. There was nothing better than a man lying back and letting me drive him wild.

His fingers combed through my hair now and then, trembling against my scalp, but there was never any force behind his hand. I never once felt like he was going to force me on to his cock, especially after his hand moved between my shoulder blades. No pressure—just a warm, trembling presence, fingertips twitching now and then when I did something he liked.

“I’ll tell you before I come.” He was so deliciously out of breath. “You…don’t have to finish if you don’t… It’s your…” He trailed off into a breathy moan, fingers pressing into my back. The thought of him finishing in my mouth was the opposite of off-putting. Now that he’d mentioned it, I wanted it, and I groaned around his cock and stroked him faster, and he gasped as he got even harder between my lips.

L.A. Witt's Books