Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(15)

“Thank you for being the sweetest boy I know. You really helped me today.”

“Love you,” Scotty said.

Celia teared up as she hugged him. “Love you too. Your gramps was super proud of you.”

Scotty swiped subtly at tears as he got up to join his parents for the short walk home.

Sam put her arm around him. “You made me very proud today. Thank you for being so good to Celia.” They walked slowly as Brant and Debra kept a respectful distance behind them.

“I love her.”

“I know you do, buddy.”

“She’ll still be, like, my grandma even though Gramps died, right?”

“Of course she will.”

“Is she mad with you about something?” Scotty asked.

“Yeah, she is,” Sam said with a sigh.


“When everything happened earlier, I was the one who told the paramedics that Gramps had a DNR and wouldn’t want extraordinary measures.”

“What’s a DNR and what do you mean by extraordinary measures?”

“DNR stands for do not resuscitate, and it’s a form people sign when they don’t want medical personnel to go all out to save their lives.”

“Why would he sign something like that?”

“Because, pal,” Nick said, “if his body shut down on him, he wanted to be allowed to pass away peacefully and not be brought back to life.”

“Gramps didn’t want to die,” Sam said, “but he also didn’t want heroic measures if his body decided it was time.”

“You have to think about the way he’d been forced to live for the last four years,” Nick added. “He made it look easy, but it was a very, very difficult thing to contend with on a daily basis. As much as we’ll miss him, I’d like to hope he’s in a better place tonight where there’s no such thing as paralysis.”

“That would be nice.” As they went up the ramp to their home, Scotty glanced at his mother. “Will Celia forgive you?”

“I sure hope so. I really think it was the best decision for Gramps, or I never would’ve done it.”

“She’ll realize that, babe.” Nick squeezed her shoulder. “When she’s had time to process it.”

In the living room, Shelby was curled up on the sofa with Noah asleep in her arms and Avery stretched out on the sofa, his head on her leg as they watched a movie.

“So sorry to keep you guys so late,” Sam said.

Avery sat up and straightened his hair. “How’re you holding up?”

“I’m okay. How’re our littles?”

“They’re tucked into bed and their backpacks are ready for the morning,” Shelby said. “I’ll be here to get them off to school.”

“Do I have to go to school?” Scotty asked his parents.

“That’s totally up to you,” Sam said. “You can decide in the morning if you feel up to it.”

Under normal circumstances, the chance to take an unscheduled day off from school would’ve been met by jubilation. Tonight, Scotty said, “I’ll think about it.”

Sam hugged him. “If you need us during the night, you know where we are.”

When Sam released him, Shelby stepped up to hug him after handing Noah to Avery. “Hope you’re hanging in there, pal.”

“Thanks, Shelby.” Scotty hugged Nick. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

After he trudged upstairs, Shelby reached for Noah’s blanket. “We’ll get out of your hair. I’ll see you in the morning?”

Sam hugged her. “Thank you so much for today.”

“No need to thank me. I’m glad there was something I could do.”

Sam and Nick waited for Shelby and Avery to depart with Noah before they headed upstairs to bed, looking in on Aubrey and Alden, who were sound asleep in the big bed they were sharing for now. They preferred to be together, which was fine.

Debra was on duty outside Scotty’s room.

“Isn’t it time to go home?” Sam asked.

Debra shrugged. “I offered to give a few more hours.”

“That’s very good of you.”

“I hope you’re able to get some rest.”

“I’m going to try,” Sam said. “Good night.”


Nick ushered her into the bedroom and closed the door. “We’re not the only ones who love that boy of ours.”

“Debra was amazing today. If there’s anything you can do for her…”

“I’ll pass it along.” He put his arms around her and held her close. “I wish there was something I could say or do that would ease your grief, sweetheart.”

“Having you here really helps.”

“I’ll always be sorry I wasn’t here earlier when you needed me.”

“It’s okay. I was very well supported, and I’m very glad to have you home.”

“Me too. Let’s go to bed.”

Sam went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and then dropped her clothes in a pile on the floor to be dealt with tomorrow. She slid naked into bed and held out her arms to him when he joined her a minute later. After a week of craving the feel of his skin against hers, she sighed with relief.

Marie Force's Books