Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(38)

When they got to the beach, Lucy immediately went to follow Jayden into the water.

“Hold up, Luce Goose.” Geo put a hand on her shoulder and squatted down beside her. “Are you sure you want to go in the water today? I thought because of the owies on your knees and hand, you might like to sit on the beach with me and play with your dolls. The water might sting a little.”

Lucy looked at the backpack with her dolls in Geo’s hands and then at the water where Jayden was splashing around with Stryker. She pointed to the water. “Swim in the water,” she said distinctly and with no room for doubt.

Geo felt a thrill of hope. She interacted with the world so much more here at camp than she had at home. That she’d choose swimming with other kids to playing with her dolls, even with her owies, was a huge step, and he was so proud of her he wanted to hug her and fuss over her. But he didn’t.

“Okay, sweetie. If you want to. But let’s put sun cream on first, okay?”

“Uh-huh,” Lucy said.

Geo slathered Lucy in waterproof sun cream, avoiding the Band-Aided areas. “Go ahead, then. I’ll be right here watching.”

Trish took the kids through swimming lessons, alternating between the pee-wee group and the older group Jayden was in. Joe was there too, working with the older kids. Geo was so absorbed he jumped when someone plopped down on the grass next to him. He turned to look, expecting Bridget or Van. But instead he got a full brain-slap of gorgeous. It was Travis, chest bare, swim trunks on. Thighs all thick slabs of muscle. Oh God. And those damn sexy sunglasses.

Geo might have gasped.

Travis gave him a sultry smile. “Hey.”

Geo shaded his eyes with his hand, the better to appreciate the vision of Travis’s chest. He had a body to die for, of course, with well-defined shoulders and pecs and a hint of a six-pack. But the dark hair was unexpected. It was neatly shaved along his chest, but a fuzzy happy trail had been left natural. Damn, he was sexy.

“Are you trying to kill me?” Geo asked.

Travis pursed his lips, watching the kids in the water instead of looking at Geo. “Thought I might go swimming. This is the usual apparel for such activities.”

“Gah, I say.”

“Should I have worn my Speedos?”

Geo made himself look away. It was rude to ogle. And he was being incredibly obvious. He looked around and, yup, they were being watched by some of the moms and families. Or more likely, Travis was being watched. Geo wasn’t the only one who appreciated a fine male form.

Geo cleared his throat and reminded himself to cool it. “You’re not on duty this afternoon?”

“Nah, I have the afternoon off after baseball clinic. And I needed to get some sun on my shoulder.” He cupped his right shoulder with his left hand and rotated it.

“Oh. Is it sore?”

“Yup. Occupational hazard. At the clubhouse I do hydrotherapy and massage.”

“Hmm. I’d be happy to volunteer. For completely altruistic reasons, of course.” Geo spoke casually and didn’t look at Travis. He could totally do this “pretend we’re just bros” thing.

“I might take you up on that. Later.”

A frisson of anticipation went down Geo’s spine and he put his knees up and propped his elbows on them. Bros. They were just bros. Two bros chilling on the beach.

“Hey, guys!” Cindy plopped down next to Travis. “How was the baseball clinic?”

“Great. I think everyone had a good time.”

Geo decided that was his cue. He didn’t trust himself to linger without touching or at least drooling a little. He stood up. “Swimming lessons are over. I’m gonna go play with Lucy a bit.”

“Hang on,” Travis said. “This morning, Jayden mentioned something about swimming out to the floating dock if he had an adult with him. You wanna do that while I watch Lucy? It’ll give you a chance to spend some time with him.”

Geo blinked. The thoughtfulness of it blindsided him. “Yeah. Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

They stared at each other.

“So…” Geo jerked a thumb over his shoulder toward the water. “You’ll keep an eye on Lucy, then?”

“Yup. I’ll go in with her right now.”


Geo made himself turn away. It was like pulling himself off a man-sized magnet. Jesus, he was ridiculous. But if he was, he didn’t think Travis was far behind.

Jayden was practicing swimming at the deepest end of the large family area, which was only about four feet deep. He stopped and treaded water when Geo waded up.

“Hey. Wanna go out to the floating dock with me?” Geo asked.

“Hell, yeah!” Jayden said eagerly. He looked so happy, Geo didn’t have the heart to correct his language.

They went under the string of buoys and swam out to the dock. It wasn’t too far, and Jayden made it on his own, stopping to dog paddle and rest once. Geo stayed close to him, encouraging him, and when they got to the dock, he boosted Jayden up the short ladder before hoisting himself.

They wiped the water off their faces and stood there grinning.

“I can’t believe how well you’re swimming after just a few days, Jay.”

“Aw, Trish is a good teacher.” Jayden got a devious look. “And she’s hot.”

Eli Easton's Books