Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(17)

“What do you need today?”

“You, right here with me.”

“Nowhere else I’d rather be every day, but especially today.”

“We’re meeting with the department rep at ten and then the funeral home. We probably ought to have Brant and Debra at the meeting with the rep so they know what we’ll be doing and when.”

“I’ll let them know. Anything else you want or need, you just tell me.”

Scotty returned to the kitchen, backpack on his shoulder, and came to a stop when he saw them wrapped up in each other. “There’s a child in the room.”

Nick smiled at Sam as he released her. “Nothing to see here.”

“I suppose some kissing is to be expected in light of her loss, but let’s keep it respectable. Alden and Aubrey are too young to be exposed to such goings-on.”

“Go to school.” Sam tried not to crack up. That would only encourage him.

He grabbed the lunch Shelby had made for him the night before and tucked it into his backpack. “Later, peeps.”

“Have a good day, and if it turns into a rough day, call us,” Nick said.

“I will. You take care of her.” Scotty nodded to his mother.

“I’m on it. Don’t worry.”

Scotty was almost to the door when he turned back. “Hey, Mom? Do you think I could maybe say something about Gramps at the funeral?”

“I think that would be awesome.”

“Okay. I’ll work on it.” He was out the door like a shot, talking to the agents who would accompany him to school.

“I can’t believe he didn’t take the chance to stay home,” Nick said.

“He said Gramps would want him to go, and you’ll be glad to hear that he’s going to start taking school more seriously, also because Gramps would want that.”

Feigning shock, Nick rested his hand on his heart. “Don’t mess with me about this. It’s too important.”

Sam laughed. “It’s true. He said it.”

“I need a minute to process this development.”

“Don’t start calling Harvard quite yet. We still have to get him through high school math.”

“True.” He checked his watch. “Let’s go rouse our littles so they’re ready when Shelby gets here.”

Bringing a second cup of coffee with her, Sam went ahead of him up the stairs to the bedroom Aubrey and Alden were sharing.

Sam sat on the bed next to Aubrey. “Good morning.”

The little girl looked up at her with big eyes. “Is Mommy here?” Then she seemed to remember what’d happened.

Every time they asked for their late parents, Sam’s heart broke all over again for them.

“Sorry.” Aubrey hugged her stuffed bear a little tighter. “I forgot.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. That’s apt to happen for a while.”

“I heard somebody say that your daddy died too.”

“He did.”

“Are you sad?”

“I am.”

Aubrey sat up and held out her chubby little arms to Sam, who leaned into her embrace, closing her eyes against the rush of emotion.

Nick cleared his throat and turned his focus on Alden, who was watching them with the wise, knowing way that made him seem older than his years. He had witnessed the horror at his home the night his parents were killed. The therapist had told Sam it was hard to tell what he would remember later, but it was possible the memories of the awful night that had changed his life forever would never fade completely.

Sam and Nick worked together to get the children washed and dressed for school.

As they trooped down the stairs to see to breakfast, the front door opened and the Secret Service admitted Freddie and Elin. At first, Sam was so shocked to see them that she didn’t immediately react. “What are you doing here?” She greeted her partner and his wife with hugs.

Freddie held Sam for a long moment. “You know what we’re doing here.”

“You didn’t have to come home.”

“Yes, we did.” He released her but kept his hands on her shoulders. “What can we do?”

“Since you defied my orders and came home when I told you not to, will you be part of the honor guard with the rest of the squad?”

“Of course I will. What else?”

“I don’t know yet. Can I get back to you?”

“We’re here for whatever you need.”

“We’re so sorry, Sam.” Elin’s eyes were bright with unshed tears. “For the rest of my life, I’ll never forget him getting us pole-dancing lessons as a bachelor party gift.”

Sam laughed at the memory. “Trust me, neither will I.”

“He was the best,” Freddie said.

“Yes, he was. I’m sorry that your honeymoon was interrupted. He would’ve hated to be the cause of that.”

“We wouldn’t have been able to enjoy it,” Freddie said. “There’s talk of a candlelight vigil at HQ tonight.”

“Is there?” Sam asked, touched by the gesture.

Freddie nodded. “People remember what happened to him, Sam. They’ve never forgotten.”

“That’s good to know. Hopefully, we’ll get some new leads to follow.”

Marie Force's Books