Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(43)

We spend the next hour mapping out our plan of attack. Matt and the Storyside guys are still on the inside. Ainsley calls Scott to have him help her and Aiden communicate with them. Once they’re pinpointed in their rooms, we securely Skype with them. Reina refuses to be in the room with Matt, so the rest of explain the plan to him. When we get to the other guys, Wayne insists on going in first. I knew he liked, Jen, but I didn’t know he really liked her. Maybe she’ll finally give him a chance after this.

We want to talk to Brayden, Noah, and Steven, too, but the royal family has guards inside the room as well as out, so we can’t communicate anything to them. We just have to hope that they’ll be safe until my friends can get inside. Because I’m also a target, I won’t be storming the castle with everyone else. It kills me to stay behind, but I know it’s necessary.

I wish them all luck, and thank them again for supporting me and going to save the man I love and his family. They’re also going in for the mentors; although none of us know if they’ll actually appreciate it at this point. I watch them go, and then start to get ready myself. No matter what happens tonight, I’ll have to make an appearance. I just hope it’s for the outcome I’ve been praying for, and not the one that will destroy us all.

* * *


I can’t believe this is happening. I knew Derrick was power hungry, but I never thought he’d go to such lengths in order to be king. I also didn’t know he was Jen’s stalker all those years ago, and I’m more than a little pissed off about Steven and my mother keeping that piece of information from all of us. If they’d told us, maybe we wouldn’t be huddled in a corner of the throne room, trying to have a conversation without the guards hearing.

“How could you bring her back here knowing he was here, and how powerful he’d become?” I ask my uncle.

“I thought he was more interested in the crown than in her, to be honest. It’s been ten years. We’ve been back for visits, and he’s never shown an interest in her.”

“You still shouldn’t have risked her.”

“Or you should’ve at least told us so we could protect her,” Noah says.

“You’re right. I should have. I honestly didn’t realize that he’d bought so much loyalty with his promises. Or that they’d all fall for his lies. I mean, how many people could he realistically have as part of his inner circle? Certainly not all of the guards who are blindly following him.”

“We’ve treated them well. Paid them well. I don’t understand this betrayal,” my mother says.

“Those that are left alive can try to explain it to us when this is all over,” my uncle tells her.

“You really think we’ll make it out of this?” Noah asks him.

“Oh yes. The Society girls gone rogue will come for us.”

“If they’re even here.”

“They’re here. Jen gave them her house to stay in,” I tell him.

“And you know this how?”

“Jade found me walking along the beach a few days ago, and took me to Darcy.”

“You keep saying you’re going to stay away from her, and then you’re back with her again.”

“Why does it matter so much to you? You said you’re not interested her.”

“I’m definitely not,” he says, scrunching up his face like the thought disgusts him.

“Enough of the bickering. All we need to worry about is being ready when they come to save us. Which they will,” Steven says.

“They’ll go for Jen first, which will hopefully force Derrick and Angelo to seek safety in here with the rest of their guards.”

“And then we’ll take them out,” Noah says.

“How?” I ask.

He nods to the swords on the wall. “With those.”

I smile at him. “This is going to be fun.”

“Not for you, Brayden. We can’t risk you, and besides, Noah and I are better with swords,” my uncle reminds me.

I don’t like it, but I know he’s right. “Fine, but if one of you gets into trouble, I’m stepping in. With something. I don’t know what, but I’ll help.”

“Only if it’s absolutely necessary. I mean it, Brayden. This country needs you alive.”

“And I need the two of you alive. I won’t back down if you need me.”

“Your father would be proud,” my uncle tells me, and I swear that his eyes are shining with tears.

“I hope so.”

* * *


I’m in a room with a madman. Well, actually two madmen since I don’t think Angelo’s all there, either. I can’t believe that Derrick was my stalker, and no one told me. Dear old dad has some major explaining to do. If we both make it out of this alive.

“You will be such a beautiful bride, Jenysis. You should’ve been mine all those years ago, but we’ll make up for lost time.”

“You’ll have to kill me first.”

“I’ll hold her down for you, Derrick. It’ll be fun.”

“You can both get stuffed.”

“I think I might be glad that I’ve had to wait. I like this fiery side of you. It’ll be fun to tame it.”

“A real life Taming of the Shrew,” Angelo says with that crazy smile of his.

Crystal Perkins's Books