Forged in Desire (The Protectors #1)(92)

“You can thank Dr. Fuller for knowing you were in danger,” Detective Ingram said. She then proceeded to tell Margo about the package FBI agent Weaver had delivered to a private investigator and how it exposed the fact that, without their knowledge, a tracking substance had been applied to the hands of everyone in the courtroom that day. That meant no one was safe from the assassin since he was aware of everyone’s location at all times. The mystery had been who he would target next.

“Although Dr. Fuller couldn’t identify you per se, she knew the assassin was headed to a cabin near the Shenandoah Mountains,” Detective Ingram added.

Margo turned to Dr. Fuller. “Thank you.”

Dr. Fuller smiled. “Glad I was able to help. And it was really a team effort. Once I identified the location of the cabin, law enforcement didn’t waste time getting here with the use of several choppers. One of those choppers, I understand, belongs to your uncle, and the others to the Charlottesville Police Department.”

“Now for those questions we need to ask you so we can return you to Mr. Jennings,” Special Agent Hines said, pulling out her notepad.

While Special Agent Hines was taking Margo’s statement, Dr. Randi Fuller got the feeling she was being watched. Looking around, she saw a man crouching low on the ground, dressed in all black. Earlier, she’d heard one of the men call him Quasar Patterson. He was absolutely, spellbindingly gorgeous. With an intensity that made her stomach clench, his gaze was focused directly on her. To get control of the influx of emotions flooding her, she broke eye contact with him to glance over to where several police officers were taping off the crime scene. Temptation got the best of her, and Randi couldn’t help but look back and found him still staring at her. She knew at that precise moment that the man staring at her was destined to be a part of her future.

That realization sent a shiver through her. She forced her gaze from his and tried to concentrate on the questions Special Agent Hines was asking Margo Connelly.


AN HOUR LATER, after law enforcement had finished their questions, three cars pulled up. Four men got out, and Striker recognized them. The Grangers. Sheppard Granger met Striker’s gaze and quickly walked toward him, followed by his sons, Jace, Caden and Dalton.

Sheppard didn’t stop until he was standing close to Striker and Margo, who had rejoined him after giving her statement. “You okay, Striker?”

Striker nodded. “Yes, Shep. I’m okay.”

Striker glanced at one of the men by Shep’s side. “Sorry about your cabin, Jace.”

Jace Granger shook his head. “Don’t be. The main thing is that the both of you are okay,” he said, switching his gaze to Margo and then returning it to Striker. “I can build another cabin, but you only have one life. Besides,” Jace said, as a smile touched his lips, “it was time I did something with the cabin to make it more childproof.”

“You’re getting too good at saving lives, Striker,” Caden Granger said, shaking his head. Striker understood Caden’s comment. A year ago Striker had saved Caden’s life.

Sheppard’s youngest son, Dalton, said with a grin, “Glad you’re in one piece. Hannah would have our asses if you weren’t.” Hannah, the housekeeper and cook at the Granger estate, had all but made it her business to adopt Striker, Quasar, Stonewall—and a few others—as Sheppard’s other sons.

At that moment Chief Harkins came forward. “We kept this under wraps for as long as we could, but now the media are on their way. I suggest the two of you leave now. If we have any more questions, we know how to contact you.”

“Come on, Margo, let me get you out of here,” Frazier said, quickly approaching his niece.

Striker knew Margo was about to refuse to go with her uncle, so he said, “Go on with your uncle, Margo. I’ll drop by your place later to check on you.”

She opened her mouth to say something and then, as if she thought better of it since they had an audience, she nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you in a little while, then.” Striker watched her walk away, knowing she was taking a piece of his heart with her.

“Hey, man,” Quasar said, interrupting Striker’s thoughts. “The SUV is probably toasted since it was parked in the garage. You can ride back to Charlottesville with us.”

He looked at Quasar and Stonewall. “You two aren’t going back on the chopper?”

“No, the Grangers offered us one of their vehicles. And I believe Roland will be riding back to town with them. It’s bonding time for us,” Stonewall said.

Striker knew that was their way of saying the three of them needed to do some serious talking.


“SO WHAT DO you guys want to talk about?” Striker asked a short while later, leaning this head against the headrest and stretching his long legs out in front of him. He would go home and clean up, soak his body in a tub of hot water. Then he would go check on Margo.

“We think you know. Why did you send Margo home with her uncle, when it was obvious she wanted to be with you?” Quasar asked from the backseat.

Striker frowned. “Doesn’t matter. She needed to go with him.” While I get my head screwed on right.

“The two of you hooked up. That’s been obvious, but if there was any doubt in anyone’s mind, I think Margo laid it to rest tonight,” Stonewall said.

Brenda Jackson's Books