Fallen Crest High(90)

"Shut up." I frowned at him.

He shook his head, still laughing. "Not at you, not at you…" More laughter and he clapped a hand to his knee a few times. "Look at you." He held a hand up.

"You look like you went swimming and I know it's because you went running.

Most girls want to look their hottest and you're…I'm sorry to say, but you go the opposite way. I like it. I really do. I admire it."

"Shut up." I frowned at him. "Where's my room?"

He pointed upstairs, still laughing, and choked out, "Fourth floor, second door on your right."

Fourth floor. I couldn't believe there was a fourth floor. And then I remembered the Kade mansion, which wasn't that small compared to this beast of a home, and decided to keep my mouth closed. When I was rounding the first set of stairs, I ran into Adam. He was going downstairs dressed in his swimming trunks and a glass of something in his hand.

He drew back and grinned. "Hey."

"Hey." I eyed the plastic cup. "What are we drinking?"

He grimaced and rolled his eyes. "Something to get me in the party mood.

Where'd you go? You took off right away and Logan said you had something to do. No one questioned him, we didn't feel we could, but…where'd you go?"

I shrugged. "I went running."

He frowned. "You run?"


"Oh." He skimmed me up and down.

I fidgeted under the weight of his gaze, now self-conscious. "So, anyway…you and Becky are on this floor?"

"Yeah." He drew upright. "We're in a back corner."

"And Tanya? Becky said she was coming?"

He looked away and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah…I think her and Tate will share a room in the basement. I think those are the only rooms left."

I nodded. "Does Logan know Tate is coming?"

He met my gaze for a second and just for a second the real Adam was there, the one who meant it when he promised me the world. He spoke in regret,


I shook my head. "Do you know what you're doing? Logan is going to flip when he knows she's here."

"From what I hear Logan isn't the problem." His jaw clenched and he looked away.

There it was. The unspeakable name, one of the many reasons Adam and I no longer trusted each other and as I confessed that, I wondered when that had happened—when I lost my trust in him and when he did with me? Well, I could guess when he'd lost his with me.

I took a breath and braved the front. I named the name that was between us.

"Mason will know you invited her. Mason hates her."

He swung his gaze to me and I saw the pained look in them.

I fought myself from cringing in sympathy.

He wrung out, "Do you even know why he hates her so much? And what does that have to do with you?"

"Do you?"

"No." He shook his head. "But I don't have to deal with it. I care less who he likes or who he doesn't—"

"Are you kidding me?" I folded my arms over my chest and cut in. My chest was starting to rise, up and down, up and down. My heart was starting to race again. "You don't care? About me? You don't care about me? Because you know I'm connected to them. I'm connected to them in a way that few are. They're going to be my family, Adam. I can't ignore that. And I think you want me to do that, but I can't."

"Sam, she isn't your issue. She has nothing to do with you!"

Tijan's Books