Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(38)

“How did they even get recruited?”

“That’s a hard question to answer since I’ve never recruited anyone. I know that some of us are people they helped—or in my case, pretended to help. And then a few helped out on missions, or came from law enforcement backgrounds. They’ve just always told us that they saw something in us that made them know we were the right choice. For the women who didn’t make it, whatever they had in them that caused them to be chosen, wasn’t enough to override the things that made them fail.”

“Ainsley’s going to teach me how to shoot a gun, and maybe fight, but I don’t know if there’s anything special about me.”

“You’re letting me hide out here, so I’d say you’re pretty damn special, Sierra.”

“It’s my pleasure. Really. Now, I’ll let you have some alone time.”

“Thank you.”

I get up and go to my room, thoughts swirling through my head. I still can’t believe Mallory did this to me. That they all lied to me for seven years while they pretended to care for me. All they wanted was the jewels, just like everyone else. Except for Brayden. He wants them, but he was willing to put his love for me first. That’s why I wish I could just give them to him. He’s the only one who deserves them. It’s not my call to make, though.

If I knew then what I know now, I’m not sure I would’ve agreed to that oath. I was a fifteen year old girl who had just watched her father die in front of her. I wanted vengeance and revenge. Stealing the jewels seemed like the answer, and the oath was just the icing on the proverbial cake. It helped protect someone I loved, while allowing me to be an “honorable” thief. So then again, I may have still done it.

My phone rings; I see that it’s Tegan, so I answer immediately. “Did you get her, Teeg? Is she okay?”

“Yes and yes. There were only five guys on her. We didn’t even have to kill anyone.”

“Faith must be so disappointed.”

“I heard that,” I hear in the background.

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

“Anyway, we just dropped her at the secure location, and now we’re heading back to Europe, but Ainsley said you need to get into your apartment.”

“Not my apartment, exactly, but the building, yes.”

“Well, my guys are on it. Cal says if you stop by at seven tonight, you can walk right in.”

“Really?” What the heck is Cal going to do?

“Yep. He said you’ll have ten to fifteen minutes. Ainsley said she can freeze the system for you so no one from outside of the building will see you either.”

“I have the best friends ever.”

“Right back at cha, Darce.”

I spend the rest of the afternoon gathering all of the supplies I’ll need. If I had access to my office at the Foundation, or even my apartment, I could just grab a bag. Since that’s not an option, I have to make trips to the hardware store and REI. All of those years I was on my own, without a group of billionaires to fund equipment for me, has paid off. I can put together almost anything I need from basic stores. There is one thing I can’t get ready made from a store, though. I call Tegan back, and she tells me she has one in her apartment and will make sure Caleb has it ready for me.

I head out around 6:30 in the car Sierra rented for me. I want to park a few blocks away to make my getaway easier. My phone rings through the Bluetooth before I get there. “Hey Ainsley, what’s up?”

“I can’t get you in yet. I’ve just lost all Society privileges. I can get back in, because I built the system, but it’ll take me a little time.”

“I’ll get her in,” Scott says, all of a sudden on the call with us. Damn these tech savvy people. And love them at the same time. “I got the notification that your access was revoked, so I thought I’d jump into this call.”

“Your mom will be pissed if she finds out.”

“I’m not worried. Just walk me through the plan.”

“Thanks, Scott.”

“Sure thing, Darce.”

I disconnect with them so they can work it out, and make my roundabout way to the building. I walk through the unlocked doors at exactly seven to find a smiling Caleb and Ethan waiting for me. The guards at the desk are slumped over, and the elevator is open.

“Hi guys. Do I even want to know what happened?”

“Dad and I made them some brownies,” Ethan tells me.

“With a few extra ingredients in them,” Caleb adds with a wink. “You’ve probably got fifteen minutes, but I’d plan for ten, just in case.”

“Thanks. I really appreciate this,” I tell him as I take the bag I need from his hands.

“Be safe.”

“I’ll try.”

I take the elevator to the roof and then run to the middle where the giant tower is. Ainsley and Scott built it to control the invisible field surrounding the building that blocks everything from bugs to missiles. I placed the jewels at the top before it was activated, but I had to ask for it to be turned off tonight. The jewels are safe, but I’d be fried if I tried to climb it while it’s powered up.

My ten minutes are almost up when I make it to the top of the 50 foot tower. I may have been able to make my own climbing rig, but it’s not really a good substitute for top of the line gear, especially on a windy night. I almost fell twice, and my hands are shaking as I pull up the panel that I hid the jewels in two years ago. I reach in and grasp the pouch, zipping it inside my motorcycle jacket, before I climb up to stand on the panels.

Crystal Perkins's Books