In the Arms of an Earl (The Duke's Daughters Book 4)(6)

“Then go for a walk on your own,” Amelia replied, with a quick smile. “I shall meet you back at the entrance to the park, shall I? I can try and distract Luke for you – although I will not guarantee that I shall be successful. It may be that he has already seen you.”

Harmonia rushed away at once, her heart slamming into her chest with such force that she struggled to catch her breath. She did not want to see Luke, not now. His persistence continued to grate on her, her distress over his behavior only yesterday evening still upsetting her greatly. He had been rude, overbearing and possessive – and she did not so much as want to speak to him today.

The trees, she hoped, would hide her and, glancing over her shoulder, she saw Luke approaching Amelia, gesticulating over – most likely – where Harmonia had got to. Not looking where she was going, she managed to run almost directly into the path of an oncoming rider. On hearing the shout of the man on horseback, she looked up and instantly stumbled back, a sharp pain coursing through her ankle.

“My goodness!” the gentleman declared, pulling his horse to a complete stop and jumping down from his seat. “Are you quite all right?”

Harmonia, her hand at her ankle, glanced up in mortification. “I am terribly sorry, that was entirely my own fault. I did not look where I was going and I –” Her words hung in the air as she realized that the gentleman looking down at her was none other than the blue-eyed gentleman from last evening.

“Trying to get away from someone, it seemed. I quite understand,” the man replied, with a kind smile. “It appears we are finally going to be able to introduce ourselves. Phillip Marshal, Earl of Newford. Might I assist you in getting to your feet?”

Harmonia consented at once, aware of just how ridiculous she must appear to be so crumpled on the ground. His presented arm was strong and, as she clung to it, she felt his free hand slip around her waist, helping her to rise. His touch burned her skin, making her blush with both embarrassment and awareness.

“Ouch!” Trying to put her foot on the ground, Harmonia found that, whilst she could stand, there was still some lingering pain.

“Twisted it, mayhap,” Lord Newford murmured, his eyes on hers. “Can I help you home, Miss….?”

“Lady Harmonia,” she answered, her hands still clinging to his arm. “My father is the Duke of Westbrook.”

“Glad to make your acquaintance,” Lord Newford said, quietly. “Now, what are we to do with you? I would be happy to escort you home, if you would consent to going onto the back of my horse? He is a gentle creature, despite appearances.”

Harmonia looked up at the big, black stallion and managed to smile despite the pain in her foot. “I am sure he is, Lord Newford. I think I will be able to walk, thank you.” Her fingers loosened on his sleeve, both disappointed and relieved when his hand left her waist. “Thank you for your assistance.”

“But of course,” he replied, with a small smile. “And I am glad to be introduced to you.”

Harmonia opened her mouth to say that she was as glad as he, only for her name to be called. Closing her eyes briefly, she heard the sound of Luke’s voice coming ever closer and, with a brief smile towards Lord Newford, she turned towards her cousin.

“This is my cousin, Lord Newford,” she murmured, as Luke drew closer. “My sister, Lady Amelia is with him.”

Unfortunately for her, Luke continued to do exactly as he had done before and completely ignored Lord Newford, his eyes narrowed as he drew near her.

“For heaven’s sake, Harmonia, whatever are you doing over here? Your sister and I have been looking all over for you.”

Amelia, appearing just behind Luke, curtsied quickly towards Lord Newford and began to ask him what had happened, only for Luke to take Harmonia’s arm and begin to walk her away from both her sister and Lord Newford.

“Luke!” Harmonia protested, her ankle burning. “Stop! I have twisted my ankle and you cannot simply –”

“Whatever were you doing running away from me like that?” he interrupted, slowing his pace just a little. “That was quite ridiculous of you, Harmonia, and now look what has become of it! You have hurt yourself and now, as a consequence, will most likely not be able to dance at tomorrow evening’s ball. This is all your own fault; Harmonia and I do hope you learn from it.”

Her face burned, and, with an effort, she wrenched her arm from his, standing a little unsteadily. “I am not a child that you need to correct me, Luke,” she said, firmly, her frustration growing as she saw Amelia incline her head and take her leave of Lord Newford. “And it is not your place to take me away from the gentleman who was assisting me. Your rude manner is quite uncalled for.”

Luke’s face grew a dark shade of red, his eyes narrowing as he glared at her. “You and I are –”

“Now, Harmonia,” Amelia interrupted, cheerfully, taking Harmonia’s arm and smiling at her. “Let us get you home. Lord Newford said your ankle appeared to be twisted but you could walk on it.”

“I am sure I will make it home,” Harmonia replied, wanting nothing more than to get away from Luke. “Good day, Luke.”

“Oh, but I had hoped to –”

“Good day,” Amelia interrupted, the cheerful smile still on her face. “I am quite sure we shall see you again very soon, Luke. I do wish you a pleasant afternoon.”

Rose Pearson's Books