Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(39)

I open the bag I got from Caleb, take out the glider inside, and unfold it to its full length. It’s another of Ainsley’s gadgets and should fly me to my car with no problems. I hold up the detachable sensor so it can gauge the wind factor and then strap on the wings. With a running start, I’m off and soaring into the night sky.

I overshoot a little and land right on the roof of the car; the momentum causes me to roll off onto the ground. I have to laugh at myself as I get up. Thank God it’s dark. Once I’ve freed myself from the glider, and climbed into the car, I immediately start it up and get the hell out of Dodge. Or in this case, Summerlin.

Scott’s name is flashing on my Bluetooth before I’ve even gone a block. “Did you have to scare the shit out of me? Two times? And that roll off the car? Christ, Darcy. I have a family now. You can’t go making me have a heart attack.”

“I didn’t intend to almost fall. I was terrified there for a few seconds, too. I mean, I know I had a harness, but it’s not a Society issued one, so who knows if it would’ve held.”

“Not helping my heart rate.”

“I’m on the ground. You know I can’t fall now, right?”

“I’ve learned to never underestimate any of the women in my life.”

“Thank you for helping me, Scott.”

“I don’t know what’s going on with my mom and her friends, but I can’t believe they would’ve ever set out to hurt you. That’s not how they work. Just try to hang in there until we can all figure this out. I’ll help all of you out as much as I can.”

“I appreciate it more than you know. If I don’t see you again, I need you to know that your friendship has meant so much to me over the years.”

“We’re going to see each other again, but you should know that I feel the same way. Be careful, Darce, and know that I’ve got your back.”

Tears are running down my face as I hang up. When I was younger, I wanted to be on my own, not depending on anyone. I realize that since I joined the Society, I’ve become so comfortable leaning on everyone else, that I just took it for granted that we’d always have each other. I’m also realizing that this mission may be the last one where we’re all together, and it hurts almost as much as the thought of losing Brayden does.

* * *


Breakfast is a strained affair since Reina is back. She’s not speaking to the Society founders—or her husband—but she’s here. That gives me even more hope that things will be okay for Darcy. Until she takes out her cell phone.

“What phone is that?” Matt asks her.

“It’s my personal one,” she answers, not looking up from it.

“Since when?”

“Since your grandmother had my access revoked.”


“She’s either with us, or against us.”

Reina looks up then. “I can’t believe I ever looked up to you.”

“If she’s not with you, why is she here? Maybe I should have her put in the dungeon with the other traitors,” Derrick says.

“I didn’t know you had a death wish,” Matt tells him.

“She can’t be that formidable,” Derrick scoffs at him.

“Oh, she is. But I’m the one who’s going to kill you if anyone puts their hands on my wife.”

“It’s nice to know you care,” Reina says, getting up from the table.

“Come on, Rei.”

“I’d rather go.”

“I’ll understand if you need to side with her, Matt,” Jane Corrigan tells him.

“Family comes first. Always. When it didn’t, you know what happened. She’ll get over it.”

I can see that Alex wants to say something, but she knows she needs to help us later, and so she can’t publicly side with Reina. I’m with her, though. I don’t think Reina’s just going to get over this. But that’s not my problem to worry about. I have enough on my plate.

I manage to get through all of my official duties for the day, without looking too nervous. I figure being a jilted fiancé should give me a little leeway. I see Jessica and Alex approach my mother, uncle, and Derrick, which is my cue to get downstairs.

I’m the last to arrive outside the dungeon, and I join the others as we watch the show unfold. Stella and Jen look like they’ve stepped off the pages of Playboy, only with clothes on. Scandalous clothes, but the important parts are mostly covered. The guards don’t stand a chance.

Within minutes, they’ve convinced the guards that nothing could possibly happen if they step away for a few minutes for some fun. As soon as they round the corner, we run down the stairs. Matt places the devices on the doors of the two cells, and they open within seconds. Noah and Zack run into the one with the girls, who are both lying down unchained. I guess the guards didn’t see them as much of a threat since they’ve been underfeeding them.

The guys are chained to the wall, but Matt quickly frees them. True to what Stella said, they seem to be doing fine, and run from their cell. Aiden and Nate offer to take Ellie and Jade from the other guys, but they tell them to just go behind us, along with Jake. We get up the steps, but the guards are back, looking pissed and holding onto Stella and Jen. Once the girls see us, they spring into action, knocking both guys unconscious. I knew my cousin was a badass, but damn.

Crystal Perkins's Books