Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(14)

Nick kissed the top of Scotty’s head. “I need to see Mom.”

Scotty nodded. “Yes, you do.”

Nick brushed the tears from his son’s face, his heart breaking for him. “Are you all right?”

“I’m trying to be.”

“I’ll be right back, okay?”

“Okay.” Scotty released him and went back to Celia, who received him with outstretched arms.

As Nick moved toward the kitchen, people got out of his way to let him through, which kept him from knocking them over in his haste to get to her. He pushed through the door to the kitchen, where Sam leaned on the shoulder of her beloved chief and uncle, Joe. When Nick walked in, she gasped and lit up with pure pleasure at the sight of him. No one had ever looked at him the way she did.

“I’ll give you two a minute.” Joe released Sam, stood and shook Nick’s hand on the way out of the room.

Sam stood and launched herself into his arms.

Gathering her into his embrace, Nick could finally breathe again because he was back where he belonged, with the only woman he’d ever truly loved wrapped around him, bringing the distinctive fragrance of jasmine and vanilla that he would recognize anywhere in the world as the scent of love.

“Thank God you’re home.”

“I’m so sorry it took so long and that I wasn’t here when you needed me.”

“You’re here now. That’s what matters.”

Over her shoulder, his gaze landed on the empty hospital bed and wheelchair in the dining room, his eyes filling with tears. He would dearly miss Skip and his steady presence in their lives, his words of wisdom and the way he looked out for Sam as best he could, even after his devastating injury. The loss would leave a huge hole in all their lives that could never be filled, but no hole would be bigger than the one left for Sam.

“Your dad and Stacy are here.”

He’d been so intent on getting to her, he hadn’t noticed anyone else besides Scotty. “Nice of them to come.”

“Everyone has been so incredibly nice.”

“Everyone loved him.”

“You should go see them.”

“I will.” He buried his face into her hair. “But first I need some more of this.”

She held on tighter to him. “So do I.”

* * *

THEY SPENT HOURS greeting friends, members of Sam’s squad and others from work, including her father’s good friend Deputy Chief Conklin, as well as Dr. Lindsey McNamara, FBI Agent Avery Hill, Dr. Trulo, Detective Erica Lucas, Lieutenant Archelotta and all three of the identical Miller triplets, who served as Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the District of Columbia. The people kept coming all afternoon and into the evening.

Around eight, Sam helped her sisters divide the food that had been brought among their four households. They were cleaning up the kitchen when Scotty escorted their mother, Brenda, into the room.

“I was in Richmond for the weekend and just heard the news.” Tears filled Brenda’s eyes as she hugged each of her daughters. “I’m so sorry.”

Sam returned her mother’s embrace, thinking that this was the first time she’d seen her mother in this kitchen in more than twenty years, which was bizarre to say the least. “Thanks for coming.”

“I was hoping Celia wouldn’t mind if I came to see you girls.”

“She doesn’t mind,” Tracy said.

“How is she?” Brenda asked.

“Not great,” Angela said. “Which is understandable. She’s devoted her life to his care for almost four years. What would we have done without her?”

“He wouldn’t have lasted this long without her,” Sam said bluntly, sagging against the counter, losing her steam now that the house had begun to empty and the gritty reality began to set in.

“True,” Tracy said.

“I think it’s time to get the kids home and into bed,” Angela said.

“Are you sending Scotty to school tomorrow?” Tracy asked Sam.

“Only if he feels up to it. I’ll let him decide.” She hugged her mother again. “Thanks for coming by. We appreciate it.”

“Please let me know if I can do anything for any of you in the next few days. I’m here for whatever you need.”

Sam appreciated the kind offer. “What I need right now is some time with the kids, some time with my husband and some sleep. I’ll check in with you guys in the morning.”

She hugged her sisters and went into the living room, where Scotty was still seated with Celia and her two sisters. Mike, Spencer and Nick were still there, along with Brant and Debra, who were there because of Nick and Scotty.

Nick stood when she came into the room. “Ready to head home, babe?”

Sam nodded and then turned to her stepmother. “I’ll be over in the morning for the meeting with the department rep at ten, okay?”

Celia nodded. “Thank you.”


“Go get some rest, Sam. We’re all going to need it.”

Celia’s anger cut Sam to the quick. But now was not the time or the place to address it. There would be time for that after they laid her father to rest.

“Let’s go home, Scotty.”

He hugged and kissed Celia. “I’ll be over tomorrow.”

Marie Force's Books