Forged in Desire (The Protectors #1)(88)
“The cell reception’s been blocked. Stonewall would have tried checking in with me by now, and when he couldn’t reach me, he’d know something was going on.”
“Do you think that whoever is firing those missiles is responsible for blocking your phone?”
“Probably. I was about to check for any text messages when the explosion happened. I lost my balance, and my phone fell into the toilet. It’s no good to me now.”
“And I left my phone downstairs on the kitchen table,” she said. That was where they’d been, finishing up dinner, when he had swept her into his arms and carried her upstairs.
“What about the security alarm that’s going off? Won’t the police be notified and respond to that?” she asked.
“They should, but the assassin might have blocked that like he did the phones. We can’t wait for anyone to show up. Come on.”
He took a firm hold of her hand as they crawled toward the door.
FOR THE TIME BEING, Striker pushed to the back of his mind the realization that he’d literally fucked up. If he’d been alert, chances were he would have known what was about to go down. Instead of protecting Margo, the only thing he’d cared about was how it felt being between her legs. And now he had placed her life in danger.
But he was determined to get them out of this alive. Afterward, he would have plenty of time to call himself all kinds of fool for desiring her so much.
For falling in love with her so completely.
When they reached the door, he released her hand to grip his revolver. Based on what he could determine, the missile had been fired through the bedroom window. The bastard was probably using one of those illegal handheld missile launchers. Striker’s plan was to get Margo to the wine cellar, where she would be safe. Then he intended to find the bastard and make him regret ever making Margo a target.
Easing the door open, he could see the glow from the ceiling lights they’d left on in the kitchen and living room below. At least he’d had the damn good sense to keep the curtains drawn. Only once, when Margo had complained of not being able to see the beautiful view outside, had he given in and kept them open for a few hours. It had been against his better judgment, but it had been worth it to see the smile on her face.
Striker rose to his feet and brought Margo up with him. “I doubt if anyone has gotten inside, but I’m not taking any chances. Evidently that first missile was to let us know he’s here. He’s probably giving us time to think about that for a minute or two. And that’s where he’s making his second mistake.” His first mistake was even thinking he could take Margo’s life.
Pressing against the wall with Margo, whom he tried keeping behind him, he eased them toward the second set of stairs that led to the cellar. He had checked out the wine cellar the first day and saw it was stocked with several bottles of water as well.
It was only when they reached the stairs that he moved her in front of him to protect her back. “Watch your step. It’s a long way down,” he told her, releasing her wrist, grateful for the emergency lights that shone near the floor to illuminate the way. “Lock the door behind you and stay put until I come back for you.”
She grabbed hold of his arm, frowning. “Why? Where are you going?”
“To take care of business, like I should have been doing all along. Now, please do as I told you.”
She stared at him, and it was as if she was seeing into his very soul. “Take care of yourself, Striker, and come back for me.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment and then he leaned down and kissed her forehead, thinking he would love her forever. “I will. But I don’t want to worry about you. The person I’ll be dealing with is a killer, and I need to concentrate. Stay focused.”
She nodded. “I understand, and I will do what you said. You just make sure you keep your word and come back.” She tilted her mouth for him to kiss her.
He lowered his mouth to hers. Kissing was the last thing they needed to be doing right now, but he figured it was the only thing he wanted to do before he left to make sure her life was never threatened again.
He loved kissing her, loved the way she would respond, contribute and share a part of herself with him. But, knowing he had to go, he broke off the kiss. Instead of saying anything else, she licked her lips, which was her way of letting him know how much she’d enjoyed his taste. She turned and quickly walked down the stairs to the cellar. He held his breath when she opened the door, went inside and closed the door behind her. He heard the lock click in place.
It was only then that he released the breath he’d been holding. Turning with his gun in his hand, he was determined to put an end to the assassin’s killing spree once and for all.
THE ASSASSIN TOOK a sip of his coffee as he leaned against a tree. Nice place, he thought, looking at the huge cabin. Too bad by the time it was over he would have destroyed most of it.
By now the police would have discovered Leonard Small’s body. What pissed him off more than anything was that Small had been expecting him. That was no fun. He liked having the element of surprise on his side. It was no fun when the person knew they were about to die.
He took another sip of coffee, smiling when he thought about how easy it had been to block any calls coming in or going out of the cabin, thanks to a device he’d acquired on the black market last year. He’d also been able to block the police notifications when the security alarm went off. So if they were waiting for the police to respond to the alarm, they were in for a rude awakening.