Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(30)

Amidst the cheers of his teammates, Geo held the ball up, arms in a V for victory. “Yes! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

Travis shook his head at Geo’s over-the-top enthusiasm, but he was smiling.

“Third out!” called Cindy, who was playing ump. “Goldenrods are up to bat.”

Travis jogged for home plate. Geo came up alongside him.

“Nice catch, history teacher,” Travis teased.

“Yup. Four years in Little League,” Geo said with exaggerated swagger, tongue poking his cheek. He polished the ball on his T-shirt like an apple.

Travis laughed. “Color me impressed.”

“Try not to let it intimidate you.” Geo gave Travis a sporty bro pat. On his ass. And jogged ahead.

He’d patted Travis’s ass.

Travis tripped over his feet, but he managed to just stumble and not fall on his face. He stared after Geo, who jogged up to home base and gave Jayden a high-five. He was gonna kill the guy.

Or marry him.

What? What the fuck was that?

A chill went through Travis, a prickling delight-dread that made the hairs on his arms stand up. But no, it had just been a random brain fart, that was all. Word association or something. Travis shook his head to clear it. He wasn’t marrying anyone. Even if he someday came out, he wasn’t… No.

“Come on, team! Batter up,” he called out, clapping his hands.

Sixth inning. Geo was ready for the game to be over. It was fucking hot on the ball field, all open and exposed, the sun baking down. And he was also not sure how much more Travis-watching he could take—him with his silky burgundy gym shorts and a sweaty Camp Evermore green shirt stretched over those muscles. His long legs were tanned and well-defined from hours at the gym.

Those thighs could fucking crack walnuts. Dude.

Damn, but that was one fine-looking man. Geo knew he should lay off though. Travis had made himself clear.

Only he hadn’t. At all. One minute, Travis seemed into him. He sought out Geo’s company, like the way he kept coming by the cabin at night. And the next minute, he’d put distance between them, ignoring Geo or closing himself off behind a granite-like expression and those eye-hiding shades. And Travis had laid a clear line in the sand. Not at camp. Not gonna happen.

Yup. That was fine. Sure, Geo hadn’t been mutually attracted to a guy that hot in ages. Or ever, really. But Geo hadn’t come to camp to fool around. He had other priorities.

It did make him wonder though. Bridget had said Travis wasn’t out. A quick Google search last night had confirmed that. In fact, Geo had been shocked to discover there’d never been an out baseball player in the major leagues. Like, in the history of American baseball. Which was tragic. No wonder Travis was in the closet. It had to suck monkey balls living like that. Especially with all the women who threw themselves at him constantly. There were a dozen women on the sidelines right now who looked ready to have his babies. That had to be weird for a gay guy. Didn’t it?

Geo himself was always super uncomfortable when women came on to him. He felt compelled to blurt out, “I’m gay!” in the first five minutes. It was just too weird, otherwise.

Then again, Travis’s love life was none of Geo’s business. Maybe the guy was bisexual. Maybe he liked dating women just fine.

Jayden came up to bat. Geo focused on his son, clapping hard. “Come on, Jayden! You’ve got this!”

Jayden took a wide stance beside the plate, both hands gripping the bat, choked up a little. Travis had spent a few minutes with Jayden at the start of the game, showing him how to stand, and Jayden copied him exactly. The kid was a great mimic. He’d been nervous at first, tense and defensive. But by now, he just looked focused. He stared, narrow-eyed, at Frank as Frank pitched an easy ball.

Geo loved that about this game—that everyone tried to give the kids easy wins, and no one took the competition seriously.

Jayden hit the ball hard. It flew a short way then plonked to the ground and skipped along fast. It headed down the center line, then veered towards third base and Travis’s side of the field.

“Go Jayden! Go!” Geo shouted. He went after the ball. In his peripheral vision, he saw Jayden round first base and keep running.

Travis was going after the ball too, dodging low. He scooped it up. He was going to throw it to third base, keep Jayden back on second. Geo couldn’t let that happen.

He dove in front of Travis, crowding him, holding an arm out to block Travis from throwing the ball.

Travis snorted, bemused. “What are you doing? You’re on my team.” He backed up, trying to get away from Geo.

“Blood before bros, man,” Geo said with fake gravity. He kept up with Travis, step for step, grabbing Travis’s right arm in a firm grip so he couldn’t raise the ball.

“Stop it!” Travis laughed. “Dork. That’s not legal.”

“Don’t care.”

They took three steps back, almost like they were dancing. Geo held Travis’s right arm, staring him down. Travis met his gaze, a goofy smile on his lips. Back and back they stumbled. Suddenly, Travis got a sparkle in his eyes. He ducked under Geo’s arm in a swift move, drew back his arm, and sent the ball sailing.

Right to home plate. But Jayden got there first. Umpire Cindy made the motion with her hands: safe.

Eli Easton's Books