Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(39)

“We were both lucky to be loved by him.”

She patted Sam’s arm. “Thank you for what you said about me at the service.”

“I meant every word of it. You gave us four years we wouldn’t have had without you.”

“Even when it was awful—and it was awful a lot of the time—they were the best years of my life.”

“I think he would say the same.”

“Not sure that’s true…”

“He loved every minute he spent with you. We all saw the way he looked at you.”

“You’re going to figure out who did this to him, right?”

“Our entire team is devoted to new leads, and we’re very determined.” Sam hesitated to say more, but she had to prepare her stepmother for the possibility that they could still be unsuccessful, even after the bombshell they’d uncovered that day. She couldn’t say anything about that until they knew more, but she wished she could share it with Celia. “Four years is a long time. The case is cold. But we’re going to do everything we can.”

“That’s all I can ask. It won’t bring him back, but the thought of someone out there enjoying his or her life while he’s dead and buried…”

“I know. Believe me. I get it.”

Celia sat up and wiped her face. “Sorry to be such a waterworks.”

“Don’t apologize.”

“It’s good of you to come by and see me. Scotty was here earlier. That boy is such a gem.”

“I know. He adores you. You won’t be getting rid of any of us.”

“That’s fine with me. I’m not sure what I’d do without you.”

Sam finished her wine and leaned in to kiss Celia’s cheek. “You want to come over for dinner? I have no idea what we’re having, but I’m sure Shelby left something.”

“She was over earlier with Noah and the twins. They brought me enchiladas, so I assume that’s what you’re having too.”

“Yum.” Sam’s stomach growled. “She’s the best.”

“Yes, she is. We’re surrounded by good people and lots of love that will get us through this.”

Sam nodded. “I’ll check on you tomorrow.”

“I’ll be here.”

As she got up from the table, Sam had to force herself not to look in the dining room for someone who wasn’t there anymore or listen for the whir of the wheelchair. As she walked out the door, she realized it wasn’t her dad’s house anymore. It was Celia’s house now. A while ago, he’d talked to Sam and her sisters to let them know he was taking steps to ensure Celia was cared for in the event of his death. Sam was glad that he’d seen to those details, because Celia deserved to be well cared for after having given so much to Skip and the rest of them.

Sam went up the ramp to her house, one of the ramps they no longer needed. They’d become such a regular part of her daily routine that she barely noticed them, but she couldn’t imagine the street without them anymore.

Nate, the agent working the door, nodded to her. “Evening, Mrs. Cappuano.”

“Hi, Nate.”

She stepped into bedlam, Scotty on the floor with Alden as Aubrey danced around them.

Nick watched over them, beer in hand and a smile on his face.

It occurred to Sam that her husband finally had the family he’d always wanted, which made her happy on a day that had left her numb with shock. Even in the midst of despair and sorrow, joy crept in to remind her that life went on even when you didn’t think it possibly could.

Aubrey let out a happy shriek when she saw Sam and ran over to her.

Sam scooped up the little girl, who smelled of peanut butter, and kissed her soft cheek. “What’s going on here? I left you in charge of the boys.”

Aubrey giggled. “Scotty tickled Alden and then that happened.”

Alden had Scotty pinned. “Admit defeat.”

“Never!” Scotty toppled Alden, which restarted the wrestling and the screaming laughter from the little boy.

His laughter was one of the best things Sam had ever heard, especially after the days of silence that had followed the deaths of his parents.

Aubrey squiggled in her arms. “I need to help Alden.”

“Don’t hurt my Scotty.”

Aubrey dashed over and landed on top of them, drawing a loud ooph from Scotty.

Sam glanced at Nick, who slid an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “Should we be allowing this?”

“They’re working off the last of their energy. They’ll sleep well.” He looked down at her. “How’d it go today?”

“I’ll tell you after we get the kids in bed.”


“Yeah. I heard there’re enchiladas?”

“You heard correctly, and they’re amazing.”

“You got this? I need to eat.”

“I got it. Go ahead.” He gave her another kiss and released her. “Five minutes to bath time.”

“Haha.” Scotty playfully headlocked Alden. “You gotta take a bath.”

“You have to take a shower,” Nick said to Scotty.

Alden laughed and stuck his tongue out at Scotty.

Amused by their sibling-like banter, Sam went into the kitchen to eat while Nick supervised baths. She finished eating the delicious enchiladas and went upstairs in time to snuggle up to Alden while Nick read them a story about hungry bears breaking out of a zoo and running free in a neighborhood. The story and the voices Nick used to read it made both children laugh.

Marie Force's Books