Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(66)

I stared at him for a few moments, elation running through my veins. This was all I had wanted for so long, ever since Stella had taken me on a tour of Coronis. My anger faded and a grin broke across my face as I took in the sincerity in Kaden’s voice. He was really offering this to me. Me, who had always been rejected and unwanted. Until now.

Before I could think better of it, I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around Kaden. "Thank you."

He huffed out a breath, caught off guard, standing as stiff as a board as I hugged him. “What the hell are you doing?”

“We call them hugs, Kaden,” I said. “They’re used to show gratitude among people who aren’t emotionally stunted.”

“You’re insufferable,” Kaden said, but he didn’t push me away either.

I pulled back and the other shifters came forward to congratulate me, welcoming me to the pack. Kaden watched us with a look on his face that I thought might actually be pride. My alpha, I thought as warmth spread through me. But I couldn't stop the heartbreaking thought that followed it.

He should be my mate too.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Meet us in town at dusk, the note said. I’d read over it so many times, the words had all blurred together into a nonsensical mess in my head. After returning from our supply run, I'd had a quick lunch and taken a shower, then found the note waiting for me on my bed. It looked like Stella's handwriting, not Kaden's, and I wasn't sure what to make of it.

Once the sun dipped below the horizon, I finally left the house. As I stepped outside, I heard distant music, which sounded like it was coming from the center of town. I’d heard similar noise during the night of the full moon, but there wasn’t anything to celebrate today.

I stopped at the edge of the town square and stared. Every Ophiuchus shifter who lived in Coronis seemed to be there on the grass. Tables had been set up, laden with food and drinks, and I watched for a few moments as everyone milled around, chatting and smiling. The atmosphere was completely relaxed as if the entire day had been a bad dream.

Stella broke away from the crowd and began walking toward me with a huge smile. “Come on,” she said, motioning me toward the group of people.

I followed her toward the tables, and several shifters looked up at me. An older woman walked up to me, someone I’d never met before. “Ayla,” she said, grinning at me as if we were long-lost friends instead of complete strangers. “Welcome to the pack!”

“Thank you,” I said, and hurried after Stella toward the food table. If I was going to talk to everyone in the Ophiuchus pack, I at least wanted to eat while I was doing it. A few more shifters stopped me on the way, offering their congratulations, and it was all very kind but overwhelming too.


I turned to find Stella coming toward me with two plates of food and let out a relieved sigh.

She pushed one into my hands with a grin. "You look like you need this."

“What’s going on?” I gestured around the park with my fork. “What’s this for?”

Stella laughed. “It’s for you, silly. Your ‘welcome to the pack’ feast.”

I stared at her for a few moments, unable to speak past the sudden tightness in my throat. I’d never so much as had a birthday party in my life. At most, Wesley and Mira would give me gifts and wish me happy birthday, but Dad had never seen much point in celebrating something that he saw as a mistake. No one else had bothered to take the time, either.

“This…” I paused, a sudden wave of emotion overwhelming me. It was too much. I’d never belonged to this extent before. I still could hardly believe it. I was part of the Ophiuchus pack, and I had a family now.

Stella seemed to understand what I was feeling, because she locked arms with me and led me over to a quieter part of the park, away from most of the people. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to tell you about the test. I felt so bad, just sending you into that without any warning. And then you were attacked... I should have been there."

"It's all right." Now that the anger had faded, I understood Kaden's actions a little better. Kaden's priority was the pack, and he had to make sure I was loyal before he could completely trust me to be a part of it. He'd given me the option to run away, and I suspected he'd remained behind during the test so I wouldn't be swayed in any way by him being there. "I'm just glad no one got injured."

"Usually there would have been even more tests, you know," she said. "It usually takes a year or two to get an invite to the pack. But since you defended the others and saved Harper's life, Kaden told the pack elders that no further tests were required."

I tilted my head as I considered what she'd said. The Cancer pack had elders too, which were supposed to advise my father, though he usually ignored them. It sounded like the Ophiuchus elders might have more sway here. But the more pressing question was, had Kaden known we might be attacked? Had he planned it this way all along so I'd get accepted into the pack faster?

“I'm so happy you get to join us,” Stella said, reaching forward and squeezing my hand.

“Me too."

Another group of shifters came forward, and I recognized Clayton’s mate, Grant, among them. “Welcome to the pack,” he said and shook my hand as if this was a job interview. "I knew you'd pass the tests too."

Elizabeth Briggs's Books