Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(34)

Geo’s heart thumped, a fresh gush of love-lust going through him. “You feel good to me too. Like I just discovered my favorite flavor. Like tasting mint chocolate chip ice cream for the first time.”

“I can’t be rocky road?”

Geo widened his eyes in fake outrage and clutched his chest. “Oooh, foreshadowing! The burn.”

Travis laughed. “You’re right. That’s a terrible name. I’m going to have to pick a new favorite flavor.”

He led the way from the trees. Geo wanted to take Travis’s hand but knew it wasn’t wise, so he crossed his arms over his chest instead.

At the cabin, Travis turned. “Goodnight, Geo.”

“Night, Travis.”

Travis walked away, and Geo felt a sense of elation that was hard to contain. He tilted his head back to look at the stars once again. They’d never seemed closer or so bright.

Chapter 16

“But I don’t wanna cook. Why can’t I do archery? Geo, please?”

Jayden was giving him puppy-dog eyes as they carried their breakfast trays to their table. The argument had been going on since they woke up that morning, broken only by “Chicken Fat” calisthenics and then the food line.

“Come on, bud. We’re making cookies,” Geo wheedled. “That’s a serious life skill. If you were lost in the Alaskan wilderness, wouldn’t you want to know how to make cookies?”

Jayden shrugged. “I’d take a box of Oreos. Besides, I ain’t never going to be lost in the wilderness. Ain’t never going anywhere there aren’t supermarkets. That’s just askin’ for trouble.”

The kid had a point.

“I thought it would be nice if you, me, and Lucy did something together at camp,” Geo tried.

Lucy was on Geo’s left, scuffling along with her tray in her purple sandals, her knees bright with princess Band-Aids. Her eyes were distant like she wasn’t paying any attention to the conversation or much else this morning.

Jayden glanced over at Lucy resentfully. “If I have to do something with you, does it have to be something dumb like cooking?”

Geo had been patient with Jayden, still feeling the afterglow from last night. But this last comment stung. He started to speak when a deep voice interrupted.


Travis came up from behind them with his tray. He was wearing his usual Camp Evermore T-shirt and athletic shorts. But Geo couldn’t help remembering grabbing onto his T-shirt last night, fisting it while sucking on Travis’s tongue. He pressed his lips tight to suppress any unwanted sounds and gripped his tray harder.

Warning. Children present. Do not think about sex. Repeat: do not think about sex.

“Morning,” Geo replied, managing not to squeak.

Travis’s sunglasses were up on his head, and his blue eyes were warm as his gaze met Geo’s for a moment, like he was remembering too.

Travis cleared his throat. “So. What are you guys doing today?”

Jayden pouted.

“Welp, Lucy and I are taking the cooking class this morning. I signed Jayden up but he’s not really feeling it.”

“I want to do archery with Stryker,” Jayden said resentfully. His face brightened. “Hey, remember how you said archery was all badass and like Green Arrow and stuff?” He looked at Geo. “See? Travis thinks I should do archery.”

Geo gave Travis a wide-eyed look. The kid was playing them off each other already.

“I have a better idea,” Travis said. “Stryker and Aiden are signed up for my baseball clinic this morning. I work with kids on their batting, pitching, and catching.” He looked at Geo, a tiny smile at the corner of his mouth. “Too bad Geo can’t come. But I have the feeling he’s already pretty good at pitching.”

Geo smirked. “I’m better at catching,” he said with a pointed look.

“Ooh! Can I go?” Jayden bounced up and down with his tray. “Oh, dude! That would be the best ever! Can I, Travis? Geo, please?” Jayden looked back and forth between them, expression pleading.

“The class is probably filled up, Jay. We didn’t mark you down for that on the activity sheet.”

“That’s okay.” Travis held his tray with one hand so he could reach out and cup Jayden’s shoulder. “You can come if you want.”

“Awesome!” Jayden crowed.

“If it’s okay with Geo,” Travis added. He looked at Geo questioningly, as if wondering if he’d overstepped his bounds.

Geo shrugged. “Hey, a baseball clinic with a pro would an incredible experience. Thanks for being willing to fit him in, Travis.”

“No worries. I’ll see you guys later.” Travis looked at Lucy. “Good morning, Princess Lucy.”

Lucy didn’t seem to hear him and didn’t respond. She was tired this morning and still lost in her own head. So Geo assured Travis she was doing fine.

Travis moved on towards the counselor table, and Geo absolutely did not watch the way his ass looked in those silky athletic shorts as he walked. He and the kids sat at Van and Bridget’s table, as they’d been doing every meal, Jayden down at the other end with Stryker and Aiden.

“Good morning.” Geo put down his tray and then helped Lucy get settled.

Eli Easton's Books