Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(67)

I remembered that he'd been an outsider too, and wondered how long it had taken him. Before I could ask about his own tests, other shifters came forward to say hello to me, and I flashed big smiles at all of them, trying to remember everyone's names.

I could get used to this, I decided after a few more people came up to introduce themselves. Their enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming, but it was so nice feeling like I belonged somewhere. Somewhere where no one had ever even mentioned my half-human side, or my red hair, or treated me like dirt. Yes, I could definitely get used to this.

"So am I an official member, just like that?" I asked once we had a moment alone again.

"Not yet. You need to go through the initiation ritual. Then you'll be a true member of the pack."

“What is the ritual?” I asked, my heartbeat picking up at the thought. How did they do it, with no Sun Witches to perform the spell?

Stella just gave me a mysterious smile. “You'll see. It’s nothing bad, don’t worry.”

Anytime someone told me not to worry it only made me worry more. I sighed and finished up my food, but this time when I looked up I found Kaden staring at me. I hadn't seen him up until now, and when he turned away to talk to Clayton, I let my eyes linger on his profile. Need fluttered inside my stomach, but it was different from the other night. There was no heat forcing it this time. It was all me.

He looked back and I held his gaze, even as I felt my cheeks color at getting caught staring. Even from this distance, sparks flew between us, and I suddenly found it harder to breathe. Or sit still. I forced myself to look away again, even as I felt his gaze on the back of my neck. Heart pounding, I found myself glancing back, my eyes drawn back to him without fail, even as I conversed with several other shifters.

We were drawn to each other, there was no question about it. I wanted to go to him, to figure out exactly what he was thinking as he stared at me like that, but there wasn’t time in between all of the conversations. Stella thankfully stayed by my side and helped me not get overwhelmed. I glanced over at Kaden as Stella finished introducing me to the mother of one of her students.

Too bad he isn’t my true mate, I thought again, and a wave of sadness rolled through me at the realization. He was everything an alpha should be, and I couldn't deny the way I felt about him. But no, I’d gotten that psychopath Jordan instead. The world really isn’t fair, is it? I thought with a sigh and then turned back when a small hand tugged at my own.

I grinned down at the little shifter beaming up at me and shoved the sadness away. Now wasn’t the time to be thinking about that. I’d gotten everything else I wanted—a family, a home, and a pack where I could feel accepted and safe. I should be celebrating, not pining for the one thing I didn’t get.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of endless introductions and a wash of faces that all blended into one, Kaden called for silence. The moon was high in the night sky, still almost full, and it cast enough light over everyone gathered. He held something in his hands, a long object that looked kind of like a staff. The pack gathered around, and Kaden stopped in front of me.

“Ayla Beros, do you wish to become a true member of the Ophiuchus pack?” he asked.

I took a closer look at the staff. It was made of metal and there was a strange ridge on it, spiraling all the way down. A snake, I realized as he tilted it up. I swallowed hard and said, "Yes, I do."

At my words, the bronze began shifting, and I took an involuntary step back as the snake came alive. I could tell it wasn’t real, something born of magic, but I didn’t want it coming anywhere near me.

“What’s that?” I asked as Kaden brought it closer to me. “No, thank you. I don't do snakes."

Kaden gave me a hard look. “Don’t be a chicken. Hold out your arm.”

I grimaced and held my arm out. He touched the staff to my palm and the snake slithered onto it. It felt cool, like the metal it was made from. He guided the snake to wrap around my arm, and then let the tail end of it coil around his own arm. It was almost like the ritual with the Sun Witches, where they tied the mated pairs together. I doubted the cloth felt like cold snakeskin, though. I shuddered, and then Kaden began speaking. I forgot my discomfort as he began the oath.

“Do you swear to uphold loyalty to the Ophiuchus Pack until your last breath?” he asked. “To become one with the pack and its members, giving up your birth pack, never to look back to them for guidance or support?”

Not a problem, I thought, before I said, “I do."

Kaden's voice was low as he continued the ritual. “Repeat after me: I, Ayla Beros, accept the offering of the snake.”

I repeated his words, and the snake tightened its hold around me, pressing Kaden’s fingers into my arm almost hard enough to bruise. The snake looked up at me, eyes dull and clearly not alive, but I had the sense that something in there was giving me an appraising look. Then, faster than I could think to pull away, it struck, sinking its fangs into my upper arm. I jumped and let out a surprised, "Ow!"

Kaden’s fingers tightened against my arm, him this time, not the snake. “Hold still.” A moment later, the snake drew back and flicked a tongue out at me before sliding back down my arm. “You’re a part of the pack now.”

Kaden released me, and I watched as the twin bites faded into a glowing Ophiuchus symbol, the same mark that adorned every other shifter in the pack. At the same time, I felt the poison from the snake’s bite seeping into my veins, and I had a moment of panic before I realized it didn’t hurt. I could feel it merging into my bloodstream, making me stronger.

Elizabeth Briggs's Books