In the Arms of an Earl (The Duke's Daughters Book 4)

In the Arms of an Earl (The Duke's Daughters Book 4)

Rose Pearson

Chapter One


Harmonia practically flew across the room, holding her sister in a tight embrace.

“It is so good to see you,” she murmured, her heart squeezing with both happiness and sorrow. “I have missed you so very much.”

Harmonia stepped back and wiped away a tear, her smile wobbling just a little. It had been almost a year since she had seen any of her sisters and she had found it a rather lonely one. Having been used to a home that was busy with her other three sisters and her father, it had been quite a shock to be all alone. Her father, the Duke of Westbrook, had been much recovered since his last bout of illness late last summer. Of course, she had his company but it had not been the same as the company of her sisters.

“I have missed you too,” Amelia replied, with a soft smile. “Life has changed so much for me over these last years that I feel as though I need to get to know you all over again!”

“And now you have the opportunity,” Harmonia replied at once, leading her eldest sister over to where a tea tray sat waiting. “Are you quite sure your children will fare well without you?”

Amelia laughed and shook her head. “I am quite sure they will do very well,” she replied, with a quick smile. “After all, Grace and Henry will very much enjoy the company of their cousins.”

Harmonia sighed heavily, her smile fading. “I do miss the others.” Both Jessica and Jacintha had married and now had children of their own, with Jacintha only just out of her confinement. Jessica had gone to visit Jacintha, as had Amelia, although Harmonia had been unable to do so since her father needed her at home. She was still to meet Jacintha’s little boy, but Harmonia comforted herself with the fact that she would be able to go and visit them after the Season had come to a close.

Amelia had only just come from Jacintha’s home and, having left her children in the care of her two sisters, had chosen to come to London in order to chaperone Harmonia during the London Season, knowing that she would require some assistance. Harmonia and Amelia had always been very close, and Harmonia was grateful for her sister’s kindness, especially when she knew that Amelia would miss both her children and her husband, Lord Northfell.

“I know you miss them but in time, we shall all be together again,” Amelia said, softly. “Now it is the time for you to find your own happiness, Harmonia. I can tell that you have been lonely over this last year and I am sorry for it. Had I known, I would have come to stay with you and papa.”

Harmonia gave her sister a small smile, aware that she was unable to hide anything from her. “It has just taken a little time to become used to my new situation,” she said, honestly. “Papa has been in good spirits and I am glad that he has been able to return to London.”

Amelia accepted the cup of tea from Harmonia and sat back in her chair. “I know he is hoping to have you wed very soon.”

Harmonia lifted her eyebrows in surprise. “You saw him?”

“He was waiting for me as I came into the house,” Amelia replied, with a quick smile. “He appeared rather tired though, so we did not talk for long.”

Harmonia nodded slowly. “We only arrived in London a few days ago and the travelling does make him rather weary.” She bit her lip, remembering what her father had said to her. “Papa is quite insistent that I find a suitor this Season.”

“Indeed,” Amelia agreed. “I had hoped he would be a little more relaxed now that three of his daughters are wed, but this does not seem to be the case.”

Sighing, Harmonia shook her head. “He was very much that way with Jacintha, but I wonder if my being alone with him in the house has made him realize his fears all over again.”

“That he will pass away and our futures will be in jeopardy,” Amelia murmured, thoughtfully. “But he need not worry in that regard. He must know that we would take care of you should that happen – not that I think it will, of course.”

Harmonia shook her head, taking a long sip of her tea. “And cousin Luke is in town.”

Amelia’s mouth fell open for a moment, her eyes widening. “Harmonia, he is not still pursuing you?”

“I have received many letters from him over the course of the last year,” Harmonia replied, frankly. “He reminds me that he is, in fact, a distant cousin and not a close relative, as though that might encourage me to consider his suit.”

“I hope you are not allowing thoughts of Luke to pervade your mind,” Amelia replied at once, putting her cup and saucer down on the table. “You told me you were set against him.”

“I thought I was,” Harmonia replied, quietly. “I mean, I still think that he is not the best prospect I could hope for but what if he is the only prospect?” Her words tumbled from her mouth, her deepest fears being revealed to her older sister all at once. “I am the youngest of four daughters, my dowry less than the rest of you and rather shy and quiet.” Feeling tears pricking at her eyes, she leaned forward to pour herself some more tea, hoping that her sister would not see how deeply upset she was. “I have never had my dance card completely filled at any ball we have ever attended, and I find myself something of a wallflower at such events. I have never been able to continue a conversation with the ease that you do, nor caught the eye of a gentleman simply by smiling at him, as Jessica did. I do not have Jacintha’s confidence nor your calm character. I am shy and retiring and far too quiet. What if Luke is the only prospect I shall ever have?”

Rose Pearson's Books